Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

I totally understand. He was imprecise and inaccurate in his language. Guiliani did not lose his license. He can still carry his card and keep his license nicely framed. However, those things are of little value if he can't practice. Let's put it this way. When you actually get disbarred, you do have to surrender your Bar card and license, but losing a piece of plastic and a piece of paper are pretty insignificant. It's the inability to practice and take cases that really hurts. Rudy can't practice for a significant period of time, and that hurts and is humiliating, whether he gets to keep the piece of plastic and the piece of paper on his wall or not.

No, it's not as bad as a disbarment, and it's OK to point out SH's error on that point. However, I wouldn't go apeshit on him for it. His overall point is pretty valid.

Imprecise and inaccurate might not be the case. Just because what Rudy and his data analysts came up with wasn't the same numbers as the "official" stats doesn't mean he was necessarily wrong or lying.
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Imprecise and inaccurate might not be the case. Just because what he and his data analysts came up with wasn't the same numbers as the "official" stats doesn't mean he was necessarily wrong or lying.
He was talking about SH being "imprecise and inaccurate," which SH clearly was and is as pertains to this issue...
I want to nip this in the bud before someone here picks it up. Sounds convincing but it's a disinformation article. The AJC pulled this same stuff a few weeks ago when they said Favorito lost his case to look at the ballots, which he didn't.

1) If this is true why wasn't Favorito notified before probing?
2) Doesn't change the fact the tally sheets are fraudulent.

Some ballots initially double-counted in Fulton before recount
From your article: The ballots counted twice would have given Biden 27 extra votes. After a recount, official results reflected that Trump gained a total of 121 absentee votes in Fulton. Biden won the county with 73% of 524,000 votes cast.

Note the key words "AFTER A RECOUNT".
From your article: The ballots counted twice would have given Biden 27 extra votes. After a recount, official results reflected that Trump gained a total of 121 absentee votes in Fulton. Biden won the county with 73% of 524,000 votes cast.

Note the key words "AFTER A RECOUNT".

According to Favorito those numbers aren't true. Do you have any idea how hard it would be to pick up duplicate ballots on a recount? Favorito and his team took weeks of probing looking for inconsistencies. The recount team doesn't have that time. Besides, with so many individuals involved in the recount the chance of a team member coming across the same duplicate ballot and on top that remembering he saw this same ballot before is statistically unlikely.

Like I said, why wasn't this mentioned before? Because it's BS.
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According to Favorito those numbers aren't true. Do you have any idea how hard it would be to pick up duplicate ballots on a recount? Favorito and his team took weeks of probing looking for inconsistencies. The recount team doesn't have that time. Besides, with so many individuals involved in the recount the chance of a team member coming across the same duplicate ballot and on top that remembering he saw this same ballot before is statistically unlikely.

Like I said, why wasn't this mentioned before? Because it's BS.
Ok. So the ghost hunters are the experts on the ghost numbers. Got it.
Ok. So the ghost hunters are the experts on the ghost numbers. Got it.

Poor Bubba. You're in for a reality check. Btw, did you know the US House is launching an illegal investigation into the auditing team now? It must be a coincidence that it comes a day after Fann made her announcement yesterday.
So, the lab in Montana that Ben Cotton personally drove the data to that was gleaned from the voting machines/tabulators is also his home address.

To recap, Ben Cotton is the CEO of both CyFIR (which is contracted to analyze the machines) and CyTECH (which is the lab that is analyzing the data) whose business address is also Cotton's home address in Montana.

If you presented this script to a Hollywood studio they'd turn you away because the narrative was so poorly written. It's a clown show all around.
Maybe they could have driven it to the old downtown Houston high rise known as the crooked E (Enron Building). Being in a nice shiny tower certainly means that you're legitimate, right? After all, it is the buildings that make the decisions.
Maybe they could have driven it to the old downtown Houston high rise known as the crooked E (Enron Building). Being in a nice shiny tower certainly means that you're legitimate, right? After all, it is the buildings that make the decisions.

Or maybe an independent team to analyze the data. If this was a Democrat that took the data and drove to his house to complete their own personal analysis y'all would laugh at anything they claimed. Surely you can understand why it would be questioned, right? There would be theories that Venezuela was involved in manipulating the data if a D had this data. Oh wait...that's already occurred without any D involvement at all.

Data analysts pushing the "stolen election" conspiracy have been hitting near .000 in court and public claims so we all should add extra scrutiny to whatever this nice gentleman claims.
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C'mon Deez...even YOU have to recognize that Rudy was not going to be doing much more practice even without the suspension. He just wasn't. He was going to be a talking head on some programs and not much more...he might even have been listed as an "of counsel" in some white shoe office but given how the left goes after ANY entity hiring former Trump staff, he wouldn't have enjoyed the letterhead recognition that comes with being "of counsel."

I'm not sure we can say that. Keep in mind that he was in courtrooms for Trump just a matter of months ago. He may not have had a future with a big law firm again (like he did with Bracewell), but he could have found a niche representing conservative political interests. That's off the table for awhile, and even after his suspension ends, I don't think he'll be very effective if he tries to go back into courtrooms for any purpose even if in front of judges who are more politically sympathetic to him. Some of the judges who crapped on his allegations were Trump appointees.

This whole sequence in the thread was about SH trying to make something out to be what it clearly was NOT. But then again, hardly unexpected from supporters of a party that endorse a filibuster with a field trip...

Again, I don't think he made it out to be something it wasn't. He was imprecise and off with the specifics, but his overall point was largely true. His license may not be lost, but his credibility and ability to practice law again are severely weakened.
Or maybe an independent team to analyze the data. If this was a Democrat that took the data and drove to his house to complete their own personal analysis y'all would laugh at anything they claimed. Surely you can understand why it would be questioned, right? There would be theories that Venezuela was involved in manipulating the data if a D had this data. Oh wait...that's already occurred without any D involvement at all.

Data analysts pushing the "stolen election" conspiracy have been hitting near .000 in court and public claims so we all should add extra scrutiny to whatever this nice gentleman claims.
That would be great. Too bad no one is independent. I note you didn't ***** when Mueller hired his team of biased Dems.
That would be great. Too bad no one is independent. I note you didn't ***** when Mueller hired his team of biased Dems.

I didn't ***** because the person leading the team, Mueller, had unimpeachable integrity and demonstrated as much during the investigation. It was the partisans that were so ready to create a narrative to discredit the investigation.

Notice I also accepted the Mueller investigation findings and results. For DJT, we were all fortunate that though there was an immense amount of smoke, there was no fire.
This is why Favorito is going back to court to get higher resolution scans. Can't be 100% sure but this looks to be machine printed ovals and not filled in by human hand, something that multiple election witnesses said they saw.

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I didn't ***** because the person leading the team, Mueller, had unimpeachable integrity and demonstrated as much during the investigation. It was the partisans that were so ready to create a narrative to discredit the investigation.

Notice I also accepted the Mueller investigation findings and results. For DJT, we were all fortunate that though there was an immense amount of smoke, there was no fire.
If you watched Mueller's testimony, you would have noted he was clueless. Regardless of who is investigating, the facts have to be presented in the end. Jen Psaki type spin and lies will fall flat in the face of facts.
Preliminary report done by the Arizona audit team. Here are some of the findings:

1) 25,000 duplicate ballots found, thousands of them with no serial numbers.
2) 74,000 mail in ballots with no evidence of being mailed.
3) 11,326 voters who were on the rolls in December that showed that they voted in the election. However, these same people were not on the rolls in November!
4) Now we know the reason for so many adjudicated ballots in Maricopa. Sharpiegate was real. 168,000 ballots bled through using Sharpies.

There might be more to come.
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Btw, the Maricopa Board still has not turned over the routers, the chain of custody documents, passwords and about 1/4 of the machines despite a court order.
Besides the fraud the audit team ripped the Maricopa Board on their handling of things. Check this out. These idiots were not keeping their virus protection up to date.

"The last time that the antivirus [software] was updated on these systems," Cotton claimed during his testimony, was in August 2019.

"There have been no operating system updates or patches since that same date," he also said.

Hackers, he claimed, would have "no difficulty at all" gaining "system-level access" to registration systems at the "current patch state and antivirus state of these systems."..
Besides the fraud the audit team ripped the Maricopa Board on their handling of things. Check this out. These idiots were not keeping their virus protection up to date.

"The last time that the antivirus [software] was updated on these systems," Cotton claimed during his testimony, was in August 2019.

"There have been no operating system updates or patches since that same date," he also said.

Hackers, he claimed, would have "no difficulty at all" gaining "system-level access" to registration systems at the "current patch state and antivirus state of these systems."..
For those interested in hearing BOTH sides to the claims. Maricopa County was tweeting out responses real-time to the 2-Senator hearing. Here is their response to the patching.

Most election systems claim to be air gapped to avoid direct access to the internet. Remember the unproven claims that the Detroit computers were connected to the internet?

Here is the problem with uncertified auditors. They aren't even familiar with EAC rules for certification of election equipment.
SH that’s what you got. You are quoting the election officials under the audit.

Thats a joke, I get audited every year never have I done that. You talk to the auditor and say this is why I think I am right.

Also if you certified a number it better be correct. I have to certified we do inspections every week, auditors check and we done them. Not hard just count.

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