Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

For those interested in hearing BOTH sides to the claims. Maricopa County was tweeting out responses real-time to the 2-Senator hearing. Here is their response to the patching.

Most election systems claim to be air gapped to avoid direct access to the internet. Remember the unproven claims that the Detroit computers were connected to the internet?

Here is the problem with uncertified auditors. They aren't even familiar with EAC rules for certification of election equipment.

I knew I shouldn't have unignored this. Dude, this is so ******* stupid. They can't have a freaking air gapped system if it was connected to other county networks and routers. Did you see their order of operations tweet that I posted earlier? Holy ****.

A true air gapped computer is physically isolated, meaning data can only be passed to it physically (via USB, removable media or a firewire with another machine).
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SH that’s what you got. You are quoting the election officials under the audit.

Thats a joke, I get audited every year never have I done that. You talk to the auditor and say this is why I think I am right.

Also if you certified a number it better be correct. I have to certified we do inspections every week, auditors check and we done them. Not hard just count.

Yep. This is how illogical SH's argument is. When a business is being audited from an outsider, people don't go asking the people being audited for their "expert" opinion on the performance of the auditors. This **** is so ******* nuts.
SH that’s what you got. You are quoting the election officials under the audit.

Thats a joke, I get audited every year never have I done that. You talk to the auditor and say this is why I think I am right.

Also if you certified a number it better be correct. I have to certified we do inspections every week, auditors check and we done them. Not hard just count.

I'm quoting the other side. In any audit the team being audited gets a chance to respond to the findings. This is PART of that response.

That's why this isn't an audit but rather an investigation. This isn't following any established audit procedures. They made it up as they went.
Yep. This is how illogical SH's argument is. When a business is being audited from an outsider, people don't go asking the people being audited for their "expert" opinion on the performance of the auditors. This **** is so ******* nuts.

Every audit I've ever endured, within a company or by the federal government the auditors share the findings and ask for the audited party to respond. Even the IRS asks for a response in their audit procedures.

This **** is so ******* nuts.

Applies to your statement. I'll simply say it's ignorant but that's not unexpected.
I'm quoting the other side. In any audit the team being audited gets a chance to respond to the findings. This is PART of that response.

That's why this isn't an audit but rather an investigation. This isn't following any established audit procedures. They made it up as they went.

Fine. If you want to quote the people who are actively lying at every opportunity that's your prerogative. I've caught these people in two lies today. 1) Their order of operations tweet. If you haven't read it please do. I posted it above. 2) Their claiming their system is air gapped when we know for a fact that they are using routers.
In other news today...

An Arizona Superior Court denied AZ Senate's request to dismiss a case in which a watchdog group asked for all audit documentation and donors to be made public. The AZ Senate (read Karen Fann) claimed that they couldn't make it public because it's in the hands for private firms they hired.

Remember, this is the "audit" team that claims they are focused solely on transparency.

Here's the ruling.

Doug Logan is like "transparency for thee but not for me".
Every audit I've ever endured, within a company or by the federal government the auditors share the findings and ask for the audited party to respond. Even the IRS asks for a response in their audit procedures.

Applies to your statement. I'll simply say it's ignorant but that's not unexpected.

Ignorant? You're deluded. The auditors have reached out several times but the Board has been obstructive every step of the way. Go ahead and believe the people who are trying to hide stuff from this audit and are breaking the law.
Ignorant? You're deluded. The auditors have reached out several times but the Board has been obstructive every step of the way. Go ahead and believe the people who are trying to hide stuff from this audit and are breaking the law.

You don't know what they are hiding. You're listening to only one side in a he said she said debate because you only want to believe one side. You can draw a straight line from November to today of you listening to only one side. The previous people you vociferously defended are now getting their law licenses suspended and getting mocked in hearings for suspect lawyering. Listening to all sides before making claims is a safer strategy. I'm saying listen to both sides. You are advocating for listening to one. Before Guilliani was the Pied Piper with you in tow. You didn't learn very well.
You don't know what they are hiding. You're listening to only one side in a he said she said debate because you only want to believe one side. You can draw a straight line from November to today of you listening to only one side. The previous people you vociferously defended are now getting their law licenses suspended and getting mocked in hearings for suspect lawyering. Listening to all sides before making claims is a safer strategy. I'm saying listen to both sides. You are advocating for listening to one. Before Guilliani was the Pied Piper with you in tow. You didn't learn very well.

After what we've seen from AZ and GA I would say Giulliani was right about this election. Like I told Deez just because his info that he and his data analysts are coming up with doesn't match with the "official" stats doesn't mean he's wrong or lying. All of this suspension nonsense is to keep people from telling the truth. Sort of the same **** that Twitter and Facebook does when it comes to censoring stuff which they say are lies but keep end up being true. I have listened to the other side. I followed the Maricopa Board on Twitter until they started saying **** I know wasn't true. They ARE hiding stuff. They won't turn over things that the team needs to complete this audit. The Board has never denied this.
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After what we've seen from AZ and GA I would say Giulliani was right about this election. Like I told Deez just because his info that he and his data analysts are coming up with doesn't match with the "official" stats doesn't mean he's wrong or lying. All of this suspension nonsense is to keep people from telling the truth. Sort of the same **** that Twitter and Facebook does when it comes to censoring stuff which they say are lies but keep end up being true. I have listened to the other side. I followed the Maricopa Board on Twitter until they started saying **** I know wasn't true. They ARE hiding stuff. They won't turn over things that the team needs to complete this audit. The Board has never denied this.

Stuff that you know isn't true? Again, are you IN Arizona conducting the audit? If not, the only thing you know is what some online source is telling you. Follow the court actions because there is less ability gor either side to politik like today's hearing and Maricopa's response.

The fact that you are still defending Guiliani reinforces my point that you are only listening to one side.
For those interested in hearing BOTH sides to the claims. Maricopa County was tweeting out responses real-time to the 2-Senator hearing. Here is their response to the patching.

Most election systems claim to be air gapped to avoid direct access to the internet. Remember the unproven claims that the Detroit computers were connected to the internet?

Here is the problem with uncertified auditors. They aren't even familiar with EAC rules for certification of election equipment.

Ha... I was going to post the pic of Cruise but they beat me to it in the article about an air-gapped computer.

We have comments about certification on one-side and suspicious ballots on the others. They are talking past one another. When will we get on point?
Ha... I was going to post the pic of Cruise but they beat me to it in the article about an air-gapped computer.

We have comments about certification on one-side and suspicious ballots on the others. They are talking past one another. When will we get on point?

Exactly. No need to really pay attention until the sides get into court.
Stuff that you know isn't true? Again, are you IN Arizona conducting the audit? If not, the only thing you know is what some online source is telling you. Follow the court actions because there is less ability gor either side to politik like today's hearing and Maricopa's response.

The fact that you are still defending Guiliani reinforces my point that you are only listening to one side.

I'm defending Giuliani because some evidence is irrefutable. The 74,000 mail in ballot problem mention COULD be because forms that the Board hasn't turned over yet. The 25,000 duplicated ballots pretty much buries the Board. The fraudulent tally sheets in GA buries Fulton Co. I'm also on Giuliani's side because I have enough sense to realize this is all political in nature. This is to shut people up.

This may never see a court because the senate might not try decertification and I'm okay with that if it ends here. Turning over an election even at the state level is about impossible regardless of the evidence. I'm just happy the truth is finally coming out.
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If we decide to go this route we need to get the final report done before we even try that. We still haven't been told how many illegal aliens voted, dead voted, etc.. That info is supposed to come out in the final report. We need all the evidence that we can muster before we try this.
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The final report will be in August and should be worse than this little update today. We’ll see. I expect a new election in the fall sometime in AZ. PA, GA, OH next, more of the same is my presumption, we’ll see.
The final report will be in August and should be worse than this little update today. We’ll see. I expect a new election in the fall sometime in AZ. PA, GA, OH next, more of the same is my presumption, we’ll see.

Although there was fraud in Ohio we don't need another election there. We still took the state.
The target of an audit always has a right to respond and explain himself, and there's always good reason to be skeptical of him. This why it would be nice to have an auditor who's vetted and taken seriously.

The reality is that what these guys allege is obviously very serious, but nobody is going to trust their findings except those who already believed in a fraud. Before others come on board, there's going to have to be a vetting of their findings by people with more credibility.
Of course the people who have more credibility are the ones who don't believe there's fraud. Let's just say it. lol
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For those interested in hearing BOTH sides to the claims. Maricopa County was tweeting out responses real-time to the 2-Senator hearing. Here is their response to the patching.

Most election systems claim to be air gapped to avoid direct access to the internet. Remember the unproven claims that the Detroit computers were connected to the internet?

Here is the problem with uncertified auditors. They aren't even familiar with EAC rules for certification of election equipment.

It is sad that you fail to see the problem with an unsecure system...and that you buy into the nonsense that outdated virus protection is somehow a good thing.

And before you come back with 'it does not connect to the internet,' the question then has to be asked of WHY a device allegedly incapable of accessing the internet NEEDS anti-virus software in the first place...
It is sad that you fail to see the problem with an unsecure system...and that you buy into the nonsense that outdated virus protection is somehow a good thing.

And before you come back with 'it does not connect to the internet,' the question then has to be asked of WHY a device allegedly incapable of accessing the internet NEEDS anti-virus software in the first place...

Good point. And if it's an air-gapped system why are routers involved? How ******* stupid do these people think we are?
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the south won the civil war, as any right thinking person knows.

and Germany won WW II, which is why we all speak German now.

When are you lemmings going to face reality? (never)
I would say the lemmings are those who will continue to accept the status quo despite evidence showing that the status quo is bogus.
It is sad that you fail to see the problem with an unsecure system...and that you buy into the nonsense that outdated virus protection is somehow a good thing.

Did I say that? Clearly having the most up-to-date virus protection is important. The importance is diminished a bit if they aren't connected to the internet but depending on other protections it would still be best practice.

I also recognize that there is a certification process election machines go through. It's a safe bet that the certification process is in place to ensure the machines haven't been verified as not being altered. This is government. It is unfeasible to re-certify every time a patch is released.

A question that should be asked is what is the standard for certification for all election officials and is Maricopa different than that standard.
Did I say that? Clearly having the most up-to-date virus protection is important. The importance is diminished a bit if they aren't connected to the internet but depending on other protections it would still be best practice.

I also recognize that there is a certification process election machines go through. It's a safe bet that the certification process is in place to ensure the machines haven't been verified as not being altered. This is government. It is unfeasible to re-certify every time a patch is released.

A question that should be asked is what is the standard for certification for all election officials and is Maricopa different than that standard.
The question you dodged is why something that allegedly does not connect to the internet even need anti-virus in the first place. After internet capabilities, then there should be no virus getting into the system.

Oh, IS a sneaker-net system, which means data CAN indeed be injected and thus a risk could exist through something on the unscanned USB drive (which they refer to as the thumb drives).

Maricopa County, in seeking to explain away an anomaly actually creates an even bigger cause for concern for anyone with a functioning synapse...
You don't know what they are hiding.

Routers for one,
Chain of custody records, and
Images of mail-in ballots.

I welcome Maricopa county response, the tweet you posted wasn’t a response. I went to the Election Assistant Commission website not impressed.

Maricopa should be asking the audit team for their findings so the county can respond once the report is final. I doubt they are asking those questions.
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Routers for one.

I welcome Maricopa county response, the tweet you posted wasn’t a response. I went to the Election Assistant Commission website no impressed.

Maricopa should be asking the audit team for their findings so the county can respond once the report is final. I doubt they are asking those questions.

The EAC is a joke. EAC "certification" is a joke that few people in the industry actually take seriously.
The question you dodged is why something that allegedly does not connect to the internet even need anti-virus in the first place. After internet capabilities, then there should be no virus getting into the system.

Oh, IS a sneaker-net system, which means data CAN indeed be injected and thus a risk could exist through something on the unscanned USB drive (which they refer to as the thumb drives).

Maricopa County, in seeking to explain away an anomaly actually creates an even bigger cause for concern for anyone with a functioning synapse...

I didn't dodge, I answered your question which is why I didn't fall for the trap that virus software has no value. I'm well aware of Stuxnet's introduction into Iran's Nuclear Power Plant via USB. Conversely, I'm also aware of the Solar Winds hack was introduced through injected code into one of their updates. Why did no virus software catch it? Because it had the Solar Winds certs on that code giving it a key to all enterprises using the software.

One could surmise this is WHY the certification process exists. By freezing the codebase in place you can then audit for updates into core files. There are risk tradeoffs.

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