General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

Do you think they would have supported anyone but Trump? Not so surprisingly, I have more respect for Kasich and Cruz in sticking to their ideals than to sellout to the Trump train like Rubio and Christie. The only truth Rubio, Christie and Carson kept was the pledge. They reversed course on every other public criticism they levied against Trump.

One other note...that commitment was before Donald Trump suggested that Ted Cruz' father was involved in the JFK assassination and inferred his wife was ugly.
Again, I am not a fan of Trump. He is the lesser of two evils. However, he was booed and chastised by the republican establishment when he did not first agree to support whoever was nominee.

Kasich and Cruz are only out for themselves. That is why neither will see any future political leadership positions.

Trump is offensive. But he is far better than HRC and will bring needed change.
There are some differences. First, Rubio has endorsed Trump, even if he's not at the convention. Second, Kasich is mostly not endorsing by silence and absence. Cruz showed up at the convention, gave an impassioned speech, and didn't endorse. It was a lot more dramatic and self-promoting. He's trying to pull a Reagan and secure his spot as the 2020 nominee.

I can't stand the thought of Hillary, but I can't stand the thought of a putting the entire conservative movement into a exile either. If Trump wins, there won't be a conservative party anymore. It'll replace conservatism with Trumpism, which is babbling incoherence and mindlessness. If he loses, it can at least make a comeback in four years.
You either get Hillary or Trump. I understand your protest by either not voting at all or voting for Johnson. However, you still get one of the two. Which is better (or which is worse)?
This insistence on endorsement is a little cultish. I can fully understand someone thinking that Trump is the lesser of two evils and therefore voting for him. That's a far cry from endorsement. Why is it so important to force someone to lie about what they "endorse"? Very aggy like behavior.
It is the republican convention. I guess at least Kasich did not show up and make an *** of himself. My candidate, Ted Cruz did. Political suicide.
My candidate, Ted Cruz did. Political suicide.

I agree. I was very disappointed in Ted last night. If he thinks holding back on an endorsement is going to help him down the road, I think he is mistaken. Republicans want to win and if HRC is elected, many, like me, will blame sore-losers like Cruz and Kasich for holding back on their endorsements after they took a pledge to support whoever the candidate is. I cannot imagine how he thinks this helps him in the long run.
Perhaps Cruz didn't endorse Trump because he knows Trump is not a conservative and has no confidence in Trump appointing conservative constitutional Supreme Court Justices.
Perhaps Cruz didn't endorse Trump because he knows Trump is not a conservative and has no confidence in Trump appointing conservative constitutional Supreme Court Justices.
Perhaps. However, he cannot believe that HRC is a better choice than Trump. If he does, he should have declined a speaking offer at the convention.
The Never Trumpers are still under the spell that Trump is going to lose big. When Trump wins, these folks are going to hurt conservativism more than if they endorsed Trump.
Reagan endorsed Ford after losing to him in 1976. Ford then lost to Carter. How did Reagan's endorsement hurt him? Why would Ted think that if Trump loses then his endorsement is bad for Ted?

The convention is all about bringing everyone back into the tent that slugged it out in the primaries, to rally behind the winner and to help him or her to beat the opposition. Ted hurt that effort and so did Kasich. They want HRC more than they want Trump. That makes them establishment scum in my book. I am very disappointed in Ted Cruz especially.
To you all who are giving Cruz a hard time, if someone called your wife an ugly lunatic, called your father a murderer, and created a phony narrative that you were a philanderer, would you be in a big hurry to do that person a favor by endorsing him for President?
Thanks for this Joe Fan
"Democrats love “Game of Thrones," while Republicans prefer "The Walking Dead," a new study finds "

I see myself as independent, but I won't miss GOT episode. I watched "The Walking Dead" but after one season I just had seen all the zombie dismemberments I cared to and didn't make time for it.

Maybe it is time to embrace who I am.
To you all who are giving Cruz a hard time, if someone called your wife an ugly lunatic, called your father a murderer, and created a phony narrative that you were a philanderer, would you be in a big hurry to do that person a favor by endorsing him for President?
Then don't show up at the convention.
To you all who are giving Cruz a hard time, if someone called your wife an ugly lunatic, called your father a murderer, and created a phony narrative that you were a philanderer, would you be in a big hurry to do that person a favor by endorsing him for President?
And what did Cruz say about Trump?
WhenTrump wins, these folks are going to hurt conservativism more than if they endorsed Trump.

You know what hurts conservativism? Nominating Donald Trump.

I mean if Donald Trump is "conservatism" the GOP may as well just all be liberals.
To you all who are giving Cruz a hard time, if someone called your wife an ugly lunatic, called your father a murderer, and created a phony narrative that you were a philanderer, would you be in a big hurry to do that person a favor by endorsing him for President?
He should have stated when it happened that he would not endorse Trump if he won. None of the candidates felt he had a chance and were just trying to protect their own interests if they won.

Then he worked hard last night and this morning to make it about himself. I was hopeful he would one day be selected for the SC at least. However, he probably made that remote possibility go away as well this morning.
^ what I have learned from Trump and Hillary supporters is that they value partisan politics rather than values and then americans wonder why we got Trump/Hillary. Why does nothing happen to Hillary over her emails? Because partisan politics trumps right and wrong. Cruz's obligations to his family and values be damned! The party come first!

Trump or hillary, it's all the same.
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Newsflash: GOP is not the Conservative Party.

Then do not be surprised when the GOP loses the support of conservatives like Cruz. If the GOP does not want to be a conservative party, it cannot be mad when conservatives refuse to endorse its candidates.
The trouble with Teddy is that he thinks everything is a debate, nice and decorum. I wish it was that way too, but that is not how politics are adjucated. That is why he would have lost to Clinton and Trump will win.
Then do not be surprised when the GOP loses the support of conservatives like Cruz. If the GOP does not want to be a conservative party, it cannot be mad when conservatives refuse to endorse its candidates.
Does not square when the opponent is Hillary. Fight to live another day. Cruz will never be the GOP candidate.
MSNBC warned its viewers of "sensitive content" before they showed some anti-Hillary buttons from the Convention

Remember the audience. For that group, anyone disagreeing with them needs a trigger warning. "We just want to alert our viewers that we're going to be intervewing some non-college students who don't live in California or New York, so there's no telling what kind of crazy stuff they're going to say. They may support Trump, they may say they think Hillary did something illegal, they may even be (please cover the ears of your partner now) PRO-LIFE! So please watch at your own peril..."
To you all who are giving Cruz a hard time, if someone called your wife an ugly lunatic, called your father a murderer, and created a phony narrative that you were a philanderer, would you be in a big hurry to do that person a favor by endorsing him for President?

Most recognize that Trump took pulled the primaries into the gutter moreso than any candidate in recent memory. Those tactics have repercussions. Shouldn't they? Does anti-Political Correctness now absolve one from accountability of their statements?
Thanks for this Joe Fan

I see myself as independent, but I won't miss GOT episode. I watched "The Walking Dead" but after one season I just had seen all the zombie dismemberments I cared to and didn't make time for it.....

I watch both. I was surprised GOT was not in Rs top 10.
....Trump or hillary, it's all the same.

Here is the thing about that position. Let us assume this were true -- that everything they did was the same, all policy, all affairs of state, all spending, everything.

Except for one thing -- SCOTUS nominations. This is THE difference maker in this election. This is what makes this election different from any other. The "balance" of the Court is at stake. Shift that balance, and we have a different country. In 20-30 years, it will be fundamentally different to an extent that no future president could undo or fix it. It is this factor alone that makes this election pivotal.

If you recall Obama admitted that he wanted to fundamentally alter the United States. He did as much as he could get away with but he was held in check somewhat by a Court at least partially determined to honor their oaths and uphold the Constitution. But let HRC name these next few justices and that last check goes away. Congress would not be able to do anything about it either. And then it will be her not Obama who fundamentally alters the US.

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