General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

Well for sure Booth was not of Lincoln's party:yes:
Weren't most southerners even then Democrats?

so we learn Hillary gave access to our country's classified material to her maid
And even though she signed an agreement with our country not to she accepted 1 million from Qatar
on top of everything else

and STILL people will vote for her including some posters?:facepalm:
My view used to be that Hillary was the ideological liberal and that Bill was basically involved in politics for power, money, and scoring chicks and had no convictions one way or the other. I still think that of Bill, but I don't think Hillary is ideological anymore. Maybe she was at one point, but she was bought and sold a long time ago. Accordingly, I don't think it's a matter of being more left than Bill. I think she'll do what she has to do to protect and promote herself, whatever that is. If she's facing a Republican Congress and has to govern from the center to get what she wants, then she'll do it. She's not going to completely adopt their agenda, but she's going to play ball with them. If Democrats retake Congress and she has to move left to keep them happy, she'll do that too. I think she is all about herself and nothing or else.
In my opinion, analyzing Hillary from a left/right perspective is missing the boat. She is definitely a statist, but also a corporatist. She is an advocate of globalism and an enemy of both small business and the labor movement (although as a Democrat, she has the backing of what remains of labor unions). Hillary is very much supported by the neocons and an interventionalist foreign policy. If Sanders is a liberal, which he is, then Hillary holds totally opposite views than does Sanders.

Rather than defining Hillary as a liberal or a conservative, Hillary is much more a representative of fascism; the merger of large business interests (Wall Street and large corporations) and government. For that matter, the same argument can be made regarding Obama and perhaps George Bush to a lesser extent.

In the latest Assange interview, he described Clinton as a central "cog" which coordinated the various outside oligarchal interests and foreign influences that control the government. In the scope of things, liberal/conservative issues such as gay marriage, school choice and the like pale in significance.
Conservative actors do exist.

Also, the south has always been conservative and north more liberal. It goes back to the english civil war when virginia colony sided with the royalists and massassachusetts colony sided with Cromwell. The southern democrats were always the conservatives and just started calling themselves "republicans" over the past 50 years. Most of the strife in the republican party comes from the difficulty in reconciling the socially liberal financially conservative northern republicans and the conservative southern democrats that now call themselves republicans and hilariously act like lincoln was ever their guy. The modern democratic party is a new more socialist/leftist party. The modern republican party is an alliance of federalist northern republicans and southern conservative democrats that were fighting each other for 200 years until leftist socialists took over the democratic party.

Now union laborers are joining the republican party which has created a crazy tent of groups that all opposed each other and somehow ended up picking Trump. It is a diaster. The solution for both the republican and democratic parties would just be having more than two parties, but we all know that wont happen.
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Stratfor: "I thought Vince Foster was the only person the Clinton's killed. How naive I was"

Obama encourages illegal aliens to vote

Shouldn't surprise anyone. He's a globalist. To his way of thinking, we're all citizens of the world and borders are irrelevant.

That's why he's ordered ICE to stand down for the last four years. He's flooded the country with new Democrats. That is particularly true in red states like Texas and Arizona.

Still, when I voted, a couple of blue haired ladies cast a careful eye on my credentials and I had a voter reg. card and a TDL. Of course, maybe the illegals do too.
Looks like Rush called this one .....

Here is Limbaugh's take --

Rush Limbaugh says the FBI is starting a new review of Hillary Clinton’s emails to distract voters from WikiLeaks’s revelations about her.

“[FBI Director James] Comey is just doing this to take everybody’s attention off of the WikiLeaks email dump,” Limbaugh said on his radio broadcast Friday.

“The cynical view is that Comey is still carrying water for Clinton and is trying to get everybody to stop paying attention on the WikiLeaks dump because it’s starting to have an impact,” he continued.

“So you announce you’re opening the inquiry, get everybody all hot and bothered and focused on it, and after three or four or five days, you announce it’s a false alarm, nothing to see her, investigation now officially over, and meanwhile, in that five day period, everybody’s forgotten about WikiLeaks.”

Limbaugh said WikiLeaks emails are exposing the Democratic presidential nominee's secrets and damaging her White House bid.

“The WikiLeaks scandal right now is starting to hurt because it is exposing the fraud and the hustling and the collusion and the corruption that is going on at the Clinton Foundation,” he said. “You start messing around with things that are supposed to be charitable to serve humanity, you end up profiting personally from it. That’s easy to understand.

“Everybody knows that’s not nice. Everybody understands that you’re not supposed to get rich off a charity. And the news here is that the Clintons have done that and are doing that,” he added.
The FBI scrutinized 690,000 emails in 8 days?!? That's more than 85,000 per day.

I guess a government agency can move fast when their phony baloney jobs are on the line.

Sign here Director Comey.
The FBI scrutinized 690,000 emails in 8 days?!? That's more than 85,000 per day.

I guess a government agency can move fast when their phony baloney jobs are on the line.

Sign here Director Comey.

Or they used software to look for key terms. Pretty simple, really.
It is with tremendous sadness that for all of history, Hillary Rodham Clinton will (barring a miracle) be named the First Woman President of the United States.
As a woman, I of course would like to see a female president, only if the candidate were comparable to a male candidate. I would never vote for a woman, as some of my friends are, just because she is a woman. Sadly, this year both candidates are deplorable.

HRC has fought tooth and nail to (most likely) win this election, and she has such huge negatives it has taken Obama (riding high with large favorable) Michelle Obama (one of the most favorite people on the planet, for some unknown reason) Biden, the lovable, kooky Uncle, and a host of high profile celebrities campaigning around the clock to help her gain votes, while she hides out to avoid answering to the numerous scandals that surround her.
She is struggling "bigly" against a disgusting, inexperienced man who is pretty much going it alone. Even many of those in his own party, (if you believe he is a R) are actively against him.
He has no big names, no giant concerts with the biggest stars is music, no media in his pocket. It's like 1 v. 1000, and still he has a chance.

He still has a chance. He STILL has a chance. With all that is against him, including himself. That blows my mind. So, as a woman, I literally cringe that she will always be "the First". I hate that she will go down in the history books, be elevated in the coming years as the furor over her corruption has been forgotten, I hate that she will be Madame President and she and her liberal, cheating cronies will have fulfilled her 40+ year dream. I think of the rarified air of other major "firsts", and I can't believe she will share that honor.

There should be a great amount of humility from the Clinton camp. A great amount of self examination, and soul searching, to understand why you are reviled by so many, and what you can do to sincerely change. However, I know that will never happen. I imagine the only thought from HRC is one of utter disgust and superiority when thinking of the 50%+ of the US that thinks she is a liar, untrustworthy, corrupt, and were willing to vote for a man such as Trump in order to keep her from leading our country.

I will also hate listening to her shouty, screechy voice, and see her with that huge fake grin plastered on her face. I hate to think of the smug liberals who once again, have gotten their way. I hate to think of the SCOTUS choices she will make, and all the favors she owes to people that will be helping her lead our country.
But, I think I hate most of all is that she is the "one". The first.
4 years is gonna feel like a lifetime.
Which is NOT the way to go about an investigation of the magnitude that SHOULD have existed here...

As someone with a fair amount of experience in data loss prevention software and technology on the corporate side, I beg to differ in terms of mining the email. Of course, it still take a human to evaluate the true/false positives but it's helpful to go through large amounts of data in a small amount of time.

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