General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

If the frequency of terror attacks continues to accelerate, Trump won't need any strategy to win the election. In time another advocacy group could emerge that would support Trump: Infidel Lives Mater.
Twitter Comment:
"The most frightening thing about Trump is that he’s extracted apologies from a Supreme Court justice and the fricking Pope."
I'm fairness, it should be noted that the polls are all over the place. My take is that some people are lying to the pollsters (larger than in the past). Also, some polls have less undecideds than others. If forced to answer, the undecideds probably say Clinton when in reality however they will mostly go Trump's way on Election Day.
Apparently the difference is due to assumptions of party affiliation. Some are using 2012 data, others 2016 estimates. In OH and PA, there has been a surge of GOP voter registration. Real or not?
I do think many of his 'counter' attacks are too much on the personal side, but I sure do like the Pocahontas label.

Yeah cuz the left is *never* personal in their attacks. He's got my support b/c he's the only one who understands that decorum = loser. Sorry, folks, but that is the world we live in now and you can cry all you want about how uncivil it is, but that don't change the facts. The people who historically support the GOP, like me, are really tired of taking shots from the left with no return fire.
decorum = loser

Wow. Welcome back to 2nd grade, everyone. Maturation is now a "loser" quality. Fortunately, I don't think that comment was driven based on what you believe, Phil, but rather rationalization of Trump's behavior. Like many extreme left/right, the rationalization has no bounds.
I'm not buying this poll. He's not up by 23 in Pennsylvania. Hell, he's not up by 23 in Texas.
Agreed, but it shows key shifts that may be missing in national polls. Also, the polls are over the place. I am at a large family gathering this week. A lot of my relatives don't want to vote for Trump, but likely will if forced to (I.e., no other good options). As soon as that sentiment shows up in the polls (likely after the debates), then Trump will be ahead in all the polls.
Awesome. We are going to have a president who lacks the maturity to resist retaliating when he is insulted.

Yeah what a shame, we'll finally have a leader who tells Iran's Supreme Leader to go f himself when he publicly calls America evil and says "Death to America".

Someone who'll say "you're digging your own grave, Little Kim" when the North Korean leader threatens to turn America to burning ashes.

I'd rather have a leader who stands up for America (even if brash and immaturely) instead of one who ties our hands and bows down to the same foreign adversaries who mock and threaten us without an ounce of fear or hesitance.

This is the whole Liberal misconception projecting Candidate Trump onto President Trump. The brash act as a candidate is a reality show strategy used to own max media attention.

It's the same thing he did to draw attention when he was in the reality show biz. The absurd Trump rants only began after he stepped into the entertainment business.

You really think he sits in boardrooms and hurls childish insults? When Trump gets down to business, he's all business. He's known to have laser focus and determination towards accomplishing his business goals.

To assume he wouldn't transition into the serious CEO persona once in office is naive. You don't build a multi-billion dollar empire being a less than serious, competent businessman.
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I'd rather have a leader who stands up for America (even if brash and immaturely) instead of one who ties our hands and bows down to the same foreign adversaries who mock and threaten us without an ounce of fear or hesitance.

You summed up the Obama presidency quite nicely in a single sentence.
I know some of you are big Kasich fans (I did like him, although he was far from my first choice), I really dislike him now as well as all of the others who raised hell to get Trump to pledge to support and endorse whoever won. If Cruz refuses tonight, I will also never support him either. For God's sake, can any politician tell the truth or at least keep their word?
I know some of you are big Kasich fans (I did like him, although he was far from my first choice), I really dislike him now as well as all of the others who raised hell to get Trump to pledge to support and endorse whoever won. If Cruz refuses tonight, I will also never support him either. For God's sake, can any politician tell the truth or at least keep their word?

Do you think they would have supported anyone but Trump? Not so surprisingly, I have more respect for Kasich and Cruz in sticking to their ideals than to sellout to the Trump train like Rubio and Christie. The only truth Rubio, Christie and Carson kept was the pledge. They reversed course on every other public criticism they levied against Trump.

One other note...that commitment was before Donald Trump suggested that Ted Cruz' father was involved in the JFK assassination and inferred his wife was ugly.
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I don't understand why Cruz is catching so much heat in the media.
They all took the pledge to support the eventual candidate, and they took it at that time in order to further their own means. Oh, those were the days! I was fearful that Trump would pull a Perot--I never imagined this outcome way back then.
I am a big fan of Kasich, but, I'm disappointed that he didn't do something like Cruz. My parents (not Michelle or Melania) taught me that my word was my bond, and in my humble opinion, Cruz kept his word by at least showing up and speaking at the RNC.
He didn't specifically endorse Trump, but he was there and he made an attempt to unite the party.
I understand the candidates with integrity not giving a full endorsement, but I think Cruz at least struck a middle ground and didn't break a promise.
No one in the media is talking about Rubio or Kasich, and it doesn't seem fair.
I don't understand why Cruz is catching so much heat in the media.
They all took the pledge to support the eventual candidate, and they took it at that time in order to further their own means. Oh, those were the days! I was fearful that Trump would pull a Perot--I never imagined this outcome way back then.
I am a big fan of Kasich, but, I'm disappointed that he didn't do something like Cruz. My parents (not Michelle or Melania) taught me that my word was my bond, and in my humble opinion, Cruz kept his word by at least showing up and speaking at the RNC.
He didn't specifically endorse Trump, but he was there and he made an attempt to unite the party.
I understand the candidates with integrity not giving a full endorsement, but I think Cruz at least struck a middle ground and didn't break a promise.
No one in the media is talking about Rubio or Kasich, and it doesn't seem fair.

The pledge didn't require Cruz to show up at the RNC. It required him to "endorse the 2016 Republican presidential nominee regardless of who it is," not to "seek to run as an independent or write-in candidate," and not to "seek or accept the nomination for president of any other party." Cruz has not endorsed Trump, so he has breached the pledge.

However, I think Cruz's breach is justified for two reasons. First, Trump always said he would only keep the pledge if he was "treated fairly." Since he always put a verbal precondition on it, it doesn't bug me too much that Cruz would consider extenuating circumstances (Trump calling his wife an ugly lunatic and accusing his dad of being a murderer, not being a conservative, etc.) in deciding not to endorse.

Second, Trump made another more important pledge to his wife. He promised his love and loyalty to her. If he backed Trump, it would be a slap in the face to her. If a guy makes a promise to others that would require him to break his promise to his wife, he should break the promise to others and keep his promise to his wife. For Cruz, that means he shouldn't disrespect Heidi by endorsing Trump and SHOULD tell the Kardashian-like freak show and his legions of idiots to jump in a lake.
I agree with you as far as the justification of the break of contract. Cruz took many more personal hits than any other candidate.
But, (and I am no fan of Cruz) I do think he made an effort to show some Republican solidarity and speak at the convention.

I just find it strange that no one is talking about Kasich, who is a car trip away, or Rubio not even making an appearance. Everyone should catch some heat, or no one who refuses to endorse Trump--and I totally get it--should have so much negative media attention.

In the end, I still can't stand the thought of Hillary. Any tiny thing that could help is needed. My only prayer is that Trump will surround himself with experts, and he has mentioned some good options, and basically act as an attention seeking figurehead while his expert team does the heavy lifting.
I still don't know how I will vote.
I agree with you as far as the justification of the break of contract. Cruz took many more personal hits than any other candidate.
But, (and I am no fan of Cruz) I do think he made an effort to show some Republican solidarity and speak at the convention.

I just find it strange that no one is talking about Kasich, who is a car trip away, or Rubio not even making an appearance. Everyone should catch some heat, or no one who refuses to endorse Trump--and I totally get it--should have so much negative media attention.

In the end, I still can't stand the thought of Hillary. Any tiny thing that could help is needed. My only prayer is that Trump will surround himself with experts, and he has mentioned some good options, and basically act as an attention seeking figurehead while his expert team does the heavy lifting.
I still don't know how I will vote.

There are some differences. First, Rubio has endorsed Trump, even if he's not at the convention. Second, Kasich is mostly not endorsing by silence and absence. Cruz showed up at the convention, gave an impassioned speech, and didn't endorse. It was a lot more dramatic and self-promoting. He's trying to pull a Reagan and secure his spot as the 2020 nominee.

I can't stand the thought of Hillary, but I can't stand the thought of a putting the entire conservative movement into a exile either. If Trump wins, there won't be a conservative party anymore. It'll replace conservatism with Trumpism, which is babbling incoherence and mindlessness. If he loses, it can at least make a comeback in four years.

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