General Presidential Campaign: Trump vs Hillary

I see Hillary is "feeling fine" and back on the campaign trail.

She was diagnosed with pneumonia last Friday and kicked it in a week! Damn they must have better drugs now than they did in the 1980s when I had pneumonia. I was sick for two months. I was in my late 20s. She's 68.

Things that make you go hummm...????
Actual CNN tweet


Gee, they're not even trying to hide their bias any more
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Even the Trump campaign is ready to let it go, if not Trump himself. Here is the Snopes article at that booklet when Brietbart posted it in 2012.

Here is the pertinent information from the literary agent that wrote that bio:

The problem with that theory of it being an error, Husker is that there are several more of these "born in Kenya" articles on the net. Seems to me Obama was spreading this falsehood himself.
And how did the analysis of Clinton's tax returns assist in your assessment of their ability to be President? Were their deductions accurate? How about their income? What other specifics eased your mind?
Hillary '08 started both the birther and Muslim things --
(btw, Sid Blumenthal was a Clinton 2008 "senior advisor." And he was also Clinton Foundation employee. Go figure)


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So... of all the one million ways to attack Trump... on the day Trump admits he was full of s*** on the obama being born in Kenya thing, Hillary attacks Trump with that?

She may be the only person in the world incompetent enough to lose to Trump.

I mean she is married to Bill Clinton for Christ sakes. That man just calls women by the number rating he gives them. He called Monica Lewinsky "fat 4."

Someone needs to tell Hillary when Bill calls her "#1" that doesnt mean what she thinks it means
So... of all the one million ways to attack Trump... on the day Trump admits he was full of s*** on the obama being born in Kenya thing, Hillary attacks Trump with that?....

Translation = she is worried about the black vote. Polls seem to support this concern
Wait JF
So CNN etc is pissed they had to cover military heroes?

I am not a big fan of Trump, yes will likely vote or him. The thought of Hilary being elected is chilling
but Trump playing the media so they had to cover some military warriors/heroes?:bow::usa::thumbup:
I am not sure if anyone cares about but CNN and the rest of the media are spinning a false narrative about the birth of the birther movement.

The roots of the birther movement go to 2007 and Mark Penn, who was Hillary's chief campaign strategist. He wrote a long strategy memo that included questioning the patriotism and "lack of American roots" of then-Senator Barack Obama (who was just then rising to be Hillary's chief rival).
[Penn] wrote, “I cannot imagine America electing a president during a time of war who is not at his center fundamentally American in his thinking and in his values.” Penn proposed targeting Obama’s “lack of American roots.”

Bloomberg (which, if you dont already know, are extreme Trump-haters now) wrote about Mark Penn and the roots of the birther movement in an article called "The Democratic Roots of the Birther Movement" in a 2012 piece.
"Mark (Penn) also suggested how the campaign might take advantage of this. “Every speech should contain the line that you were born in the middle of America to the middle class in the middle of the last century,” he advised Clinton. “And talk about the basic bargain as about [sic] the deeply American values you grew up with, learned as a child, and that drive you today.” He went on: “Let’s explicitly own ‘American’ in our programs, the speeches and the values. He doesn’t … Let’s add flag symbols to the backgrounds [of campaign events].”

As the 2008 Dem primary got close, and nasty, Hillary supporters began raising issues about where O was born. This next quote is from Politco (also Trump haters) --
"That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship.

“Barack Obama’s mother was living in Kenya with his Arab-African father late in her pregnancy. She was not allowed to travel by plane then, so Barack Obama was born there and his mother then took him to Hawaii to register his birth,” asserted one chain email that surfaced on the urban legend site in April 2008....."

The Daily Telegraph explained it like this in 2011 --
"It was not until April 2008, at the height of the intensely bitter Democratic presidential primary process, that the touch paper was properly lit.

An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs. Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii....."

And here is Politfact --
"In the fall of 2007, it was clear that Clinton was losing ground in Iowa. The presumptive front runner was vulnerable and people in the campaign knew it. On Dec. 5, 2007, the online magazine Politico posted the text of an email that had been forwarded by Judy Rose, the volunteer chair of the Clinton campaign in Jones County Iowa on Nov. 21, 2007. The email was a quintessential smear that offered a distorted biography of Obama’s early years. Rose offered no commentary on it. She simply passed it along.

"Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim," the email said, and it ended with, "The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the U.S. from the inside out, what better way to start than at the highest level - through the President of the United States , one of their own!!!!"

Another Politifact, this one showing Judy Rose was not fired until AFTER the Media discovered her email --
"The public airing of the email brought a quick reaction from the Clinton campaign. On Dec. 6, 2007, the Associated Press reported that Rose had resigned as chair of her county committee....."

In addition, Obama himself confronted Hillary over her campaign pushing the birtherism story --
"The episode in Iowa fueled a testy exchange between Obama and Clinton on the tarmac of Reagan National Airport in December 2007. According to accounts from people who were there, Obama complained about the emails and Clinton boiled over in anger.

When asked about Clinton and the Obama-Muslim myth, Josh Schwerin, a spokesman for the Clinton’s current campaign, told us "Clinton never pushed that."

Yet here is Hillary herself was on 60 Minutes with her now infamous line -- "as far as I know." How Clintonian is that?
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Mark Steyn said today that Obama's own publicist pushed the claim that Obama was born in Kenya in order to make his book sell better as he was an "outsider" and would be more "exotic" if born overseas.
ADD this in to it
Patti Solis Doyle, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager in 2008 until the Iowa caucuses, admitted on Friday that a Clinton campaign staffer had, in fact, circulated the Birther conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was born outside the U.S. and therefore potentially ineligible to serve in the presidency."

Don't forget it was Phillip Berg a Hillary supporter who brought the first lawsuit maintaining Bo was not a natural born citizen and further that when he was adopted by the muslim Indonesian he lost any citizenship he might have had. Berg was a big Hillary supporter.
CNN had their fact checker on, to discuss whether Hillary '08 started the birther movement, and just as he was about to say so, they cut him off!

Mark Steyn said today that Obama's own publicist pushed the claim that Obama was born in Kenya in order to make his book sell better as he was an "outsider" and would be more "exotic" if born overseas.
Yes, I recall this from the past (that is, it is at least consistent).
There will be some people who will refuse to see what MSM is doing but there will also be plenty who will see, understand and be insulted by the blatant attempt to manipulate.
Whether that translates into Trump votes remains to be seen.
I am still stunned at CNN complaining about covering Medal of Honor recipients
The Telegraph put out a timeline that says the Obama is a Muslim thing actually goes back even further, to 2004 --

August 2004 - Andy Martin, a local Illinois political candidate and serial litigant, distributes a press release stating that Barack Obama, a state senator, “is a Muslim who has concealed his religion”

January 2005 – Mr Obama goes to Washington DC as the junior US senator for Illinois. Just over two years later, he announces that he is running for US president

April 2008 – Supporters of Hillary Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, circulate an email suggesting that he was born in Kenya

June 2008 – Mr Obama’s campaign team releases a copy of his certificate of live birth, but “birther” conspiracy theorists are unconvinced and demand to see the full original

October 2008 – A voter at a campaign rally for John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate, tells Mr McCain that Mr Obama is “an Arab”. Mr McCain tells her she is wrong

October 2008 – Kapiolani Maternity hospital says it can not release the full birth certificate but Dr Chiyome Fukino, director of Hawaii’s health department, says she has inspected it and it is in order

November 2008 – Mr Obama is elected US president. Lawsuits challenging his eligibility are filed around the country

August 2009 – Orly Taitz, a prominent “birther”, releases a Kenyan birth certificate that he says shows Mr Obama was born there. The document is a crude fake ........
I doubt CNN is trying to arrange an interview with Asher

She really doesn't have a lot of credibility on the issue. From the birther movement to the "hard working white people" comment, she ran a pretty racially inflammatory campaign back in '08. Obviously the media isn't throwing that in her face, but somebody could be.
Just watched ABC news. They do not even try to show any journalistic integrity. It was reported that Trump said Hillary and her campaign started the birthed rumours. David Muir said that was simply not true. They went on for about 8-10 minutes blasting Trump .Not one mention of all that Hillary and her campaign did to further the birthed story
Just crap
Just watched ABC news. They do not even try to show any journalistic integrity. It was reported that Trump said Hillary and her campaign started the birthed rumours. David Muir said that was simply not true. They went on for about 8-10 minutes blasting Trump .Not one mention of all that Hillary and her campaign did to further the birthed story
Just crap
It's a culture thing. Stuff behind the scenes, etc is not reported on, otherwise the reporters lose their sources, friends, etc. It is clear to me that Trump is very clued into these back stories. He is incredibly well-informed. Wouldn't surprise me the Cruz affairs were real.
But there is tons and tons of verifiable evidence Hillary etc promoted the rumors that BO was not born in the usa
And that he was a Muslim
Why does msm think most people do not know this?
And some still deny Trump has altered his strategy and softened tone after HRC handed him the golden "basket of deplorables". Hillary has become the angry twitter basher while Trump is having a blast toying with media...

Apparently the Libs went apesh*t over Fallon chumming up to Trump..."bootlicker", "fascist humanizer", "Progressive traitor" are a few slurs I saw in 10 seconds. :thumbup:
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