Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

Again...he's not even claiming fraud, simply "created great difficulty to try to match up a duplicated ballot to it's duplicate." It's the stolen election crowd that's made the leap that it must be fraud.

He won't use the word fraud because of legal ramifications. However, if there are no serial numbers they are fraudulent.
Are you channeling Tucker Carlson? Ask ominous sounding questions to create the sense of wrongdoing?

It that is accurate, Maricopa County will eventually need to respond. The fact that the info was release prior to the County getting to respond is an attempt to shape the narrative the way you just did. Again, this will bolster the argument within the stolen election true believers, the ones that paid for the audit but to most outsider it's not credible because of who investigated, how it was paid for and that the info was shared without context and Maricopa response.

They only response they've given since so far since the hearing is that the amateurs don't know what they're doing. They've had time. Do me a favor and quit talking out of your rear and stick with facts.
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No, Maricopa county needs to find out what auditors have found and when final report is out, respond concern number 1 this why we counted or didn’t count a vote.

That’s how audits work, actually they can do that now before the report. I have changed several findings before the final report. The county will get a chance to review the report before it’s final. They may not take that opportunity but it will be offered.
They only response they've given since so far since the hearing is that the amateurs don't know what they're doing. They've had time. Do me a favor and quit talking out of your *** and stick with facts.

They've responded to a few specific points. Not surprised that you aren't listening. That's par for the course, sadly.

Still, until both parties get into court all of their statements and claims are merely posturing, just like you and I now.
They've responded to a few specific points. Not surprised that you aren't listening. That's par for the course, sadly.

Still, until both parties get into court all of their statements and claims are merely posturing, just like you and I now.

Oh, I'm sorry. I don't really pay much attention to those liars anymore so I might have missed something. How many times do they need to get caught lying until you figure them out? The question is never because they tell you what you want to hear.
Why is this so hard to figure out?

1) The Board has not turned over the routers
2) The Board has has not turned over the chain of custody documents
3) The Board has not turned over the passwords
4) The Board has not turned over many of the machines. I think it's 25%
5) They have told lies that a 1st year computer science student can see through

I might not be Sherlock Holmes but people who pull this crap are hiding things. Innocent people don't do these things. When it's all said and done we're going to be shocked in what we discover.
They've responded to a few specific points. Not surprised that you aren't listening. That's par for the course, sadly.
That’s how audits work, actually they can do that now beforethe report. I have changed several findings before the final report. The county will get a chance to review the report before it’s final. They may not take that opportunity but it will be offered.

You clearly do not know what you are talking about.
And people wonder why Putin wants trump with power. He and his people are destroying the American republic way faster than Putin could have imagined.

How dare Trump challenge results, what a fascist. Now do every Progressive 2016-2019.

Also, Biden administration is directing a private company to censor things they don't want said. Fascism. UnAmerican. End of the illusion. And you voted for this tyrant. What a maroon.
That’s how audits work, actually they can do that now beforethe report. I have changed several findings before the final report. The county will get a chance to review the report before it’s final. They may not take that opportunity but it will be offered.

You clearly do not know what you are talking about.

You're debating the wrong person. It's as if you read @Garmel's arguments skip my responses and project his arguments onto me. He's the one that said it's crazy to give them a chance to to respond. I said that all auditors give the target a chance to respond. Then you come along and say the same thing and yet claim I"m "clueless" about audits. WTF?

The AZ Senate hasn't produced anything formally in writing outside of their initial letter back in May. Maricopa responded with their own letter of responses. This was simply 2hrs of prepared testimony made for 3 right-wing outlets to carry live. In fact, Maricopa wasn't even invited to this hearing.

Clearly this is headed to court. That's the only way for AZ Republicans to keep fundraising and the story in the news through 2022 election.
I am not debating anyone, that’s how audits happen. You and both know there are going to disagreement. But right now the county needs to find out what the issues are and do internal investigation.
And people wonder why Putin wants trump with power. He and his people are destroying the American republic way faster than Putin could have imagined.
Interesting claim from someone supporting an administration that pisses on the First Amendment and admits it on television while also working as fast as possible to rip the Second Amendment away from us. And with the McCarthyistic push to isolate and blacklist those who don't want the vaccine, the Fifth Amendment is being doused so that it can be lit by a host of Equal Protection clauses all rolled up like a match...

Oh, and in the interim, we have the left not wanting to lift a finger to help the Cubans because they are the wrong shade of political belief.
Let's be clear. ...

I propose a new drinking game for the board

Every post SH prefaces with the above, you have to chug a beer. Lite beer doesn't count unless the post is in reference to Russia Russia Russia, or Summer of Love. In those cases you'll be best off with weak beer. Volume counts for something at times :beertoast:
There will be drunk posts.

I don't get slobbering drunk, but I'll plead guilty to posting while significantly buzzed particularly when watching a debate (between politicians, not academics or serious thinkers). I just can't resist the urge to drink during them. However, I always tell you all that I'm drinking, so you know what's coming. I give you the trigger warning. Lol.
Election mishaps (fraud to Pro-Trump supporters) only occur in Blue counties. Red counties are clean, like Antrim precinct in Michigan. Oh wait...

True. We wait until midnight on election night when we're wayyy behind in vote counts, then shut things down for a coupla hours, then magically come up with enough votes to win. Sneaky huh?
True. We wait until midnight on election night when we're wayyy behind in vote counts, then shut things down for a coupla hours, then magically come up with enough votes to win. Sneaky huh?

That's been litigated within the courts and elsewhere. At this point I can only assume there is no truth or facts that can change your opinion.

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