General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

"..... Donald Trump comes out of his convention ahead of Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, topping her 44% to 39% in a four-way matchup including Gary Johnson (9%) and Jill Stein (3%) and by three points in a two-way head-to-head, 48% to 45%. That latter finding represents a 6-point convention bounce for Trump, which are traditionally measured in two-way matchups."

Some recent history on post-convention bumps --
in 2008 McCain had a small one
In 2004 Romney lost 1% (bascially Romney & Obama were tied in the low 40s, then BHO slowly gained steady ground)
In 2000, Gore gained 10% on Bush
But I thought the Trump campaign was a joke and out of money according to the media.
Crowd chanting "Shame!"

Apparently Bernie was willing to sell out to HRC for use of a private plane

The plane was to be used “for a series of fall rallies in battleground states,” according to the “Bernie 2016” memo, which was drafted in the days before Sanders’ sound defeat in the June 7 California primary, the contest that effectively ended his insurgent bid.

“This plane would be paid for by the DNC,” it reads.

The document reveals a campaign in its final days, considering whether to fight on with a “divisive critique” of Clinton, yet attuned to diminished influence inside the party.

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The unity the Dems sought in Philly is not in getting behind HRC, as they hoped.
But rather in opposing Wasserman Schultz
JaJaJa ---

El Mañana (one of the larger newspapers in Tamaulipas) now likes the idea of a Trump Wall -- according to an editorial "Yes to the Border Wall." But not US-Mexico border, on Mexico's southern border with Central America.

“Along the Mexican border peace and quiet came to an end, Central Americans played a large influence...... Mexico’s southeast has two borders; one with Guatemala and one with Belize, that do not provide any benefit, but on the contrary only problems are brought by these crossing points that are being used for the new invasion. The one use by Central American’s looking for a way into the United States.”…peroenelsurdemexico-3351816.html
It is time we rename the West Mall to Breitbart Mall?

J/K JoeFan. I do appreciate the alternate news but any chance we can find the volume switch?

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