General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

Have to hope she got this one correct

There are a few areas. First, she'd be better at foreign policy, part of which includes not publicly making an *** out of oneself. Please note what I'm NOT saying - I am not saying she would be good at foreign policy. We've seen how she handled things as SoS, and for the most part, she was a mess. However, she wouldn't undermine the most important strategic alliances the United States has and wouldn't promote nuclear proliferation like Trump likely would. NATO will be in decent shape. Japan will still be an ally and won't be a nuclear power.

Trump is going to disrupt the foreign policy, and some would say it needs to be disrupted. I can see the case for that, but doing it recklessly and erratically is dangerous and stupid. You don't piss away 70 years of foreign policy victories just to disrupt our foreign policy.


Better at foreign policy? HRC has been an abysmal failure at foreign policy. I hope she tries to run on the Obama doctrine for foreign affairs. We are no longer respected in the world and she initiated the Iran deal which will lead to a nuclear crisis in the future. Yes, trump will often make an *** of himself, but I promise dictators across the world will not test him. Additionally, while I think Trump is naïve about trade, I do think he will secure better deals as it is one of his few strengths. NATO does need reform and it will not come until someone challenges them. I think he has no plan to leave NATO or not defend a NATO member. However, he will require nations to fairly participate.

As HRC is proposing a Bernie like approach to healthcare and college tuition, I cannot see her being better. The debt has exploded over that last 12 years. If HRC wins, I think you also see the Dems taking back the House. HRC with a Dem house and a spineless Senate lead by McConnell is a recipe for continued disaster.

Appreciate your perspective – I do think you are a bit tainted by you extreme dislike for Trump and your support of a failed Kasich campaign. I would rather have someone else as well, but it is a binary choice between a crook and a pompous ***.
Better at foreign policy? HRC has been an abysmal failure at foreign policy. I hope she tries to run on the Obama doctrine for foreign affairs. We are no longer respected in the world and she initiated the Iran deal which will lead to a nuclear crisis in the future. Yes, trump will often make an *** of himself, but I promise dictators across the world will not test him. Additionally, while I think Trump is naïve about trade, I do think he will secure better deals as it is one of his few strengths. NATO does need reform and it will not come until someone challenges them. I think he has no plan to leave NATO or not defend a NATO member. However, he will require nations to fairly participate.

I'm not saying HRC has been anything other than a dumpster fire at foreign policy. I'm just saying it's possible to be worse, and if Trump conducts himself as he suggests, he will be worse. Will he just negotiate a better deal with NATO countries rather than undermine the alliance? I desperately hope so, but he's playing with fire. I want to be wrong on this.

As HRC is proposing a Bernie like approach to healthcare and college tuition, I cannot see her being better. The debt has exploded over that last 12 years. If HRC wins, I think you also see the Dems taking back the House. HRC with a Dem house and a spineless Senate lead by McConnell is a recipe for continued disaster.

The Dems will not take back the House, and the GOP will not go along with Bernie-style healthcare or college tuition or anything like that. They'd be far more likely to do that sort of thing with Trump (like they did with Bush).
Looks like the post-convention bumps for Trump coming from --
Senior citizens
Middle Class
The educated




The current communications between the DNC and the media on the proper way to suppress these leaks needs to be leaked. Now.
Since this is DWS and the DNC doing all this unbelievable chit albeit to get HRC nominated surely this will be seen as a negative even by some Dem voters?
Are there any Dems on here who will be upset?
Or as it has been pointed out winning is the only thing that matters?
"..... Donald Trump comes out of his convention ahead of Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, topping her 44% to 39% in a four-way matchup including Gary Johnson (9%) and Jill Stein (3%) and by three points in a two-way head-to-head, 48% to 45%. That latter finding represents a 6-point convention bounce for Trump, which are traditionally measured in two-way matchups."

Some recent history on post-convention bumps --
in 2008 McCain had a small one
In 2004 Romney lost 1% (bascially Romney & Obama were tied in the low 40s, then BHO slowly gained steady ground)
In 2000, Gore gained 10% on Bush
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