General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

Funniest election ever

This question, as you present it, is somewhat fraudulent in and of itself.
But, no matter, since it is very easy to resolve. As usual, we call on you to look at their actions instead of their words.

Simply ask yourself which Political Party pushes with the approach of every election for
-- voter ID laws
-- culling the names of the dead from voter roles
-- not allowing convicted felons to vote
-- not allowing illegal aliens to vote
And then ask yourself which Political Party opposes these and other attempts to fight voter fraud, every time.

Let's suppose that are x fraudulent votes, half by Democrats and half by Republicans. Let's further suppose that the proposed legislation to combat the fraud would prevent 10x legitimate voters from voting, and that most of those are from Democrat-leaning demographics. The Democrats would have a valid basis to oppose this legislation.

I don't know what the truth is, but I think the above is more likely than your suggestion that only Democrats commit fraud. That just doesn't seem plausible to me, given what I know about human nature.
What lame-o jihadists are in Al Qaeda anymore? This isnt the mid 2000s. Didnt they get the memo that all the cool jihadists get blown up by drones in ISIS now?
Can you imagine the reaction to a Republican tweeting this?
What if the tweet flipped the specified race?
Double standard?

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Like they say in Korea: Americans have an election every 4 years, but in Korea we have an election every morning.
Can you imagining the reaction to a Republican tweeting this?
What if the tweet flipped the identifying group?

Brazile is a black female who, according to Wikipedia, is "openly ambiguous about her sexual orientation". That's like having the "00" designation in the British secret service, she's licensed to kill, taunt, and slander Republicans (and most Democrats).
Can you imagining the reaction to a Republican tweeting this?
What if the tweet flipped the specified race?
Double standard?

The sickening thing is that they openly encourage people to overlook issues and obvious flaws for the sake of 'race.' It is nothing more than 'massuh says do xyz' all over again...

And it is the same crap as the 'vote HRC because she's a woman' nonsense.

Low information voters should lose the right to ever cast a ballot.
Re: Susan Sarandon (I can't believe I am so off topic)
Susan Sarandon is 70 years old, people! She is what a normal 70 year old looks like, without tons of plastic surgery, Botox and other disfiguring procedures done in a desperate effort to look younger.
If you compare her to most 70 year old women, she is, apples to apples, still pretty smoking hot.
Helen Mirren looks pretty great too. I won't "go low" and say, compare Sarandon's looks to another 70 year old woman in the political spotlight, but....

That is all. :smile1:
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Re: Susan Sarandon (I can't believe I am so off topic)
Susan Sarandon is 70 years old, people! She is what a normal 70 year old looks like, without tons of plastic surgery, Botox and other disfiguring procedures done in a desperate effort to look younger.
If you compare her to most 70 year old women, she is, apples to apples, still pretty smoking hot.
Helen Mirren looks pretty great too. I won't "go low" and say compare Sarandon's looks to another 70 year old woman in the political spotlight, but....

That is all. :smile1:
Feel free to go low.
Just sitting here thinking what person it would take for me to vote for Hillary.

I really can't think of anyone. People incarcerated? Of course Hillary should be there with them. Anthony Weiner or BHO maybe? Tough call on those two.
Re: Susan Sarandon (I can't believe I am so off topic)
Susan Sarandon is 70 years old, people! She is what a normal 70 year old looks like, without tons of plastic surgery, Botox and other disfiguring procedures done in a desperate effort to look younger.
If you compare her to most 70 year old women, she is, apples to apples, still pretty smoking hot.
Helen Mirren looks pretty great too. I won't "go low" and say, compare Sarandon's looks to another 70 year old woman in the political spotlight, but....

That is all. :smile1:

She does look very good for 70. I'm just a little reluctant to call someone who's older than my mom (albeit barely) "smoking hot." lol
I'll add this, and then I'll stop talking about Susan Sarandon (for now). If I had to choose between 70 year old Susan Sarandon and 30-something Lena Dunham, I think I'd have to go with Susan Sarandon.
Susan Sarandon is what is wrong with an otherwise excellent baseball movie (Bull Durham). Her bug-eyes are huge turnoff for me and I never got how both Crash Davis and 'Nuke" LaLousch (sp?) go for her. Millie was pretty loose but WAY better looking than SS.
Could the bombshells come tomorrow.

Tomorrow (Nov 5) is Guy Fawkes Day. That's Anonymous' celebrated holiday. Their tag line is "Remember, remember the 5th of November". Apparently the mask is a Guy Fawkes mask used for the celebration of this day.

I came across a blog tonight claiming this statement was released by Anonymous...

"Anonymous 11/03/16 00:09:46 No.95833807

The new leaks being released this week will provide documents in the form of emails, pictures, and videos. Within these will be evidence of Bill Clinton, as well as at least 6 other Government officials, taking part in sexual acts with minors. As well as evidence of Human trafficking that also included minors.

We believe these pictures and videos were taken for the purpose of political manipulation. In order to make sure all participants followed through on a previously agreed agenda.

These documents were given to us by an American Governement official when he had come to learn that this crime had been covered up by Hilary and her staff through methods including bribery and blackmail. He also told us that due to the restricted access to these documents, they would soon know he was the one who released him to us.

We tried to make arrangements for him to exit the country safely, but he was killed before those arrangements could be carried out. We are still not sure if this is because they became aware of the leak, or if they were scared that he may in the future. In either case, his identity will be made public in this next set of leaks so that he can be honored for the hero that he was.

We will not only be releasing these documents, but we have multiple memebers of the FBI, CIA, and NYBD who will be publicly verifying their authenticity once their safety is assured.

This hack has not come from Russia or anyone else they may try to blame this on. This is a leak from Americas own Government Officials who fear for their safety had the opposed them directly due to reasons that will be made clear soon.

We thank you for your patience, as well as your determination and assistance in helping us expose the corruption that has infested our own government. Democracy will be restored to America."

I'll believe it when I see it, but Anon and Wiki have to understand their street cred will be ruined if they default on their bombshell promises before Tuesday.

Only millions of Americans are counting on them to save the knockout blow for last. If HRC wins without any big game changing release as promised, their names will be dragged through the mud and the resentment will come in droves online.

Every time I Google any subject that has to do with all of this the first return is exactly what I'm looking for. People are all over this eagerly waiting. :popcorn:
Two lies discussed in one email. First, Hillary's claim that there were no classified emails on her personal server. Second, Hillary did a great job lying about her position on TPP.

From:[email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Date: 2015-05-22 16:08
Subject: HRC avail

She did great. Body language was very good, relaxed and not at all defensive. The clip MSNBC is using most is her saying that she hopes the release of other emails are expedited. Gowdy is focused on how her Benghazi emails are self-selected by her and therefore paint on an incomplete picture. He is not focused on the classified email, which is great. She did well on trade, too. I think anyone who heard that would come away thinking she had a lot of doubts about TPP. Definitely the right call to do this - and helpful to get her on camera on trade, too. She was tough. Nick's arm was in front of her face a bunch, but otherwise okay!
Hillary campaign trying to stop the Press from pursuing deeper questioning re Clinton Foundation's foreign donors:

From: Jennifer Palmieri <[email protected]>
To: Joel Benenson <[email protected]>

In addition to the home base, I think I should send McKenna something on what we think WJC should stay away from so we are not introducing new facts that lead to more questions. Here's what I suggest: We recommend not engaging on specific questions related to 1) donors; 2) implementation of the MOU; or 3) HRC's knowledge of donors to the Foundation. These are rabbit holes. Press want us to go deeper into these subjects to try to get us to introduce more facts which will lead to more questions and give the story more life.
With all of Trump's faults no one can ever accuse him of being lazy. Incredible energy for a man his age.

He is the opposite of Hillary. He will work very hard for America. Hillary would need a 3 month vacation if she is elected to recuperate after the campaign. At least we would have a three month break before she continues the damage that BHO started.

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