General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

It is time we rename the West Mall to Breitbart Mall?
J/K JoeFan. I do appreciate the alternate news but any chance we can find the volume switch?

I am sorry, but what I see is ....

And dont worry, things will get better for you and your people.
The amazing thing is one does not have to read a post or any post. Kinda an offshoot of Free Speech
Unless on Hornfans posters who do not contribute to keep Hornfans going somehow are forced to read every post.

Keep 'em coming JoeFan
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SH don't wanna hear how the house in on fire.

Not really. I come here for differing views. If I wanted to enter the conservative echo chamber I'd actually visit Brietbart or similar sites. Clearly, the conservative echo chamber is now engulfing West Mall which was my original point. I'd have made the same point were the liberal echo chamber doing the same. C'est la vie West Mall.
Not really. I come here for differing views. If I wanted to enter the conservative echo chamber I'd actually visit Brietbart or similar sites. Clearly, the conservative echo chamber is now engulfing West Mall which was my original point. I'd have made the same point were the liberal echo chamber doing the same. C'est la vie West Mall.
Feel free to post stuff from Slate, Puff Host, etc if you think it interesting.
It is time we rename the West Mall to Breitbart Mall?

It isn't the Breitbart Mall -- it's the Joe Fan Mall. There is plenty of good discussion on this board still, but it can be hard to find amidst all of Joe Fan's keyboard-and-mouse diarrhea. For example, on this thread:
  • Page 6 -- 4 of 30 posts
  • Page 7 -- 10 of 30 posts
  • Page 8 -- 20 of 30 posts
  • Page 9 -- 24 of 30 posts
  • Page 10 -- 8 of 14 posts
I am very reluctant to use the "ignore" feature, but I have to admit that it is tempting.
It isn't the Breitbart Mall -- it's the Joe Fan Mall. There is plenty of good discussion on this board still, but it can be hard to find amidst all of Joe Fan's keyboard-and-mouse diarrhea. For example, on this thread:
  • Page 6 -- 4 of 30 posts
  • Page 7 -- 10 of 30 posts
  • Page 8 -- 20 of 30 posts
  • Page 9 -- 24 of 30 posts
  • Page 10 -- 8 of 14 posts
I am very reluctant to use the "ignore" feature, but I have to admit that it is tempting.
Too bad the libs here can't be censored like the Bernie supporters at the DNC.
Interesting that the lefties complaining about the free content on here , content which they do not have to read are also posters who apparently think everything should be free. Obviously the rich should pay for it.
Interesting that the lefties complaining about the free content on here , content which they do not have to read are also posters who apparently think everything should be free. Obviously the rich should pay for it.

By "lefties", I guess you are referring to Seattle Husker and myself. Granted, neither he nor I is a Tea Partier, but we are both right of center on fiscal issues. On this board, I guess "right of center" qualifies as "left". Fine.

By "everything", I suppose you are talking about things like education, healthcare, and welfare. With a few minor exceptions, I don't support giving these things away for free any more than we are doing already. In fact, I think they should be scaled back in most cases (radically in some), and restructured in others. I'm pretty sure Husker agrees with me.
It's true when the #DNCLeaks hit, i went alittle nuts with posts
This was big stuff
Wholesale corruption of a political party and of a person who may shortly become president.
It was worthy of extra attention. If you cannot see the importance of this material, it's because you do not want to. The human psychology at play here is not difficult to identify.

Further, I have done nothing to inhibit your ability to post. Not one time.

Lastly, I am perfectly fine if you use the ignore feature. If you did, it would be stereotype-confirming (closed mind, aversion to facts) which I think would be great. Seems more aggy than Longhorn, but whatever floats your boat.
Given your affinity for Trump I expected nothing less. So goes the level of dialogue on the West Mall. Sigh.

I admit to being heavily anti-Clinton.
Much more than I am pro-Trump.
I would be for whoever was opposing her, even if it were Hank the Hallucination.
She is corrupt and has to be repelled. I believe the fate of the Republic rests on denying her SCOTUS nominations.

I also think this election is both historic and entertaining at the same time, which is beyond rare. It hasn't really existed before in my lifetime (Reagan-Carter comes closest, then Bush-Gore, then Carter-Ford). Plus, Trump is funny, which makes it fun (compare to the campaigns of Romney or McCain).
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It's true when the #DNCLeaks hit, i went alittle nuts with posts

lol, I'll say.

This was big stuff
Wholesale corruption of a political party and of a person who may shortly become president.
It was worthy of extra attention.

I agree that it was worthy of attention. All politicians are at least a little bit corrupt, but Hillary Clinton is special in this regard. Either she is more corrupt, or she is worse at being corrupt. Either way, she is an abomination.

It is hard to fathom that there could be a candidate out there who is worse than Clinton. But alas, there is -- and the Republicans nominated him.

If you cannot see the importance of this material, it's because you do not want to. The human psychology at play here is not difficult to identify.

I do see the importance of this material, and I'm glad that it is being aggressively outed. In fact, I hope that there is more -- enough to force Hillary to withdraw.

The importance of the material has nothing to do with whether I want to see it clog up the West Mall. This is a discussion board, not a dump-and-run board. Putting up dozens of things that all say, essentially, the same thing adds nothing.

Further, I have done nothing to inhibit your ability to post. Not one time.

True, and I never suggested that you did.

Lastly, I am perfectly fine if you use the ignore feature. If you did, it would be stereotype-confirming (closed mind, aversion to facts) which I think would be great.

So, let me get this straight. Because I am a centrist who sometimes supports democrats and sometimes supports republicans, and because I tend to look for common ground on issues, I am closed minded. In contrast, because you accept everything that comes from Breitbart as gospel and always support the right-wing candidate, you are open minded. Did I get that right?

Seems more aggy than Longhorn.

On this we can agree.
The Dems are allowing the Palestinian flag inside the convention, Soviet flags outside
But have ordered the Mississippi state flag to be taken down



So, let me get this straight. Because I am a centrist who sometimes supports democrats and sometimes supports republicans, and because I tend to look for common ground on issues, I am closed minded. In contrast, because you accept everything that comes from Breitbart as gospel and always support the right-wing candidate, you are open minded. Did I get that right?.

Of course not. Using the ignore button would do that -- the digital equivalent of putting blinders on and sticking your fingers in your ears.

I am aware of Breitbart but rarely rely on them (although I concede I like Milo and followed him before he was banned for life by Twitter). I got burnt by Breitbart once when I posted something of theirs that turned out to not be true. So I just dumped them on the spot. They are not necessary.

As to this thread, I admit the Mexico Wall story was theirs, but deny that anything else I posted here was from them. At least not knowingly. (sometimes with twitter you never really know the original source without alot of effort)

In summary, you guys are barking up the wrong tree on the Breitbart angle now. But, as said above, it doesnt really bother me since it is stereotype-confirming behavior once again. With you guys, when confronted with something you dont like or dont agree with, you attack the source, instead of dealing with the underlying facts. (see Russian angle now with #DNCLeaks). I have always seen it as a concession of the actual argument.

Lastly, your Breitbart harping it does raise one question -- how you guys even know what Breitbart is writing? Unless you read it? Do you admit to that now? If you dont, then how do you know what they are reporting?
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Interesting that the lefties complaining about the free content on here , content which they do not have to read are also posters who apparently think everything should be free. Obviously the rich should pay for it.

Can you please point me to any single post where I, NJLonghorn, Crockett, Chango or any "center-left" person on this board has said everything should be free, tax the rich?

Whether a function of the heightened anxiety we are all feeling due to the gravity of this election, the sewer-based tactics of the candidates or simply the internet anonymity phenomenon, the discourse on this board may be at an all-time low. Just an observation form someone that's been enjoying Hornfans for 17 years. Please keep your namby pamby insults to yourself.
Hillary's favorability has fallen from 59% in 2015 to 38% this month, a record low.

She has fumbled her campaign beyond my wildest expectations. Between the email scandal, general inaccessibility, and now her closest ally at the DNC sabotaging Bernie. Amateur hour in the HRC camp.

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