General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

Remember when the lying media said he would quit or not raise money or not become conventional (mostly) or lose debates? Trump since just before 3rd debate has been phenomenal
He is the opposite of Hillary. He will work very hard for America. Hillary would need a 3 month vacation if she is elected to recuperate after the campaign. At least we would have a three month break before she continues the damage that BHO started.
It scares me how bad this country will be after 4-8 years of Clinton. Liberalism is driving us into a hole that we will never get out of.
It is scary to know there are people who have or will vote for her knowing how many times she has lied ,how many times she sold favors to even countries who are known sponsors of terror ,among many others who are not good friends,put our security and the lives of those who should be able to trust us to not expose them
All this is known and still there are those who will vote for her including some on here.
I wonder if those who vote for her think she will magically stop lying or selling our country out for her personal gain.
Sincere question, do you think she will stop lying Now? Or stop selling favors for her personal gain.If so why do you think that .
If not how could you vote for someone like her with all that is factually know.
BTW I give you credit for admitting you voted for her
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The only thing I know that would hurt her with her followers is if she said something racist. Beyond that they don't seem to give a damn.

That wouldn't hurt her. It would get spun as a joke or some other excuse, and it would be forgiven. If all else failed, she'd "apologize" for the racist comment, and the media would let it go.

The only way she'd get into real trouble is if she dropped a N-Bomb or something that's way over the top and was then defiant about it rather than apologetic. She isn't dumb enough to drop N-Bombs in public. (I'd bet my left leg that she drops them in private.) And if she accidentally dropped one in public, she'd be smart enough to give an unmitigated apology. The civil rights leadership would accept her apology, and the issue would go away.
One of my friends said he thought she would govern like Bill's tenure in the Oval Office. Shook my head. She is way more left than Bill. How does a sane person say that? Shoot, no one on this board has ever said that.
This is on Hillary's hands when she calls Trump and his supporters deplorable. Apparently no gun - just a belligerent person.
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The guy arrested at the Trump rally in Reno shows up in the Wikileaks email dump -- go figure
-- Austyn Crites --

Yet ABC prominently gave that goon time this morning where he claimed he was a republican who just thinks Trump is dangerous. I could have sworn it was one of the West Mall "conservatives' who are voting for Johnson or Clinton. Some of his vocabulary was very similar.

From:[email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Date: 2015-05-06 19:27
Subject: Fwd: Priorities USA

So afraid that NYT is going with this story on Priorities whether we like or not. They have sources about the meetings. Honestly, it sounds like Priorities staff was yapping. We are not confirming meetings on this trip but commenting on why we are participating with Priorities.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jesse Ferguson <[email protected]> Date: Wed, May 6, 2015 at 5:24 PM Subject: Priorities USA

To: HRCRR <[email protected]>, Dennis Cheng < [email protected]>, Marc Elias <[email protected]>, Robby Mook <[email protected]>, Charlie Baker <[email protected]>, Jennifer Palmieri <[email protected]>, Kristina Schake < [email protected]>

FYI – the New York Times will soon report that HRC is doing meetings for Priorities USA. We have NOT confirmed the meeting and will not be confirming these types of meetings.
Yet ABC prominently gave that goon time this morning where he claimed he was a republican who just thinks Trump is dangerous. I could have sworn it was one of the West Mall "conservatives' who are voting for Johnson or Clinton. Some of his vocabulary was very similar.

From an eyewitness --
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Political assassins in the US are always lefties

Lee Harvey Oswald, commie, (killed President Kennedy)
Lynette “Squeaky” Fromme, Manson’s hippie cult (shot at President Gerald Ford)
Sara Jane Moore, leftist, (shot at President Ford)
Giuseppe Zangara, anti-capitalist, (tried to kill President Herbert Hoover and & President-elect Franklin Roosevelt)
Leon Czolgosz, socialist (killed Pres William McKinley)
Charles J. Guiteau, utopian (shot Pres James Garfield)
John Wilkes Booth, Democrat (killed Abraham Lincoln)

How much do you think the Dems paid Weiner and Ex-Mrs. Weiner fade into the shadows? It would be nice to have an interview with either of them.
Turns out the loon Crites who said he was a Republican has a FB showing support for Hillary
and has his dead grandmother as a registered voter at his Reno address as well as his brother, with a misspelled name and who actually lives in Ca also listed as a voter at Crites Reno address

will ABC correct the record? Think ABC did not know this before they gave him a national mic?
One of my friends said he thought she would govern like Bill's tenure in the Oval Office. Shook my head. She is way more left than Bill. How does a sane person say that? Shoot, no one on this board has ever said that.

My view used to be that Hillary was the ideological liberal and that Bill was basically involved in politics for power, money, and scoring chicks and had no convictions one way or the other. I still think that of Bill, but I don't think Hillary is ideological anymore. Maybe she was at one point, but she was bought and sold a long time ago. Accordingly, I don't think it's a matter of being more left than Bill. I think she'll do what she has to do to protect and promote herself, whatever that is. If she's facing a Republican Congress and has to govern from the center to get what she wants, then she'll do it. She's not going to completely adopt their agenda, but she's going to play ball with them. If Democrats retake Congress and she has to move left to keep them happy, she'll do that too. I think she is all about herself and nothing else.
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