How do you ask a woman out on a date?

Let me say one other thing that may seem unrelated but ...

I used to interview people ... and I had to review hundreds upon hundreds of resumes ... please only send me a one page resume because it's just takes too much time to read your 2 and 3 page resumes ... oh wait, I'm on the wrong thread ...

There was a woman who called us asking for a job interview ... She probably talked to all 8 of us who worked in the office. Finally, I told my manager "let's just interview her. I'm tired of talking to her on the phone." Well, we ended up hiring her and she turned out to be probably our best employee.

So, yeah, I'm going to make additional efforts in the next week or so.

Squeaky wheel gets the grease and I guess I'm looking for the grease.
Oh Lord,

There seems to be a lot of you who don't understand. I don't know what kind of goggles you're wearing.

All of these comments about obsessing are ridiculous.

She's someone I've known and worked closely with at work for a couple of years. I know her very well. We exchange e-mail almost every day.

Gaaaaawd, all I'm saying is that I see her almost every day, have worked with her, especially over the last 5 months, and that it would be cool to go out with her.

Quit with the obsession/psycho comments. This is a ******* message board so I guess I ought to expect there to be idiots.

Have any of you ever had an adult relationship? Oh, no, apparently not because we have numerous threads bouncing around about how people have never been in a relationship lasting longer than 3 months.
I think we have found the one person who can watch Swingers and not fast forward through the answering machine scene. This can't be real at this point. How did it take 3000 posts for this level you to pull a shamewoods on us?

Just a question here but how did you get involved with the other top closest double secret probation girls of your life? I mean they didn't even have the interweb (or barely) when you got married right?
Lay low for a couple days. Then start up your normal emails that you say you have with her. Talk business. She'll see you aren't obsessing (which you say you aren't) and she'll be more comfortable. Who knows? She may take you up on it sooner or later. Give it time.
how are we doofuses and idiots for having a differing opinion? i think there's a word for that kind of thinking.

and as much as you might not believe it, besides a few name calling posts, and a few joking bike related napolean dynamite posts, this thread is actually full of people trying to give constructive and helpful advice.

there's nothing wrong with being "obsessive", as we've all been there. problem is, typically when you're there, it's difficult to make certain judgment calls from the inside. you just might not realize things right now, but you will later.
Cliff's Notes Version of "How do you ask a woman out on a date"

Page 1- Discussion of poster's desire to ask out a former work acquaintance.

Pages 2-7 - Random bike jokes, and posters encouraging poster to nut up and ask the girl out

Page 7 - Poster threatening to close thread stating readers don't fully understand the situation

Page 8 - Poster takes advice and asks girl out

Page 9-10 - Discussion covering viability of using email as a form of asking a girl out. Poster calling and leaving voice message.

Page 10-12 - Readers advise poster not to show up and ask 5 more times. Poster again threatens to close thread.

Prediction for pages 13-25 - discussion of legality over restraining orders and how far 200 feet really is when keeping one's distance.

Underlying themes:
long-term relationships
internet confidence
golf's impact on focusness

I think that about covers it for anyone picking this up late. God Bless Hornfans.
First I thought this thread was a bit odd, but the OPs intentions sounded legitimate enough. Then I thought this was one big scheme when he started talking about persistence (even after the Swingers references). Now I'm beginning to think PO1D is the real deal.

whiskey tango foxtrot, dude? Relationships take work, and are not easy, but this isn't something you obsess over until it's working the way you want (like grades, work, or a skill). You sent the girl an email because "you know her," and know "it's her best form of contact." Her NOT replying is a reply in and of itself.

Now, I'm not saying you should quit, but judging by your behavior and descriptions JUST on this forum, give it up...
And I'm going to offer you this advice from a woman (just because I know for sure that my sliding glass door and bedroom windows are indeed locked): Women should not be confused with your golf swing - there is a fine line between persistence and needy. I have never dated a man that had to 'ask me into submission'. Never.

If this woman is a professional, successful and confident, you will have her running to the nearest exit if you ask her over and over. Not to mention throwing your 'friendship' away.

And honestly, if you already have a 'friendship' with this woman, she's more than likely already decided on whether or not you are date material - Just my opinion.

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