General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

Whoops --


I am not sure if anyone cares about but CNN and the rest of the media are spinning a false narrative about the birth of the birther movement.

The roots of the birther movement go to 2007 and Mark Penn, who was Hillary's chief campaign strategist. He wrote a long strategy memo that included questioning the patriotism and "lack of American roots" of then-Senator Barack Obama (who was just then rising to be Hillary's chief rival).
[Penn] wrote, “I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values.” Penn proposed targeting Obama’s “lack of American roots.”

Bloomberg (which, if you dont already know, are extreme Trump-haters now) wrote about Mark Penn and the roots of the birther movement in an article called "The Democratic Roots of the Birther Movement" in a 2012 piece.
"Mark (Penn) also suggested how the campaign might take advantage of this. “Every speech should contain the line that you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century,” he advised Clinton. “And talk about the basic bargain as about [sic] the deeply American values you grew up with, learned as a child, and that drive you today.” He went on: “Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t … Let’s add flag symbols to the backgrounds [of campaign events].”

As the 2008 Dem primary got close, and nasty, Hillary supporters began raising issues about where O was born. This next quote is from Politco (also Trump haters) --
"That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008....."

The Daily Telegraph explained it like this in 2011 --
"It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs. Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii....."

And here is Politfact --
"In the fall of 2007, it was clear that Clinton was losing ground in Iowa. The presumptive front runner was vulnerable and people in the campaign knew it. On Dec. 5, 2007, the online magazine Politico posted the text of an email that had been forwarded by Judy Rose, the volunteer chair of the Clinton campaign in Jones County Iowa on Nov. 21, 2007. The email was a quintessential smear that offered a distorted biography of Obama’s early years. Rose offered no commentary on it. She simply passed it along.

"Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim," the email said, and it ended with, "The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the U.S. from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States , one of their own!!!!"

Another Politifact, this one showing Judy Rose was not fired until AFTER the Media discovered her email --
"The public airing of the email brought a quick reaction from the Clinton campaign. On Dec. 6, 2007, the Associated Press reported that Rose had resigned as chair of her county committee....."

In addition, Obama himself confronted Hillary over her campaign pushing the birtherism story --
"The episode in Iowa fueled a testy exchange between Obama and Clinton on the tarmac of Reagan National Airport in December 2007. According to accounts from people who were there, Obama complained about the emails and Clinton boiled over in anger.

When asked about Clinton and the Obama-Muslim myth, Josh Schwerin, a spokesman for the Clinton’s current campaign, told us "Clinton never pushed that."

Yet here is Hillary herself was on 60 Minutes with her now infamous line -- "as far as I know." How Clintonian is that?

One think missing in this treatise? Any evidence that HRC campaign started the birther crap. Oh, mixed into this is the Mark Penn suggestion that the HRC campaign use BO's childhood time spent abroad to paint him as different from you and I and "unamerican" but did he suggest he wasn't born in Hawaii? Nope. Try again but it was a good attempt at misdirection.

Judy Rose? A volunteer leader in Iowa forwarding on an email? That's what you got? Notice that some of these articles mix in the "Muslim" claim hoping that the reader won't notice they just switched arguments. HRC DID push the Muslim claim by all evidence and then when challenged took a very Trump-like approach leaving doubt without ascribing ownership.

In the end, the only evidence of HRC pushing the birther argument is a friend of HRC, not in any way paid or associated to her campaign, meeting with Asher. That's it! Meanwhile Trump spends 5 years pushing the issue. The only reason to try and pin this on HRC is to absolve Trump (and his supporters) of what in the end was an attempt to discredit the first partially African American POTUS. It was asinine then and it still is now. Hey, Trump used it to get a seat on the national stage of politics. Why anyone would defend it though is beyond me.
One think missing in this treatise? Any evidence that HRC campaign started the birther crap. Oh, mixed into this is the Mark Penn suggestion that the HRC campaign use BO's childhood time spent abroad to paint him as different from you and I and "unamerican" but did he suggest he wasn't born in Hawaii? Nope. Try again but it was a good attempt at misdirection.

Judy Rose? A volunteer leader in Iowa forwarding on an email? That's what you got? Notice that some of these articles mix in the "Muslim" claim hoping that the reader won't notice they just switched arguments. HRC DID push the Muslim claim by all evidence and then when challenged took a very Trump-like approach leaving doubt without ascribing ownership.

In the end, the only evidence of HRC pushing the birther argument is a friend of HRC, not in any way paid or associated to her campaign, meeting with Asher. That's it! Meanwhile Trump spends 5 years pushing the issue. The only reason to try and pin this on HRC is to absolve Trump (and his supporters) of what in the end was an attempt to discredit the first partially African American POTUS. It was asinine then and it still is now. Hey, Trump used it to get a seat on the national stage of politics. Why anyone would defend it though is beyond me.


When Penn criticized Obama for his supposed "lack of American roots," what do you think he meant? Whether you think he was referring to his supposed birthplace or not, there's no question that Hillary "Hardworking White People" Clinton was trying to convince voters to question the Americanism and legitimacy of the guy who was trying to become the first black president. In other words, she was trying to do exactly what she's accusing Trump of doing. I'm not defending Trump's crusade. It was stupid, as is much of what he says, but she has absolutely no credibility to raise this issue.
Well, someone brought it up in 2008. If not Hillary, then who? Also, do you believe any thing she says?

When Penn criticized Obama for his supposed "lack of American roots," what do you think he meant? Whether you think he was referring to his supposed birthplace or not, there's no question that Hillary "Hardworking White People" Clinton was trying to convince voters to question the Americanism and legitimacy of the guy who was trying to become the first black president. In other words, she was trying to do exactly what she's accusing Trump of doing. I'm not defending Trump's crusade. It was stupid, as is much of what he says, but she has absolutely no credibility to raise this issue.

Are you saying there is no difference between saying "Obama was raised differently" and "Obama was born in Kenya"? I'd argue there is a sharp difference. If Trump had simply said "Obama is different than you or I" he never would have gotten the notoriety. In fact, isn't it standard fare for politicians to paint their opponent as different from the voters. After all, it's pretty accepted that voters want to vote for someone like them. This is why pointing to Mark Penn's memo is quite a reach to cite as the genesis of birtherism. Birtherism was a very distinct idea that Obama wasn't born in the US. It's a stretch of logic to say that HRC's attempt to say he's different was the "birth" of birtherism.

Now, I do believe the evidence shows that HRC and her campaign trafficked in the "Obama is a Muslim" rumor.
Well, someone brought it up in 2008. If not Hillary, then who? Also, do you believe any thing she says?

Le't see...unless HRC was the only one running against Obama there are any number of possibilities on who raised it. Occam's Razor would lead me to start by evaluating who has been pushing the rumor for the last 8 years. Trump didn't jump in until 2011 but it was a common discussion on here leading up to the 2008 election by conservatives.

Do I believe any thing HRC says? I believe her as much as any politician, Trump included. In this instance Trump and his supporters have invented a story out of thin air and created a conspiracy around it for the sole intention of not owning an issue that Trump has pushed for 5 years. Some commentator claimed he's tweeted about it 37 times since 2011, the point at which Chris Christie claims Trump considered the topic "over".
One think missing in this treatise? Any evidence that HRC campaign started the birther crap. ....

There were other parts, but were posted individually immediately preceding. I determined not to re-post them, assuming most readers would be smart enough to put it all together. And looks like that covered almost everyone.

And, in any event, they have conceded it by now, only attempting minor wiggles.
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There were other parts, but they were posted individually in my immediately preceding posts, which I determined not to re-post, assuming most readers would be smart enough to put it all together. And looks like that covered almost everyone.

And, in any event, they have conceded it by now, only attempting minor wiggles now.

I assumed I didn't need to address each post. The previous posts focused on Asher-Blumenthal and "He's a Muslim" which ties to the place of his birth how? Look only at my right hand rather than my left hand, right?

They conceded it...LOL. I wasn't the one to start it but I finished it was the jist of conceding. Like most Trump statements, he never really backtracks on anything and now his surrogates (i.e. Chris Christie) lie about Trump never pushing the issue since 2011.
I assumed I didn't need to address each post. The previous posts focused on Asher-Blumenthal and "He's a Muslim" which ties to the place of his birth how? Look only at my right hand rather than my left hand, right?

They conceded it...LOL. I wasn't the one to start it but I finished it was the jist of conceding. Like most Trump statements, he never really backtracks on anything and now his surrogates (i.e. Chris Christie) lie about Trump never pushing the issue since 2011.

The facts are all there. You are, of course, free to ignore them.
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Trump has a 3 point lead in Nevada per Rasmussen.

Trump leads Clinton 44 - 43 North Carolina per Elon University

Even in Maine
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One think missing in this treatise? Any evidence that HRC campaign started the birther crap.

HC, hiLIARy lost her right to get the benefit of doubt on telling the truth on anything. The next time she tells the truth with be the first time. You can't lie every time you move your lips and expect anyone to believe her just because it's not proven yet. But you sure like to use the word fact as if that's the truth. The only fact is that she's not been connected "yet" to any of her people that started it.
The facts are all there. You are, of course, free to ignore them. I honestly dont care what you have convinced yourself of.

So, which facts actually point to HRC starting the birther conspiracy? Religion and place of birth are erroneously tied together in you argument. I'm Lutheran, where is my place of birth? Germany? Asher-Blumenthal is the only real evidence. That's certainly something that needs to be evaluated but in the same breath one has to acknowledge that Blumenthal has never had any official role in the HRC campaign.
HC, hiLIARy lost her right to get the benefit of doubt on telling the truth on anything. The next time she tells the truth with be the first time. You can't lie every time you move your lips and expect anyone to believe her just because it's not proven yet. But you sure like to use the word fact as if that's the truth. The only fact is that she's not been connected "yet" to any of her people that started it.

That's convenient logic. It allows one to attribute anything they want to a candidate. Do you hold Trump accountable too for his lies?
That's convenient logic. It allows one to attribute anything they want to a candidate. Do you hold Trump accountable too for his lies?

I can handle a few lies because all politicians do it. That's the norm. But for you to try to put anybody close to Hillary lies is really pathetic. She lies more in one week than all the congress put together does in year. She lies about lying. SH, Do you really not see the difference in Hillary lies vs anybody in history?
Here is a piece from May 1, 2008 shedding more light on the power and influence Sid Blumenthal had with HRC, and how he was often the root of conspiracy theories about Obama. ---


"Former journalist Sidney Blumenthal has been widely credited with coining the term "vast right-wing conspiracy" used by Hillary Clinton in 1998 to describe the alliance of conservative media, think tanks, and political operatives that sought to destroy the Clinton White House where he worked as a high-level aide. A decade later, and now acting as a senior campaign advisor to Senator Clinton, Blumenthal is exploiting that same right-wing network to attack and discredit Barack Obama. And he's not hesitating to use the same sort of guilt-by-association tactics that have been the hallmark of the political right dating back to the McCarthy era.

Almost every day over the past six months, I have been the recipient of an email that attacks Obama's character, political views, electability, and real or manufactured associations. The original source of many of these hit pieces are virulent and sometimes extreme right-wing websites, bloggers, and publications. But they aren't being emailed out from some fringe right-wing group that somehow managed to get my email address. Instead, it is Sidney Blumenthal who, on a regular basis, methodically dispatches these email mudballs to an influential list of opinion shapers -- including journalists, former Clinton administration officials, academics, policy entrepreneurs, and think tankers -- in what is an obvious attempt to create an echo chamber that reverberates among talk shows, columnists, and Democratic Party funders and activists. One of the recipients of the Blumenthal email blast, himself a Clinton supporter, forwards the material to me and perhaps to others.

These attacks sent out by Blumenthal, long known for his fierce and combative loyalty to the Clintons, draw on a wide variety of sources to spread his Obama-bashing. Some of the pieces are culled from the mainstream media and include some reasoned swipes at Obama's policy and political positions.

To cite just one recent example, Blumenthal circulated an article taken from the fervently hard-right AIM website on February 18 entitled, "Obama's Communist Mentor" by Cliff Kincaid. Kincaid is a right-wing writer and activist, a longtime critic of the United Nations, whose group, America's Survival, has been funded by foundations controlled by conservative financier Richard Mellon Scaife, the same millionaire who helped fund attacks on the Clintons during their White House years. Scaife also funds AIM, the right-wing media "watchdog" group.

The Kincaid article that Blumenthal circulated sought to discredit Obama by linking him to an African-American poet and writer whom Obama knew while he was in high school in Hawaii. That writer, Frank Marshall Davis, was, Kincaid wrote, a member of the Communist Party. Supported by no tangible evidence, Kincaid claimed that Obama considered his relationship to Davis to be "almost like a son." In his memoir, Dreams from My Father, Obama wrote about meeting, during his teenage years, a writer named "Frank" who "had some modest notoriety once" and with whom he occasionally discussed poetry and politics. From this snippet, Kincaid weaves an incredulous tale that turns Davis into Obama's "mentor." ..........."
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So, which facts actually point to HRC starting the birther conspiracy? .....

I think I have pretty consistently said "Hillary '08."
Is this the distinction you are trying to make, that it was her people acting on her behalf, but not her personally?
This is the first sentence of the first post of mine on this particular area of Clinton slime.

Hillary '08 started both the birther and Muslim things --.......
Are you saying there is no difference between saying "Obama was raised differently" and "Obama was born in Kenya"?

I'm saying that the media is hyping up semantics over substance. The fact that he chose the words "foreign roots" rather than "born in Kenya" doesn't make much difference, because the objective was the same. That objective was to give the impression (fairly or unfairly) that Obama was not loyal to the United States. I'd be less assertive on the point if it wasn't consistent with Hillary's campaign strategy, but it was. She ran a very nativist campaign in '08, and this issue fit perfectly into her narrative. Of course, none of this means that Trump deserves the moral high ground, but it does mean that Hillary doesn't. They were both out of line.

In fact, isn't it standard fare for politicians to paint their opponent as different from the voters. After all, it's pretty accepted that voters want to vote for someone like them.

"Different" and "foreign" aren't the same. Someone who's merely different has different values and beliefs. Someone who's foreign is disloyal. That's a much more severe and consequential attack.

This is why pointing to Mark Penn's memo is quite a reach to cite as the genesis of birtherism.

I don't particularly care what the literal genesis of it was. Again, that's focusing on a side issue. The issue is which if these two candidates has moral authority on the birther issue. The media is fumbling around to create an illusion that Hillary has some when she doesn't.

Now, I do believe the evidence shows that HRC and her campaign trafficked in the "Obama is a Muslim" rumor.

How is that any more ethical or fair than the birther issue?
Same national polling, two weeks weeks apart
4 point shift toward Trump 4-way
and 7 point shift toward Trump head-2-head

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Heard on the radio coming in this morning that Obama is set to launch an "unprecendented effort by a sitting President" to aid Clinton's sagging poll numbers. He plans to dedicate one or two days a week in October stumping for Hillary.

Given that the rest of the time he'll be golfing, I guess he's done being President. He knows if Trump is elected he'll try to undo what's left of Obamacare, Obama's execution immigration rules, etc. The whole "legacy", that he believes he created, is in peril.
Heard on the radio coming in this morning that Obama is set to launch an "unprecendented effort by a sitting President" to aid Clinton's sagging poll numbers. He plans to dedicate one or two days a week in October stumping for Hillary.
Given that the rest of the time he'll be golfing, I guess he's done being President. He knows if Trump is elected he'll try to undo what's left of Obamacare, Obama's execution immigration rules, etc. The whole "legacy", that he believes he created, is in peril.

He may also find the time to set a record for pardoning criminals
This is Hillary's campaign manager, Robby Mook -- he is quite a piece of work

"..... We may be tiptoeing into Gary Johnson territory here." - ouch


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