General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

What is the biggest issue HRC will be better at than Trump? Serious question as I respect your thoughts. I just cannot see any other than she will not publicly make an *** of herself.

There are a few areas. First, she'd be better at foreign policy, part of which includes not publicly making an *** out of oneself. Please note what I'm NOT saying - I am not saying she would be good at foreign policy. We've seen how she handled things as SoS, and for the most part, she was a mess. However, she wouldn't undermine the most important strategic alliances the United States has and wouldn't promote nuclear proliferation like Trump likely would. NATO will be in decent shape. Japan will still be an ally and won't be a nuclear power.

Trump is going to disrupt the foreign policy, and some would say it needs to be disrupted. I can see the case for that, but doing it recklessly and erratically is dangerous and stupid. You don't piss away 70 years of foreign policy victories just to disrupt our foreign policy.

Furthermore, gutting or marginalizing NATO as Trump would likely do isn't consistent with one of his key goals of destroying ISIS. If we're going to lead a war against ISIS, who would go along? NATO would. Even more importantly, we'd use military installations that exist because of NATO. If we launch attacks against ISIS, do you think they're going fly for 14 hours from the US, complete their mission, and then fly another 14 hours back? No. We would probably launch them from military bases somewhere within NATO. In fact, a huge number of our drone attacks come from Ramstein Air Base in Germany. When our guys get wounded in battle in the Middle East, do you think we fly them all the way back to the US? No. We fly them to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany or to the US Naval Hospital in Naples, Italy. Both are much closer and can render care much faster. Does Trump think about this sort of thing when he's blabbing about how useless NATO is? I don't think so. I think he's just shooting off his mouth, and that's fine if you're some handjob arguing foreign policy in a bar somewhere, but it's a problem if you're the President of the United States.

Second, we'd get better fiscal policy under Hillary - not because she's some fiscal conservative but because the GOP leadership on Capitol Hill would oppose her rather than enable for her. Trump has promised to greatly increase infrastructure spending, boost military spending, and oppose entitlement reform. Well, if you take those stances, you're taking virtually every significant spending item off the table for scaling back or reforming. Out of partisanship, the GOP will go along, as they did for George W. Bush, and out of partisan opposition, they'd resist Hillary Clinton.
There are a few areas. First, she'd be better at foreign policy, part of which includes not publicly making an *** out of oneself. Please note what I'm NOT saying - I am not saying she would be good at foreign policy. We've seen how she handled things as SoS, and for the most part, she was a mess. However, she wouldn't undermine the most important strategic alliances the United States has and wouldn't promote nuclear proliferation like Trump likely would. NATO will be in decent shape. Japan will still be an ally and won't be a nuclear power.

Trump is going to disrupt the foreign policy, and some would say it needs to be disrupted. I can see the case for that, but doing it recklessly and erratically is dangerous and stupid. You don't piss away 70 years of foreign policy victories just to disrupt our foreign policy.

Furthermore, gutting or marginalizing NATO as Trump would likely do isn't consistent with one of his key goals of destroying ISIS. If we're going to lead a war against ISIS, who would go along? NATO would. Even more importantly, we'd use military installations that exist because of NATO. If we launch attacks against ISIS, do you think they're going fly for 14 hours from the US, complete their mission, and then fly another 14 hours back? No. We would probably launch them from military bases somewhere within NATO. In fact, a huge number of our drone attacks come from Ramstein Air Base in Germany. When our guys get wounded in battle in the Middle East, do you think we fly them all the way back to the US? No. We fly them to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany or to the US Naval Hospital in Naples, Italy. Both are much closer and can render care much faster. Does Trump think about this sort of thing when he's blabbing about how useless NATO is? I don't think so. I think he's just shooting off his mouth, and that's fine if you're some handjob arguing foreign policy in a bar somewhere, but it's a problem if you're the President of the United States.

Second, we'd get better fiscal policy under Hillary - not because she's some fiscal conservative but because the GOP leadership on Capitol Hill would oppose her rather than enable for her. Trump has promised to greatly increase infrastructure spending, boost military spending, and oppose entitlement reform. Well, if you take those stances, you're taking virtually every significant spending item off the table for scaling back or reforming. Out of partisanship, the GOP will go along, as they did for George W. Bush, and out of partisan opposition, they'd resist Hillary Clinton.
There is no evidence in Trump's business dealings that he makes reckless decisions. You are speculating, sir.
I'm not using his business record. I'm using the idiotic things he say,s, which is all we have to go by.
Okay, ignore a 40 year business record versus comments stated in a heated primary. Again, please don't let Trump derangement syndrome interfere with common sense.
There is no evidence in Trump's business dealings that he makes reckless decisions. You are speculating, sir.

Seriously? 4 bankruptcies? mean he's only reckless with other peoples money. You're right, he made out like a true bandit in the Atlantic City deals, his investors not so much. Unless you are proposing to give our national treasury to Trump to treat as his own, his treatment of investors is more indicative of a POTUS Trump than looking at his own company. Wouldn't you agree?

Like a gambler, he's also benefited greatly with risky deals. If only the Federal government could be strongarmed then cheated on tax revenue like a real estate venture.
Okay, ignore a 40 year business record versus comments stated in a heated primary. Again, please don't let Trump derangement syndrome interfere with common sense.

So I should judge his foreign policy according to his business record (which has very little to do with foreign policy) rather than his comments on foreign policy (which obviously have everything to do with foreign policy)? That makes sense.
Seriously? 4 bankruptcies? mean he's only reckless with other peoples money. You're right, he made out like a true bandit in the Atlantic City deals, his investors not so much. Unless you are proposing to give our national treasury to Trump to treat as his own, his treatment of investors is more indicative of a POTUS Trump than looking at his own company. Wouldn't you agree?

Like a gambler, he's also benefited greatly with risky deals. If only the Federal government could be strongarmed then cheated on tax revenue like a real estate venture.
LOL. The dems already bankrupted the U.S. Treasury. At least the Trump investors had a free choice versus the confiscatory taxes that the dems impose on us.
So I should judge his foreign policy according to his business record (which has very little to do with foreign policy) rather than his comments on foreign policy (which obviously have everything to do with foreign policy)? That makes sense.

I think the bigger point is he's successful because he surrounds himself with smart people that he can get the right advice from. People that are proven. Unless our past Presidents served and was in the know with the Military, all Presidents aren't qualified going in to make decisions on foreign policy on their own. But Trump is a smart man and wisely uses smart people to be successful. Obama never listened to his military advisors. They warned him about leaving Iraq too soon. Hillary has a horrible history with foreign policy. Ambassador Stevens begged Hillary for help months before and she didn't listen. Those two made all their decisions based on how it would look politically no matter how unsafe it made us. Either has or had no business running this country.

I voted for Cruz to help block Trump from getting Texas. I'd vote for any of the 17 GOP candidates to block Hillary for President. It wouldn't be hard though because I believe they all would be far better than Hillary. I think Fiorina runs circles around Hillary.
I think the bigger point is he's successful because he surrounds himself with smart people that he can get the right advice from. People that are proven. Unless our past Presidents served and was in the know with the Military, all Presidents aren't qualified going in to make decisions on foreign policy on their own. But Trump is a smart man and wisely uses smart people to be successful. Obama never listened to his military advisors. They warned him about leaving Iraq too soon. Hillary has a horrible history with foreign policy. Ambassador Stevens begged Hillary for help months before and she didn't listen. Those two made all their decisions based on how it would look politically no matter how unsafe it made us. Either has or had no business running this country.

I voted for Cruz to help block Trump from getting Texas. I'd vote for any of the 17 GOP candidates to block Hillary for President. It wouldn't be hard though because I believe they all would be far better than Hillary. I think Fiorina runs circles around Hillary.

I don't expect any President to be a foreign policy pro when he walks on the job, unless he has an extensive background in it. The problem with Trump isn't his ignorance. It's that he doesn't talk like he knows he's ignorant. For all the blab about how much he loves the military and how he hires the top people for everything he does whether it's making the best business deals or making the best taco bowls, he doesn't talk like someone who would be deferential to experts if they disagree with his preconceived ideas. If he did, he'd be more cautious in what he says. There's a reason why few conservative foreign policy experts are backing Trump, and many of them are going so far as to support Hillary. I couldn't bring myself to doing that, but if foreign policy was my overriding priority, I probably would.

Also, I have little respect for the "Hillary and Obama suck, and it can't get any worse" mentality. Those are the ramblings of morons. It can always get worse. It can get worse by adding even more incoherence, inconsistency, and recklessness like pissing off NATO, closing NATO military installations, and then going to war in Syria and saying, "oh ****, our pilots are falling asleep at the controls because they're in the air for 35 hours straight, and our wounded are dying on the 16-hour flight back to the US. We could really use that air base in Incirlik or that hospital in Landstuhl that we had to leave because we didn't think NATO was important enough to fund." Furthermore, this kind of ****-up isn't easy to undo.

By the way, though I disagree with it, this is not the same problem that exists with the Ron Paul mentality. He'd scale back or even abandon NATO, but he wouldn't go to war in the Middle East. He'd adopt a real isolationist foreign policy. If you really don't care what happens outside your borders, then you don't need to have a military presence outside your borders. I think that's shortsighted and naive, but it is a legitimate and consistent viewpoint. In fact, we adopted a similar viewpoint after WWI. (It probably cost a few hundred thousand American lives, but that's beside the point.) Trump's mindset isn't even on that level. It's incoherent babble that utterly fails to consider the impacts of one's acts and omissions. It'll cost American lives and a lot more than a few guys at a diplomatic compound in Libya.
There are a few areas. First, she'd be better at foreign policy, part of which includes not publicly making an *** out of oneself.

I usually respect what you have to say. But I had to stopped read after reading this part. She's made a mess of everything she did in the state department.

I'm not using his business record. I'm using the idiotic things he say,s, which is all we have to go by.

So you're judging his words vs her disasterous decision? You are way out there now.
I especially loved Trump's promise to end violent crime very shortly after taking office. Man, that would be so terrific ... assuming we all don't have to be zombified or interred...
I usually respect what you have to say. But I had to stopped read after reading this part. She's made a mess of everything she did in the state department.

This just says it all about modern politics. If it doesn't fit your narrative and reinforce your assumptions, then you're not even going to read it, especially if it's longer than a Twitter post.
Seriously? 4 bankruptcies? mean he's only reckless with other peoples money.

You falsely presume that every corporate bankruptcy ever filed by a company ANYWHERE and run by ANYONE was due to mismanagement. The reality is that some corporate bankruptcies are indeed strategic in nature.

Admittedly, if the government could file their own, it would do well considering the way current policies under the handout administrations have driven the country to fiscal hell. And HRC wants to continue handout/entitlement activities yet has no real way to pay for it other than to say that those of us with money (not her of course) should be expected to shoulder the burden.
The reality is that some corporate bankruptcies are indeed strategic in nature.
Low information strategy. Commerical Real Estate/Gaming is a high beta's inherently risky.

How often do R&D projects fail for tech companies? The answer, they fail all the time...complete loss of investment. These projects are in the tech company's project portfolio.

For tax and legal purposes, real estate development companies create LLCs to develop and finance the individual real estate projects. You can think of these LLCs for a real estate company as R&D projects for a tech company except with separate financing and other minority interests. The Trump Organization has probably had hundreds of these LLCs/projects over time. It's disingenuous to point to a handful of bankruptcies of LLCs in a real estate development company's portfolio as an example of mismanagement.

Trump still gets investors and banks to give him money to develop projects all over the country and overseas. Why is that? Do you think these people are expecting to lose money?
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This just says it all about modern politics. If it doesn't fit your narrative and reinforce your assumptions, then you're not even going to read it, especially if it's longer than a Twitter post

Assumptions? I read your post all the time from start to finish. Thinking that I don't is your assumption. But when you can see the mess Obama and Hillary have created with foreign affairs that you Deez can't deny and bring your own narrative just because you are searching for other reasons to not like Trump other than you just don't like him as a person is ridiculous. You are the one assuming that Trump will be as bad if not worse than Hillary. Other countries don't respect us right now. You're worried about what Trump says. I like that because if you're worried then I know other countries are. I just don't think Putan sending Russian fighter planes within a 100 ft of one of our navel ships will happen under Trump as President. Russia did that because they know our country has turned into pussification mode under the weakest leaders ever. Even Jimmy Carter's administration wasn't this bad.
Assumptions? I read your post all the time from start to finish. Thinking that I don't is your assumption.

You're the one who said you stopped reading my post. I guess I assumed that you were telling the truth when you said that.

But when you can see the mess Obama and Hillary have created with foreign affairs that you Deez can't deny and bring your own narrative just because you are searching for other reasons to not like Trump other than you just don't like him as a person is ridiculous. You are the one assuming that Trump will be as bad if not worse than Hillary. Other countries don't respect us right now. You're worried about what Trump says. I like that because if you're worried then I know other countries are. I just don't think Putan sending Russian fighter planes within a 100 ft of one of our navel ships will happen under Trump as President. Russia did that because they know our country has turned into pussification mode under the weakest leaders ever. Even Jimmy Carter's administration wasn't this bad.

Well, since you stopped reading my post, you wouldn't know this, but I actually had pretty concrete and objective reasons not to like Trump's foreign policy. Furthermore, if you know my history, I'm not looking for a reason to dislike Trump. I am very conflicted in this election, and I would prefer to be able to vote for Trump. After all, I am a Republican, and I do think Trump would appoint better judges than Hillary would. Frankly, if he wasn't a crackpot on foreign policy, I'd stomach his nuttiness and vote for him, because everything else can be negotiated on Capitol Hill. Foreign policy is another matter.

As for your comments about being afraid of what he says, this isn't a schoolyard pissing match. It's the real world. Your allies aren't supposed to be afraid of what you say. Your enemies are supposed to be afraid. When countries like Estonia are afraid of what you say but Russia is happy about it, something is wrong. And you are quite right that Putin wouldn't fly its fighters within 100 feet of a US warship with Trump in the White House, because our ship wouldn't be there for it to fly within 100 feet of it.
Some of the Wikileaks stuff is starting to hit

In this one, the DNC created fake Craigslist posts for Trump jobs requiring women to be "hot" for the job.

To quote my old secretary Pearline, "These people aint right."


"..... Multiple Positions (NYC area) Seeking staff members for multiple positions in a large, New York-based corporation known for its real estate investments, fake universities, steaks, and wine. The boss has very strict standards for female employees, ranging from the women who take lunch orders (must be hot) to the women who oversee multi-million dollar construction projects (must maintain hotness demonstrated at time of hiring).

Title: Honey Bunch (that’s what the boss will call you)

Job requirements:

* No gaining weight on the job (we’ll take some “before” pictures when you start to use later as evidence)
* Must be open to public humiliation and open-press workouts if you do gain weight on the job
* A willingness to evaluate other women’s hotness for the boss’ satisfaction is a plus
* Should be proficient in lying about age if the boss thinks you’re too old Working mothers not preferred (the boss finds pumping breast milk disgusting, and worries they’re too focused on their children).

About us:
We’re proud to maintain a “fun” and “friendly work environment, where the boss is always available to meet with his employees. Like it or not, he may greet you with a kiss on the lips or grope you under the meeting table.

Interested applicants should send resume, cover letter, and headshot to [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>"
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