Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

The EAC is a joke. EAC "certification" is a joke that few people in the industry actually take seriously.

What was your occupation again? I'd like to understand your expertise with elections and EAC to determine how much weight to give your opinion. We already know that the Cyber Ninja team had ZERO election or election audit experience.
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Routers for one.

I welcome Maricopa county response, the tweet you posted wasn’t a response. I went to the Election Assistant Commission website not impressed.

Maricopa should be asking the audit team for their findings so the county can respond once the report is final. I doubt they are asking those questions.

Let's be clear, neither side should be talking without a formal report being available. Both the hearing yesterday and Maricopa's response is informal banter is not helpful. If one side is going to politic to shape public perception you can't expect the other side not to respond, right?

Realistically, the report and responses will be done in court. Clearly neither side (both REPUBLICAN!) is willing to work with the other. Let a judge sort it out.

What I take issue with is the posting of investigation claims here as fact without any sort of response. That's why I posted Maricopa's responses.
What was your occupation again? I'd like to understand your expertise with elections and EAC to determine how much weight to give your opinion. We already know that the Cyber Ninja team had ZERO election or election audit experience.

As of now I'm retired. I have no election experience. That's true. I can also count and don't need an order of operations to figure out how to do an election. Btw, there are plenty of people that were were working with CN who do have experience. Btw, it looks like Maricopa County used the wrong stock paper for their ballots and the Sharpies bled through. I guess their enormous election experience helped them. LOL!
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Let's be clear, neither side should be talking without a formal report being available. Both the hearing yesterday and Maricopa's response is informal banter is not helpful. If one side is going to politic to shape public perception you can't expect the other side not to respond, right?

Realistically, the report and responses will be done in court. Clearly neither side (both REPUBLICAN!) is willing to work with the other. Let a judge sort it out.

What I take issue with is the posting of investigation claims here as fact without any sort of response. That's why I posted Maricopa's responses.

The bad vibe between the two parties looks to be of Maricopa's doing. Feel free to post Maricopa's responses, just don't get mad when I point out their ********.
I have no election experience. That's true. I can also count and don't need an order of operations to figure out how to do an election. Btw, there are plenty of people that were were working with CN who do have experience. Btw, it looks like Maricopa County used the wrong stock paper for their ballots and the Sharpies bled through. I guess their enormous election experience helped them. LOL!

Great. Based on your claims of "facts" then you must admit that they aren't facts but rather claims, right? You're here relaying claims and rumors from the investigation. You believe them but you also believed Guiliani who has lost his ability to practice law in NY and DC because he pushed unverified claims of fraud in court as fact when in hindsight he was shoveling BS into the courts.

Lot's of experience...I'll bite.

Name two-three...Bennett former AZ SOS and ????

Logan? Nope.
Cotton? Nope.
Hughes? Ballot printing.
Who else?

Keep in mind, Logan and Cotton are 2/3rd of the team that is representing the investigation in the faux Senate hearings.
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The bad vibe between the two parties looks to be of Maricopa's doing. Feel free to post Maricopa's responses, just don't get mad when I point out their ********.

Yeah, Karen Fann screaming on their VMAIL to "stop the counting" while they were trying to do their job and all subsequent accusations of fraud before the investigation started had no influence on Maricopa County's on the relationship, huh? Care to rewrite any more history?
Yeah, Karen Fann screaming on their VMAIL to "stop the counting" while they were trying to do their job and all subsequent accusations of fraud before the investigation started had no influence on Maricopa County's on the relationship, huh? Care to rewrite any more history?
"Stop the counting" was their falling out period? Please, show me where this caused a falling out between the Board and the auditing team.
"Stop the counting" was their falling out period? Please, show me where this caused a falling out between the Board and the auditing team.

The Cyber Ninja team is an extension of Karen Fann. Maricopa did 2 audits by certified vendors between the election and when Cyber Ninja landed and neither were reportedly reviewed by Fann and company. Are you surprised that they haven't welcomed Cyber Ninja with open arms, particularly with the knowledge that Logan claimed fraud in Maricopa County before starting the investigation? How open would you be to work with the prosecutor who said "you're guilty" before starting their investigation? It makes sense that Maricopa County would lawyer up and not be a partner all things considered. That's not evidence of guilt but rather protecting themselves and the work of every election worker that supported them.
Great. Based on your claims of "facts" then you must admit that they aren't facts but rather claims, right? You're here relaying claims and rumors from the investigation. You believe them but you also believed Guiliani who has lost his ability to practice law in NY and DC because he pushed unverified claims of fraud in court as fact when in hindsight he was shoveling BS into the courts.

Lot's of experience...I'll bite.

Name two-three...Bennett former AZ SOS and ????

Logan? Nope.
Cotton? Nope.
Hughes? Ballot printing.
Who else?

Keep in mind, Logan and Cotton are 2/3rd of the team that is representing the investigation in the faux Senate hearings.

There was an older gentleman that worked with Bennett that had election experience. I don't remember his name but he did a few interviews along with Bennett on Gateway Pundit. Logan did say that he did work in GA and PA elections before CN, but I can't back that statement up with documentation. There were people who were volunteer observers during the audit who had past election experience from what I read. Cotton had auditing experience but no election, that's true. Like I said, even without the fraud you conveniently ignore the **** show Maricopa ran, while the worst you can find with these auditors is that they almost used the wrong pens one time. The Board had 168,000 bleed throughs because they used the wrong paper stock. The Board can't even produce chain of custody documents and you want to call the auditors amateurs?
The Cyber Ninja team is an extension of Karen Fann. Maricopa did 2 audits by certified vendors between the election and when Cyber Ninja landed and neither were reportedly reviewed by Fann and company. Are you surprised that they haven't welcomed Cyber Ninja with open arms, particularly with the knowledge that Logan claimed fraud in Maricopa County before starting the investigation? How open would you be to work with the prosecutor who said "you're guilty" before starting their investigation? It makes sense that Maricopa County would lawyer up and not be a partner all things considered. That's not evidence of guilt but rather protecting themselves and the work of every election worker that supported them.

They tried to stop a full forensic audit before CN was even chosen so that's not it. I can use the same logic you're using in the other direction. The "amateur" comments from them was so funny because as a group these 4 had more experience than those "certified" guys had. From the beginning the auditors tried to reach their hand out and it was slapped. Even if they didn't like his comments (which I don't know if it bothered them, no evidence) it's not an excuse to ignore a subpoena. The Board knows there was fraud and goof ups on their part and have done their best to cover it up. If you think 25,000 duplicate ballots with many found without serial numbers is somehow due to "bias" and "being amateurs" then I can't help you.
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It makes sense that Maricopa County would lawyer up and not be a partner all things considered. That's not evidence of guilt but rather protecting themselves and the work of every election worker that supported them.

I have multiple audits by multiple agencies done on my sites every year I have never lawyer up. I also gave the auditor everything they asked for, but I wasn’t trying to hide anything. It’s not like I wanted to be audited.

The only time I hired an attorney I was guilty of something, just saying.
About all of us had a verbal/written opinion after the election.

Doug Logan didn't just have an opinion, he participated in election lawsuits in GA, PA and MI. That's reportedly where he gets his claimed "election experience". Most recently he participated in the Conspiracy film Deep Rig advancing the "stolen election" claim.

That's not just having an opinion but actively trying to prove a theory. Equivocating Doug Logan with you or I is like claiming the Hill Country outside of Austin is equivalent to the Himalayas.
What happens if the report is in favor of Trump?

nothing. The AZ vote has already been certified.

Lincoln won the war whether we like it or not.

Biden is president and what some conspiracy theorists in AZ think ain’t changing nothing

get used to it and move on. There are elections next year.
I'm talking about potential election auditors. Obviously we've all speculated.

None of knew an audit was coming anywhere. Besides, having a numbers guy keep quiet over this election is like asking you to stay quiet when you think the SCOTUS has botched a decision. :p

With things we are passionate about it's in our nature to state our opinions.
None of knew an audit was coming anywhere. Besides, having a numbers guy keep quiet over this election is like asking you to stay quiet when you think the SCOTUS has botched a decision. :p

With things we are passionate about it's in our nature to state our opinions.

I get your point, but there's a pretty big difference. I can download and read a SCOTUS opinion and pretty much have a fully informed opinion on the matter if I want one. To really have a strong opinion on this, one has to actually see the materials which aren't accessible to the public. If you're a professional auditor, I don't see how you can have a strong opinion on this one way or the other unless you've actually seen the evidence.
Doug Logan didn't just have an opinion, he participated in election lawsuits in GA, PA and MI. That's reportedly where he gets his claimed "election experience". Most recently he participated in the Conspiracy film Deep Rig advancing the "stolen election" claim.

That's not just having an opinion but actively trying to prove a theory. Equivocating Doug Logan with you or I is like claiming the Hill Country outside of Austin is equivalent to the Himalayas.

And? One of the guys doing the New Hampshire audit is an avid anti-Trumper and has tried to get the Arizona audit shut down. Have you seen me whine and cry about him? No, you haven't. He's a professional and hasn't done anything criminal.
And? One of the guys doing the New Hampshire audit is an avid anti-Trumper and has tried to get the Arizona audit shut down. Have you seen me whine and cry about him? No, you haven't. He's a professional and hasn't done anything criminal.

Let's be clear. It's not being pro-Trump/anti-Trump that is the problem. It's the claim of fraud that presupposes judgement that is a disqualifying factor for the person doing the job. In he were a judge or a prosecutor he'd recuse himself. In this case he's being embraced by the right. That's what is so shocking about this ordeal and credibility debilitating.
I get your point, but there's a pretty big difference. I can download and read a SCOTUS opinion and pretty much have a fully informed opinion on the matter if I want one. To really have a strong opinion on this, one has to actually see the materials which aren't accessible to the public. If you're a professional auditor, I don't see how you can have a strong opinion on this one way or the other unless you've actually seen the evidence.

Like I told Husker having 25,000 duplicate ballots with some missing serial numbers is pretty much a dead giveaway. If there was one person working here giving this info I would be leery. With so many people involved (including the president of the company who makes the ballots in Maricopa helping out in finding bad ballots) to me gives me a lot of confidence.

Let's say the Honorable Judge Deez Nuts is holding court. Some guy is presented in front of you with public intoxication according to 2 cops. You weren't there but you would believe the policemen, right? That's how I feel about this. Yes, both of us could be wrong but more than likely we're correct.
Like I told Husker having 25,000 duplicate ballots with some missing serial numbers is pretty much a dead giveaway.

You're making a claim that even Bennett didn't make in the hearing yesterday. There are valid reasons for ballot duplication. In fact, each of the ~170 polling stations have printers for this specific purpose. Break this down...25k duplicate ballots. Not all 25k are missing serial numbers (some XXX are successful) but rather some portion were printed with what he called "dot matrix" printer in a faded gray or the serial number was in the upper right corner over the top of some other part of the ballot making unreadable. Bennett didn't make the leap you are here that fraud occurred but rather said it made it very difficult to tie the duplicated ballots back to the original ballot. I'll give Bennett the benefit of the doubt and say that if true then Maricopa had some challenges in consistency of the Ballot duplication process, at a minimum.
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"We found, I would have to say, thousands of duplicate ballots where those serial numbers are not on them,” he said. “And so it has created great difficulty to try to match up a duplicated ballot to its duplicate.”

Not all of the 25,000 are fraud but there looks to be a lot.
"We found, I would have to say, thousands of duplicate ballots where those serial numbers are not on them,” he said. “And so it has created great difficulty to try to match up a duplicated ballot to its duplicate.”

Not all of the 25,000 are fraud but there looks to be a lot.

Again...he's not even claiming fraud, simply "created great difficulty to try to match up a duplicated ballot to it's duplicate." It's the stolen election crowd that's made the leap that it must be fraud.
The fact that we have zero paperwork for 74k mail in ballots is quite disturbing. Maricopa Board supposedly doesn't have them. Where are they?

Are you channeling Tucker Carlson? Ask ominous sounding questions to create the sense of wrongdoing?

It that is accurate, Maricopa County will eventually need to respond. The fact that the info was release prior to the County getting to respond is an attempt to shape the narrative the way you just did. Again, this will bolster the argument within the stolen election true believers, the ones that paid for the audit but to most outsider it's not credible because of who investigated, how it was paid for and that the info was shared without context and Maricopa response.

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