How do you ask a woman out on a date?

Look, Bud. If she says "no", just say, "Well, if you change your mind let me know", then go on like nothing happened. That will take the pressure off both of you.
[5th place gir]
..While eating Whole Foods and acting curious about the email and brought food...
[/5th place girl while eating her Whole Foods tomorrow]

[PO1D] "Yeah...It's just that I really value our working relationship, but if you ever just wanted to hang out, I think that would be cool. I like outdoorsy type stuff like Blues on the Green and riding bikes. What kind of things do you like to do?" [/PO1D]

[5th place girl]
...It doesn't matter how she responds, because life is good.
[/5th place girl]

It really is that easy.
You asked her out via Email? Who's the shenanigan that recommended that? I'm no Mr. Confidence, balls of steel, etc. kind of guy, but isn't that a bit impersonal? A phone call wouldn't have been that bad...
yeah, i'll be damned if after checking into this thread pre and post surrealness that I don't get some closure.

Everytime I rolled by this board, this thread was getting longer and longer. I wondered. How, how could a thread about asking a woman out get over a page or two? And now I have my answer. This board never ceases to amaze.

Now I am off to find pics of me, my bikes, my dog, my stuff to send to UTGal.
if this one doesn't work out, ask out another, but this time do it in person. If she says no, ask out another. At some point one will say yes - even if it is to get a free meal. I took out ladies on dates that told me straight up that this was going to go no where, but if i wanted company for dinner, they were down. It was a start and one of those ended up being a girlfriend for a while. Good luck!
I was going to start a thread asking how to ask a guy out on a date, but.....never mind.
Regarding email, i suppose it's just personal preference. I like gettings emails. I like reading emails. I like funny, thoughtful emails, and since PO1D is a WRITER (as referenced in his person of the week blog), and that is an easier form of communication for many, i thought it would work for him - especially since in person he may risk overdoing the asking out thing and making it too formal/serious.

After all, my current beau and I conducted much of our initial communications via the interwebs, and it's still going strong. But, I am an outed internet nerd and like to post on many a BBS, so I guess it may depend on the chick. Methinks PO1D's chick of choice is not some sorority girl hanging out at the Aquarium every weekend, though, so I doubt email is a bad thing to her - especially if it is often her primary form of communication.

Don't lock the thread! I want to know what happens! Did you ever go out with UTGal??? What did 5th Lady respond?
some drunk chick had the best line for hitting on me at lucky lounge one night a few months back. she "lost" her jacket and kept looking down at my feet then back up at me and smiling.

i kinda smiled back but didn't say anything to her because this was gonna be fun.

she finally asked me if i'd seen her jacket and i replied no.. but looked around my feet to give a ****. then told me i had pretty eyes and we started making out. she gave me her number and that was that.

so i sent her a text the next evening if she found her jacket... sure enough she actually did lose it and it was turned in. i said that was nice and asked her to meet me for dinner a few days later at chuys.

a few texts back and forth and she was like ... so what is your last name. i knew exactly what she was doing so i just gave her my myspace page. she was like.. yeah, i was gonna check your myspace page to see if i could remember who you were.

needless to say, but i'll say it.. she still wanted to meet up with me. she was 32 and said the only reason she'd still have dinner with me (i'm 26) is because i had a picture from an LSU game (she is an LSU alumna), i volunteer, and i was hot.

my entire response is in response to henry gandorf.... really has nothing to do with the thread at hand.
Just to add my $.02 ... my first date with TFF was obtained via email. No shame there ... worked like a champ - it was the "we should hang out sometime - anything fun going on Friday night down there?" (I lived in RR at the time, she in south austin). Boom, Alamo Drafthouse.
Dear Shamewoods,

I too have given up on love, because UTGal seems to have given up on me. I send you this email in regards to having your friendship. I enjoy riding my bikes, spending time at the lake, and watching re-runs of Friday Night Lights. What do you like to do? Maybe if you're not to busy this weekend with your laundry, we could perhaps take our bikes around town. If you don't have one, don't worry, you can ride mine. Have a super day!


Punt on 1st Down

I like to email at times - if you are clever you can insert sexual innuendos. I once turned an innocent email into a long thread about when she last got laid; then somehow porn got into the discussion. She finally said that the discussion was making her horny. All without asking “Hey, when was the last time you got some”.

Punt, I just asked a girl out last night, but not really. I asked the bartender what her plans are weekend - she said she wanted to watch the Dynamo soccer game but they were out of town. I just told her that I like soccer and will join her the next time they are in town. She said that sounds like fun. I’m not sure if she was serious or not, but the offer is out there and she will remind me if she is actually interested. If not, no big loss on my part because I still get cheap beer.

And no I am not claiming to have any game…because I don’t.
regarding asking out on email or text or whatever, its all about who is doing the asking.

ladies, i have a feeling that if (insert hot guy dujour..for my post i'll say gael garcia bernal) asked you out via farting the words out of his ***, you'd bat your eyelashes and respond positively
PO1D, I have a good friend who was in a similar situation. He had a working relationship with a lady for a while, and it gradually became more social, as all the co-workers would go out together. Then these 2 would go out alone. Eventually they got married.

It was hard for them at first because of the whole 'work' thing, but over time as they grew closer, they talked about it and made their personal relationship official.

So you never know. But it takes time; be patient, and let your nerves sharpen your wits. I think more of us are pulling for you than it would seem.

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