Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

Politicians and lawyers always speak literally and that is why, IMO, Mr. Deez said it could be one ballot. She was being vague and that seems to be her MO. The story matters to her; the details are tools; the truth has already been decided.

As soon as she heard something she wanted to let us know. She just wanted to keep us informed. To me it's not a big deal. We'll know the exact amount soon enough.
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It is only a big deal with those who do not want the facts to vome out
Abd who will weasel around facts that do and have come out .

I want facts to come out. If Trump actually won Arizona, I definitely want to know that. However, when the people claiming to be seeking the facts speak vaguely, there's usually a reason for it. It doesn't mean they're necessarily wrong, but it's reason to second-guess them.
I want facts to come out. If Trump actually won Arizona, I definitely want to know that. However, when the people claiming to be seeking the facts speak vaguely, there's usually a reason for it. It doesn't mean they're necessarily wrong, but it's reason to second-guess them.

That's the key, we all want the fact to come out. The politicking of which Senator Fann is clearly doing is the issue.
Yeah she spoke to soon trying to grab a headline.

So what is a good percentage to be off? 5% is over 100K, unacceptable. I would expect normal election count to be off 0.1 %. But I am guessing Arizona count will be off closer to 5% or more. Just a guess.
Yeah she spoke to soon trying to grab a headline.

So what is a good percentage to be off? 5% is over 100K, unacceptable. I would expect normal election count to be off 0.1 %. But I am guessing Arizona count will be off closer to 5% or more. Just a guess.

Bob Hughes, the president of the company that prints the Maricopa ballots, is helping with the process of finding counterfeit ballots said one thing that he seems to have found are ballots were over-produced for a precinct. He says that there were over 600 different ballots for all of Maricopa during the 2020 election. The reason there are so many is because of all of the local races that were on the same ballot as the national election . Here's the problem- many of these small precincts had only about 1000 or so ballots printed that only pertained to them. They are finding ballots that supposedly belong to that precinct that far exceeds the 1000 that were created. The cheaters were not paying attention to the small details.
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So did they only find more ballots than requested per precinct that were printed
Or printed and counted as if someone cast them?
Found more filled out, counted ballots then what were printed for a precinct. I'm not sure the precinct numbers jibe with what he's saying but at the same time I don't always buy into what the precincts report.

There is so much dishonesty from election officials. The only way to get to the truth is for someone to look at the ballots.
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Twitter summary: Ghost hunters find evidence of ghosts. Bigfoot hunters find yelps and sticks clanging in the distance that validates their continued searching.
Yeah she spoke to soon trying to grab a headline.

So what is a good percentage to be off? 5% is over 100K, unacceptable. I would expect normal election count to be off 0.1 %. But I am guessing Arizona count will be off closer to 5% or more. Just a guess.

Ideally, no percentage is acceptable. However, let's be honest. We're not going through all this because people suspect that Trump lost by 10,450 votes instead of 10,457. We're doing it because people suspect there were massive errors and that Trump actually won the state, and politicians are trying to exploit that suspicion. That's why the margins on this sort of thing matter.
For context, this is Bob Hughes speaking in a Q&A session after he was prominently featured The Deep Rig, a film funded and produced by Overstock founder Patrick Byrne. Byrne founded a non-profit to raise $2.8M to pay for the audit. The movie is base on a book about how the election was stolen.

This movie as been edited a few times since it's release. Most notably, "Anon" who was identified as an "application security analyst" which was a heavily featured voice at the start of the film was ID'ed as Cyber Ninja CEO Doug Logan. In later versions he was removed from the film.

Bob Hughes clips replaced Logan's voice.
Twitter summary: Ghost hunters find evidence of ghosts. Bigfoot hunters find yelps and sticks clanging in the distance that validates their continued searching.

Except the ghost hunters look to have found evidence of ghosts. I know that you believe anything that falls beyond your MSM bubble is somehow Q but it isn't. I told you once people started auditing this was going to be found. The question isn't if there's massive fraud or not. There is. The question is was there enough to affect the election.
I know that you believe anything that falls beyond your MSM bubble is somehow Q but it isn't.

Conversely, this author would believe anything that supports his own narrative. Do we need to go back to November/December when they were hanging from Guiliani's nuts? Fast forward to today, Guiliani has now lost his law license in NY and D.C. and his cabal of lawyers just got blasted in a hearing Monday by a Michigan judge for not vetting and or blatantly misrepresenting (in Powell's case) all the claimed "evidence" they presented. The judge called the voter fraud claims "fantastical".
Ideally, no percentage is acceptable. However, let's be honest. We're not going through all this because people suspect that Trump lost by 10,450 votes instead of 10,457. We're doing it because people suspect there were massive errors and that Trump actually won the state, and politicians are trying to exploit that suspicion. That's why the margins on this sort of thing matter.

This is an election strategy...tied to future elections. Use any discrepancy in the audits to gin up the base to raise $$ and vote/campaign in 2022 and 2024. At this point any discrepancy will be labeled "fraud" to support the previously stated goals. The side benefit is that they also are leveraging the claims to justify more voting limitations under the claim of "integrity".

I'm not sure any audit has ever come back with an exact match to what was counted on election night.

I have to laugh at the use of numbers to confuse the issue though. In the video above Bob Hughes calls out the ominous statistic that Maricopa County used ~667 versions of ballots. Later he explained the very logical reason why there are so many. Depending on where you are registered and which school district you live in you may need a ballot unique to that particular subset of voters. I for one am prepared for the August report to throw out a whole bunch of ominous statistical analysis at which point we all should analyze it. Remember the AGOG scenario in Michigan? Just because someone writes it or even puts in in an affidavit doesn't make it accurate. In fact, the reason lawyers are being reprimanded is because their dragnet approach of scooping up every crazy and submitting them in an affidavit without vetting was uphauling. I know...but but but "Guiliani had 1000 affidavits" of which ZERO carried any weight to the courts.
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Conversely, this author would believe anything that supports his own narrative. Do we need to go back to November/December when they were hanging from Guiliani's nuts? Fast forward to today, Guiliani has now lost his law license in NY and D.C. and his cabal of lawyers just got blasted in a hearing Monday by a Michigan judge for not vetting and or blatantly misrepresenting (in Powell's case) all the claimed "evidence" they presented. The judge called the voter fraud claims "fantastical".
I guess I gave you too much credit...I figured even a libtile would know that a suspension is NOT a disbarment. A suspension in NY and DC is just that...a suspension. It is NOT the same as losing a license and it ALSO does not preclude him from working in other cases. He just cannot be the attorney that is filing and arguing before the court...but he REMAINS an attorney.
I guess I gave you too much credit...I figured even a libtile would know that a suspension is NOT a disbarment. A suspension in NY and DC is just that...a suspension. It is NOT the same as losing a license and it ALSO does not preclude him from working in other cases. He just cannot be the attorney that is filing and arguing before the court...but he REMAINS an attorney.
Despite the repeated disrespect in your posts I'll play and take the higher road. Notice it is possible to have a debate without name-calling.


Giuliani temporarily lost his access to practice law in NYC and D.C. Right? Are you quibbling with the fact that I didn't add "temporarily" lost his license?

Per Findlaw, here is what a suspended license attorney is allowed to do. Note, this differs by state.
Working in the Law as a Suspended Attorney

Several states allow suspended attorneys to work for other lawyers during their suspension, in a limited capacity. California's Rule of Professional Conduct 1-311, for example, allows bar members to employ "a disbarred, suspended, resigned, or involuntarily inactive member" for tasks such as legal research, drafting, and clerical activities. The employing lawyer must notify both the state bar and individual clients when taking on a suspended attorney and cannot allow the attorney to engage in specific acts such as the rendering of legal advice, representation of clients, or handling of client funds.

In 1979, the ABA Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility released an informal opinion on the employment of disbarred lawyers. While it focused on those who have been fully excluded from the practice of law, rather than temporarily suspended, the gist is applicable to suspended attorneys as well: an employing lawyer cannot aid a suspended lawyer in the unauthorized practice of law. That means no employing suspended lawyers in tasks that would, in a particular state, constitute practice.

In addition to California's Rule 1-311 and the ABA's informal opinion, many state and local bars have their own ethics opinions on the employment of suspended or disbarred lawyers. Peter Geraghty, director of ETHICSearch, does a good job rounding them up here. And they're not all as accommodating as California or the ABA. Washington State, for example, declares that:

A disbarred lawyer may not be employed as a paralegal or law clerk, may not be employed to do legal research or writing, or work as a law office secretary or other office employee. Neither may a disbarred lawyer be employed as an investigator, messenger or accountant in connection with a lawyer's law practice...

The bar does allow attorneys to "employ a disbarred lawyer in other, nonlaw-related capacities," however, such as "mowing lawns or washing windows."

Again, this is a State by State issue but if you take California as an example, it doesn't require a law license to do legal research, draft client documents or clerical activities. It does require a license to render legal advice and represent a client. As far as I can tell the latter group is essentially what Guiliani is expressly forbidden to do now in NY and DC.
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He has NOT lost his license, no matter how hard you try to linguistically contort yourself. He STILL has a license. His ability to practice has been suspended. That means he is STILL a lawyer. You expressly asserted that *checks notes* "Guiliani has now lost his law license in NY and D.C." which is NOT the case as there IS a material difference between disbarring someone and suspending them. Even Craig Washington still has his license despite a slew of suspensions...

And all the LOL's at trying to cite FindLaw to support your contortion. I've had more than one client that basically served in an ABC (all but card) category following the suspension of their Texas license. They become highly paid paralegals. They still remain attorneys, they still hold their license...they just are not practicing attorneys for the duration of the suspension. Once their felony became final, the suspension would turn into a disbarment proceeding, and that is the point at which they LOST their license.
He has NOT lost his license, no matter how hard you try to linguistically contort yourself. He STILL has a license. His ability to practice has been suspended.

Do you care to argue over the definition of "is" a bit more? Giuliani has temporarily lost his ability to practice law in NY and DC. He's expressly lost the ability to give legal advice, represent clients and other law license requiring activities in those jurisdictions.

And all the LOL's at trying to cite FindLaw to support your contortion.

You don't like Findlaw? Feel free to bring your own evidence to the debate. I'm not going to quibble over the definition of "is" though.
mb, you're awesome and frequently make good points here, but SH is mostly right here. True, Guiliani was suspended and not disbarred, but a suspension is a big deal. Yes, you can still work in the law field (basically as a paralegal or legal secretary), but you can't go to court or accept clients. Basically your position of trust as a fiduciary is gone for awhile. It's a major ****-up. Let's put it this way. If my license got suspended, I'd be massively embarrassed and ashamed.
He has NOT lost his license, no matter how hard you try to linguistically contort yourself. He STILL has a license. His ability to practice has been suspended. That means he is STILL a lawyer. You expressly asserted that *checks notes* "Guiliani has now lost his law license in NY and D.C." which is NOT the case as there IS a material difference between disbarring someone and suspending them. Even Craig Washington still has his license despite a slew of suspensions...

And all the LOL's at trying to cite FindLaw to support your contortion. I've had more than one client that basically served in an ABC (all but card) category following the suspension of their Texas license. They become highly paid paralegals. They still remain attorneys, they still hold their license...they just are not practicing attorneys for the duration of the suspension. Once their felony became final, the suspension would turn into a disbarment proceeding, and that is the point at which they LOST their license.
Worst penis measuring contest evah.

What's the update on those bamboo fibers? Waiting with baited breath.
mb, you're awesome and frequently make good points here, but SH is mostly right here. True, Guiliani was suspended and not disbarred, but a suspension is a big deal. Yes, you can still work in the law field (basically as a paralegal or legal secretary), but you can't go to court or accept clients. Basically your position of trust as a fiduciary is gone for awhile. It's a major ****-up. Let's put it this way. If my license got suspended, I'd be massively embarrassed and ashamed.
Never convicted!
mb, you're awesome and frequently make good points here, but SH is mostly right here. True, Guiliani was suspended and not disbarred, but a suspension is a big deal. Yes, you can still work in the law field (basically as a paralegal or legal secretary), but you can't go to court or accept clients. Basically your position of trust as a fiduciary is gone for awhile. It's a major ****-up. Let's put it this way. If my license got suspended, I'd be massively embarrassed and ashamed.
But...words DO have meaning, and SH is the one who claimed Rudy LOST HIS LICENSE. That did not occur. And anyone who repeats that and, worse, digs themselves in further, is deliberately spouting what would be described as "fake news" and demonstrating that facts simply don't matter.

I get that a suspension is a big deal, but it is NOT what SH claimed occurred. SH expressly claimed that Rudy LOST HIS LICENSE. When he keeps repeating that here, they are likely doing it elsewhere, which is how this crap mushrooms.

As I noted...even Craig Washington still has a license and takes in clients even while currently on yet another probated suspension.
Worst penis measuring contest evah.

What's the update on those bamboo fibers? Waiting with baited breath.
Have no idea about bamboo. I have never advanced that claim. But keep on with your slanderous efforts to lump all conservatives into the same mindset with respect to the various efforts going on around the country...I would expect nothing less of you.
This coming from the orginator of "libtile", "libtard" and any other cute names to lump a group "into the same mindset".

In your case, the shoe fits. You have shown time and again that you believed all the MSM bile that was spewed throughout DJT's term and in the six months that have followed. You even showed it again just a little while ago by claiming 1.6 was an 'insurrection' in a different thread...

Oh, and in yet another incorrectly attribute those terms to me as having originated them. I do not believe I was even the first to have used them on this site.
But...words DO have meaning, and SH is the one who claimed Rudy LOST HIS LICENSE. That did not occur. And anyone who repeats that and, worse, digs themselves in further, is deliberately spouting what would be described as "fake news" and demonstrating that facts simply don't matter.

I get that a suspension is a big deal, but it is NOT what SH claimed occurred. SH expressly claimed that Rudy LOST HIS LICENSE. When he keeps repeating that here, they are likely doing it elsewhere, which is how this crap mushrooms.

As I noted...even Craig Washington still has a license and takes in clients even while currently on yet another probated suspension.

I totally understand. He was imprecise and inaccurate in his language. Guiliani did not lose his license. He can still carry his card and keep his license nicely framed. However, those things are of little value if he can't practice. Let's put it this way. When you actually get disbarred, you do have to surrender your Bar card and license, but losing a piece of plastic and a piece of paper are pretty insignificant. It's the inability to practice and take cases that really hurts. Rudy can't practice for a significant period of time, and that hurts and is humiliating, whether he gets to keep the piece of plastic and the piece of paper on his wall or not.

No, it's not as bad as a disbarment, and it's OK to point out SH's error on that point. However, I wouldn't go apeshit on him for it. His overall point is pretty valid.
You have shown time and again that you believed all the MSM bile that was spewed throughout DJT's term and in the six months that have followed.

You're going to have to point out examples if you care for that statement to carry any weight. Applying some broad brush "liberal" card is weak, typically reserved for less intellectually strong posters here.

You even showed it again just a little while ago by claiming 1.6 was an 'insurrection' in a different thread...

I get it. You don't want the hundreds that invaded the Capitol Building, some after beating cops, to be labeled an insurrection. They were there with the explicit intention of stopping the electoral count. Not sure how that doesn't meet this definition.

Oh, and in yet another incorrectly attribute those terms to me as having originated them. I do not believe I was even the first to have used them on this site.

If you want to argue over whether you created the term I'll acquiesce that you may not have created the term but the incessent reuse of the term makes you every bit as guilty of the complaint you lodged at OUBubba.

I get why you'd want to change the subject away from your own blatant hypocrisy or away from WHY Guiliani lost his ability to practice law, even temporarily. The attempt to change the subject is obvious and transparent.
C'mon Deez...even YOU have to recognize that Rudy was not going to be doing much more practice even without the suspension. He just wasn't. He was going to be a talking head on some programs and not much more...he might even have been listed as an "of counsel" in some white shoe office but given how the left goes after ANY entity hiring former Trump staff, he wouldn't have enjoyed the letterhead recognition that comes with being "of counsel."

This whole sequence in the thread was about SH trying to make something out to be what it clearly was NOT. But then again, hardly unexpected from supporters of a party that endorse a filibuster with a field trip...
I totally understand. He was imprecise and inaccurate in his language. Guiliani did not lose his license. He can still carry his card and keep his license nicely framed. However, those things are of little value if he can't practice. Let's put it this way. When you actually get disbarred, you do have to surrender your Bar card and license, but losing a piece of plastic and a piece of paper are pretty insignificant. It's the inability to practice and take cases that really hurts. Rudy can't practice for a significant period of time, and that hurts and is humiliating, whether he gets to keep the piece of plastic and the piece of paper on his wall or not.

No, it's not as bad as a disbarment, and it's OK to point out SH's error on that point. However, I wouldn't go apeshit on him for it. His overall point is pretty valid.
Seems like a silly argument.

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