Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

I was not suggesting blacks and women should not be voting but merely that an expanded electorate is no godsend.
My party has been busting a gut trying to get large numbers of unmotivated voters to the polls. People who don’t go to the trouble of getting id cards don’t make for quality voters. Do they? And many of the electionistas are calling for suffrage restoration for felons. I represent a lot of them. I see no good reason to let murderers, rapists, burglars, meth dealers et al cast ballots or carry firearms. Even if I am certain most of them would vote for my party’s candidates.
Better voters make for better candidates.
The obsession with more democracy overlooks the seemingly obvious fact that democracy may be better than autocracy but only marginally. I favor the public having a veto over who is at the wheel. But having an ideologically driven electorate takes you in the ditch. Where we have been for a while.
We are just a stone’s throw from President Camacho now.
Limited web presence...for a technology consulting company who moonlights as an election auditor as of 5/24/21.
It doesn't matter WHAT field they are in. Even tech people don't HAVE to have a web presence. Sometimes people just ARE that good that they don't need the unsolicited work...
All mail-ballots is the greatest thing since Nebraska was a perennial championship contender in football. In Washington State I register when I got my driver's license (motor voter program) then get that ballot in the mailbox a few weeks before each election. It can be mailed or put in a drop box (my preference) at my local library. No lines, no stress about being in the right precinct. This last election I filled it out while drinking margaritas at a Mexican restaurant, using my phone to research the candidates and referendums. I can then check online to see the status of my ballot.
I was not suggesting blacks and women should not be voting but merely that an expanded electorate is no godsend.
My party has been busting a gut trying to get large numbers of unmotivated voters to the polls. People who don’t go to the trouble of getting id cards don’t make for quality voters. Do they? And many of the electionistas are calling for suffrage restoration for felons. I represent a lot of them. I see no good reason to let murderers, rapists, burglars, meth dealers et al cast ballots or carry firearms. Even if I am certain most of them would vote for my party’s candidates.
Better voters make for better candidates.
The obsession with more democracy overlooks the seemingly obvious fact that democracy may be better than autocracy but only marginally. I favor the public having a veto over who is at the wheel. But having an ideologically driven electorate takes you in the ditch. Where we have been for a while.
We are just a stone’s throw from President Camacho now.
Women voted for prohibition (good cause but bad policy) and for isolationism. In my book, they will never live that down. I would have to say husbands have done a good job since then to minimize the damage by educating the womenfolk.
Women voted for prohibition (good cause but bad policy) and for isolationism. In my book, they will never live that down. I would have to say husbands have done a good job since then to minimize the damage by educating the womenfolk.
In my mind, women pushed prohibition because they couldn't vote. Then I read this: Why Do We Blame Women For Prohibition?

Turns out only one woman voted for prohibition and she was in Congress since women couldn't vote at the time. Seems like blaming them for prohibition trumps the "thanks obama" misappropriation memes.
In my mind, women pushed prohibition because they couldn't vote. Then I read this: Why Do We Blame Women For Prohibition?

Turns out only one woman voted for prohibition and she was in Congress since women couldn't vote at the time. Seems like blaming them for prohibition trumps the "thanks obama" misappropriation memes.

That's really sloppy analysis. Basically, it tries to eliminate the "blame" for prohibition on women because one activist died before Prohibition became law. The reason why people associate Prohibition with women is that women were the activist force of the temperance movement. Of course, they weren't the only ones, but they were a big driving force to an extent that they weren't seen on other issues. However, I don't "blame" them or anyone for it. They had a right to push for it just like we all have the right to push for anything. In retrospect, it was bad policy, but so were lots of things.

It also wasn't anti-democratic. They did it the right way. They lobbied Congress and the state legislatures and got the Constitution amended. I have a hell of a lot more respect for that than I have for people who "amend" the Constitution by going to court and getting judges who don't believe in the rule of law to simply pretend the Constitution says something it doesn't actually say. That truly is anti-democratic.
All mail-ballots is the greatest thing since Nebraska was a perennial championship contender in football. In Washington State I register when I got my driver's license (motor voter program) then get that ballot in the mailbox a few weeks before each election. It can be mailed or put in a drop box (my preference) at my local library. No lines, no stress about being in the right precinct. This last election I filled it out while drinking margaritas at a Mexican restaurant, using my phone to research the candidates and referendums. I can then check online to see the status of my ballot.
Great for convenience for sure, but not for accuracy or avoiding fraud. I think all Libs drink margaritas while voting.
All mail-ballots is the greatest thing since Nebraska was a perennial championship contender in football. In Washington State I register when I got my driver's license (motor voter program) then get that ballot in the mailbox a few weeks before each election. It can be mailed or put in a drop box (my preference) at my local library. No lines, no stress about being in the right precinct. This last election I filled it out while drinking margaritas at a Mexican restaurant, using my phone to research the candidates and referendums. I can then check online to see the status of my ballot.
And who gets your ballot at your address if you move out of the jurisdiction and don't immediately update your license? What about if you happen to wind up deceased? The rolls don't update overnight.

The sad thing is that both of those sorts of events occur on a very regular basis. That means ballots being sent, unsolicited, that can then be jacked by the opportunists. Sadly, you don't recognize that as a potential issue...
..........and Prohibition was not a failure overall. Most people quit drinking because it was the law and because it was harder to get. After it was repealed alcoholism never came back to the same extent it existed before Volstead. Americans on average drink a fraction of what they did before Prohibition and less of them drink.

The gals were tired of their husbands blowing the paycheck or coming home drunk and beating them or the kids and they took action.

Something similar is happening now but without the fanfare. That is related to men beating up and killing women. Men, we all must acknowledge, are the brutes of our species. We do almost all the killing, the fighting and the abuse of women and kids. Women do some of it but in far inferior numbers. There is a relatively quiet but fairly effective movement to limit and/or stop this. That is why there is publicity when sports stars beat their female others and why they are driven from their livelihoods at times. That is why there is legislation forbidding the possession of firearms by convicted wife beaters.

This battle is being fought on numerous fronts. When I got out of law school over forty years ago I prosecuted for a few years and most of the wife beating cases got dismissed after a few weeks when the wife and kids returned.

Now there are safe harbors for them to go to while the guy gets prosecuted and the divorce is handled

Eventually this will lead to less murders and beatings and a lot more guys in anger management classes as a result of their probation.

Better world. And the gals are doing this pretty quietly and a lot of them work on it in various capacities
Nice to get real info from the horse's mouth instead of MSM spin. Here's what's happening.

1) 660,000 ballots looked at. Will probably be done at the end of June due to more volunteers.

2) The Maricopa Board is uncooperative as usual

3) Still no chain of custody documentation given to the team. Looks like the Board will continue to ignore the judge's order to hand over everything. Looks like the audit team won't go after them for it either.

4) The Board won't answer the teams' questions on the duplicate ballots. When you adjudicate ballots the original ballots (the one with errors) are supposed to be in the same box with the new ballots that was made to replace them. Unfortunately, the team is running into the situation where there are no originals in the boxes, just the new ones. This is hard to explain except for something dubious going on just like the deleted database the team had to retrieve.

Exclusive: AZ Audit Director Ken Bennett: "We haven’t received ANYTHING from them - Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Refuses to Cooperate and Answer AZ Senate"
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And who gets your ballot at your address if you move out of the jurisdiction and don't immediately update your license? What about if you happen to wind up deceased? The rolls don't update overnight.

The sad thing is that both of those sorts of events occur on a very regular basis. That means ballots being sent, unsolicited, that can then be jacked by the opportunists. Sadly, you don't recognize that as a potential issue...

If I move and someone else gets my ballot and chooses to submit it then there are checks in that process. First, that person would be committing a felony. They'd have to be able forge my signature and hope (pray?) that I'm not subsequently trying to get a new ballot. Each voter can still only have 1 ballot submitted under their name. Remember, I can tell exactly when the state/county receive my ballot and when it's been counted. Assuming the fraudster has managed to forge my signature then they better hope I don't alert the state that the ballot submitted was not by me in the process of getting a new ballot.

Dead voters? I'm all for removing dead voters from the rolls as long as they are using SSA dataset.

Overall, these both are such low risk problems that have easy audit solutions in a world where data is plentiful.
And who gets your ballot at your address if you move out of the jurisdiction and don't immediately update your license? What about if you happen to wind up deceased? The rolls don't update overnight.

The sad thing is that both of those sorts of events occur on a very regular basis. That means ballots being sent, unsolicited, that can then be jacked by the opportunists. Sadly, you don't recognize that as a potential issue...

Provide evidence that this happens on a very regular basis.

Ballots are not unsolicited. They're sent to registered voters, and in some states with mail-in, only to registered people who request one. And say an opportunist did happen to receive someone else's ballot, prove their identification by guessing things like birthdates, matching signatures, etc., and vote for "the other guy," they would then need to do this a bunch of other times for it worth the time to flip the election.

There must be a cabal of libs out there who go through people's mail, find identifying info about the actual registered voters, and alter the vote to a candidate who wasn't preferred by the intended recipient, AND do it all without getting caught.

The talking point that "it opens the floodgates" towards cheating has never been quantified in any meaningful way. You can take every proven fraudulent non-in-person ballot (mostly absentee, not mail-in, mind you) in the entire USA and it wouldn't even be enough to flip a small municipal election.
real info

= GatewayPundit.


I appreciate Bennett offering interviews but the local news would be entirely more appropriate than a partisan blog that at one point posted links to its readers to help fund the audit.

Here is an example of an interviewers question. This is "real info", not that "MSM spin". :facepalm:

Conradson: Instead of showing up to your meeting they held their own meeting where they didn’t really answer your questions. What are they afraid of? Why didn’t they just come to your meeting?

For shits and giggles I looked up the interviewer Jordan Conradson. Yes, he's been a "journalist" since April, is concurrently a realtor and looks like he might have graduated HS in 2020.
Jordan Conradson.png
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Provide evidence that this happens on a very regular basis.

Ballots are not unsolicited. They're sent to registered voters, and in some states with mail-in, only to registered people who request one. And say an opportunist did happen to receive someone else's ballot, prove their identification by guessing things like birthdates, matching signatures, etc., and vote for "the other guy," they would then need to do this a bunch of other times for it worth the time to flip the election.

There must be a cabal of libs out there who go through people's mail, find identifying info about the actual registered voters, and alter the vote to a candidate who wasn't preferred by the intended recipient, AND do it all without getting caught.

The talking point that "it opens the floodgates" towards cheating has never been quantified in any meaningful way. You can take every proven fraudulent non-in-person ballot (mostly absentee, not mail-in, mind you) in the entire USA and it wouldn't even be enough to flip a small municipal election.
Those are interesting claims. Give us the data you used.
Provide evidence that this happens on a very regular basis.

People get cited on a daily basis for having moved and not updated their driver's license. If you spend any time at all in a courthouse, you would know this.

Ballots are not unsolicited. They're sent to registered voters, and in some states with mail-in, only to registered people who request one. And say an opportunist did happen to receive someone else's ballot, prove their identification by guessing things like birthdates, matching signatures, etc., and vote for "the other guy," they would then need to do this a bunch of other times for it worth the time to flip the election.

A ballot being sent that I did not expressly ASK for in a particular cycle is, in fact, unsolicited. A registered voter who has moved but has a ballot that has been sent to their former residence does, in fact, have an unsolicited ballot that is in the wild. SH expressly states THEY were getting ballots each cycle without doing anything. That is UNSOLICITED!

Finding a birthday is not a challenge in this day and age. You are incredibly naive if you believe it would be a challenge. And it is not a certainty that signature matching has occurred in each and every jurisdiction.

There must be a cabal of libs out there who go through people's mail, find identifying info about the actual registered voters, and alter the vote to a candidate who wasn't preferred by the intended recipient, AND do it all without getting caught.

The talking point that "it opens the floodgates" towards cheating has never been quantified in any meaningful way. You can take every proven fraudulent non-in-person ballot (mostly absentee, not mail-in, mind you) in the entire USA and it wouldn't even be enough to flip a small municipal election.

ONE such instance is enough to be concerned about and anyone that cares about election integrity should WANT steps taken to ensure that it does NOT occur. I don't care WHAT party one may vote for on a top slot (and the intelligent and informed voter is apt to have been marking candidates on both sides of the aisle or else they show they don't really care about the consequence of an electoral cycle, whether for POTUS or local down-ballot races).

The issues are NOT party-specific. Yet, the left and libtiles try to make it so, never mind that they spent four years screaming about 2016 not having been a proper election. It is peculiar that they only complain about people seeking electoral integrity when the shoe is on the other foot...
Adjudicated votes being thrown out since they haven’t received the chain of custody and there are sooo many questions about these. Seems like the best thing to do. When will it get proven? When they get the chain of custody. They’ll never get that chain of custody.
Well then throw out these adjudicated ballots and declare an emergency election in 60 days maybe 90. That’s all they can do. The county won’t cooperate.
People get cited on a daily basis for having moved and not updated their driver's license. If you spend any time at all in a courthouse, you would know this.

A ballot being sent that I did not expressly ASK for in a particular cycle is, in fact, unsolicited. A registered voter who has moved but has a ballot that has been sent to their former residence does, in fact, have an unsolicited ballot that is in the wild. SH expressly states THEY were getting ballots each cycle without doing anything. That is UNSOLICITED!

Finding a birthday is not a challenge in this day and age. You are incredibly naive if you believe it would be a challenge. And it is not a certainty that signature matching has occurred in each and every jurisdiction.

ONE such instance is enough to be concerned about and anyone that cares about election integrity should WANT steps taken to ensure that it does NOT occur. I don't care WHAT party one may vote for on a top slot (and the intelligent and informed voter is apt to have been marking candidates on both sides of the aisle or else they show they don't really care about the consequence of an electoral cycle, whether for POTUS or local down-ballot races).

The issues are NOT party-specific. Yet, the left and libtiles try to make it so, never mind that they spent four years screaming about 2016 not having been a proper election. It is peculiar that they only complain about people seeking electoral integrity when the shoe is on the other foot...
As I've said, I've not seen much voter fraud proven in these vote by mail states. I would assume if you don't vote in an election you have to re-register. I would expect that if someone is registered to vote they know to keep their information up to date.

Ironically, according to my own heuristics, about 70% of the voter fraud I see is on the part of the GOP. As my brother put it, most election fraud is on local elections when the outcome and results are much more direct (county commissioner, mayor, etc.). Mind you he lost an election by one vote after filing for a recount, proving fraud, and getting a new election.
= GatewayPundit.


I appreciate Bennett offering interviews but the local news would be entirely more appropriate than a partisan blog that at one point posted links to its readers to help fund the audit.

Here is an example of an interviewers question. This is "real info", not that "MSM spin". :facepalm:

For shits and giggles I looked up the interviewer Jordan Conradson. Yes, he's been a "journalist" since April, is concurrently a realtor and looks like he might have graduated HS in 2020.
Jordan Conradson.png
It should say "journalist" with out the J.
Adjudicated votes being thrown out since they haven’t received the chain of custody and there are sooo many questions about these. Seems like the best thing to do. When will it get proven? When they get the chain of custody. They’ll never get that chain of custody.
Well then throw out these adjudicated ballots and declare an emergency election in 60 days maybe 90. That’s all they can do. The county won’t cooperate.

No judge is going to disenfranchise 200k voters as we demonstrated over and over in legal cases before vote certification. They certainly aren't going to now especially when the adjudication process is typically bi-partisan and a process laid out by law. This adjudication claim is a red herring.
Adjudicated votes being thrown out since they haven’t received the chain of custody and there are sooo many questions about these. Seems like the best thing to do. When will it get proven? When they get the chain of custody. They’ll never get that chain of custody.
Well then throw out these adjudicated ballots and declare an emergency election in 60 days maybe 90. That’s all they can do. The county won’t cooperate.

As incompetent as the Board is there probably isn't a chain of custody. The original adjudicated ballots that are supposed to be matched with the newer ballots are missing as well.
SH expressly states THEY were getting ballots each cycle without doing anything. That is UNSOLICITED!

You assume a request has to be made for each election cycle. Why can't I solicit ballots once until I no longer want one? Just because I religiously get a ballot each election cycle doesn't make it unsolicited. If you sign up for automatic withdrawal for your utility bill would you dispute the charge each month claiming the withdrawal was not authorized?

Again, having a whole bunch of artificial barriers to voting has one effect, it limits who votes which I fear is the ultimate goal of those pushing for stricter rules. Is now a bad time to say that I can print out a ballot directly online if I choose? Keep in mind, only 1 ballot will ever be processed for any single eligible voter.
The Arizona Democratic Party should give Kelli Ward a lifetime achievement award. Probably no single human being has done more to build their party than she has.
Again, having a whole bunch of artificial barriers to voting has one effect, it limits who votes which I fear is the ultimate goal of those pushing for stricter rules. Is now a bad time to say that I can print out a ballot directly online if I choose? Keep in mind, only 1 ballot will ever be processed for any single eligible voter.
Those "artificial barriers" are known as laws, much like the artificial barrier known as the Constitution of the United Sates. They help the world from being overrun by criminals and fraudsters. When we have a system that verifies that the one ballot that is being processed for any single eligible voter is actually cast by that voter only once, we will all be happy.

Since Bubba agrees that there is voter fraud based on his post above, the Libs should be happy to tighten up the voting system. This will prevent, as Bubba opines, 70% of the voter fraud from being perpetrated by the evil Republicans that are, coincidentally, trying like hell to enact rules to prevent voter fraud. This should appeal to the Libs that only commit 30% of the voter fraud while, coincidentally, fighting like hell to prevent any rules that prevent voter fraud.
You assume a request has to be made for each election cycle. Why can't I solicit ballots once until I no longer want one? Just because I religiously get a ballot each election cycle doesn't make it unsolicited. If you sign up for automatic withdrawal for your utility bill would you dispute the charge each month claiming the withdrawal was not authorized?

Again, having a whole bunch of artificial barriers to voting has one effect, it limits who votes which I fear is the ultimate goal of those pushing for stricter rules. Is now a bad time to say that I can print out a ballot directly online if I choose? Keep in mind, only 1 ballot will ever be processed for any single eligible voter.
I don't do automatic withdrawal for my utility bill and, if I did, it would NOT be from a bank account. No rewards for that and certainly no protection from fraud.

I have no qualms with motor voter registration but that should NOT be tied to automatically sending ballots. Requesting a ballot by mail should require a constructive step by the eligible voter to seek the ballot.

Of course, I am also of the opinion that voting by mail should be limited to a few select instances such as being out of the jurisdiction for the entirety of the electoral cycle or where one is literally infirm and unable to leave the residence (not to be confused with the numbnuts who claimed they were scared of their shadow, which contributed to the rushed processes in so many jurisdictions in the last national cycle).

Voting in person is simply NOT a hardship...the most difficult part of the past cycle for me was choosing which of the many open machines I wanted to use, a decision almost as challenging as which open parking space I wanted to use to ensure I had no other cars near me. The SHOCK for me was that having a Travis County voter card was actually not what they wanted to see, never mind that it clearly showed address and precinct
I don't do automatic withdrawal for my utility bill and, if I did, it would NOT be from a bank account. No rewards for that and certainly no protection from fraud.

No automatic payment of any kind? Surely you can understand that succeeding payments are not "unsolicited" if you'd agreed to them in advance. That's analagous to voting in Washington State. For comparison purposes, WA state had a 75% voter participation rate in 2020 while Texas ranked 47th at 60%.

I have no qualms with motor voter registration but that should NOT be tied to automatically sending ballots. Requesting a ballot by mail should require a constructive step by the eligible voter to seek the ballot.

Why? When I get my license I'm asked if I want to register to vote, it's not forced. They inform me that my signature on my ballot will be matched against my drivers license and that I'll get a ballot sent to the address on my license. It's been a painless process since WA adopted VBM in 2004.

Of course, I am also of the opinion that voting by mail should be limited to a few select instances such as being out of the jurisdiction for the entirety of the electoral cycle or where one is literally infirm and unable to leave the residence (not to be confused with the numbnuts who claimed they were scared of their shadow, which contributed to the rushed processes in so many jurisdictions in the last national cycle).

5-6 states successfully vote exclusively by mail. Aside from Hawaii in this past election cycle, the others all ranked in the top 10% of voter turnout rates.

Voting in person is simply NOT a hardship...the most difficult part of the past cycle for me was choosing which of the many open machines I wanted to use, a decision almost as challenging as which open parking space I wanted to use to ensure I had no other cars near me. The SHOCK for me was that having a Travis County voter card was actually not what they wanted to see, never mind that it clearly showed address and precinct

Not familiar with Texas geography but in densely packed cities long lines at polling stations are nearly unavoidable.

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