Turns out that if I were to give AC, Seattle, etc. a bottle of water at the poll I would be in violation. Anyone OTHER than a poll worker. You're being loose with the term idiot methinks.
Fact check:
PolitiFact - The facts about Georgia’s ban on food, water giveaways to voters
Keith Williams, general counsel to Republican House Speaker David Ralston, told PolitiFact: "Any individual other than a worker at a polling place is prohibited from handing out water, etc., within 150 feet of a polling place or within 25 feet of the line."
Election law experts reached similar conclusions.
"I read the solicitation provision and the prohibition on food and water at the polls to be separate prohibitions in the law," said Richard Hasen, a University of California Irvine election law professor. "It is not limited to those who are soliciting votes."
Justin Levitt, a Loyola Marymount University law school professor, told PolitiFact: "I read, and I believe courts would read, SB 202 to prohibit anyone from giving food or water to any voter in line."
A spokesperson with Georgia's secretary of state noted that voters are welcome to bring their own food and refreshments with them to stand in line. He said the purpose of the provision is to avoid having situations such as candidates handing out water or food wrapped in campaign materials.
Cracking down on
food and water giveaways to voters in Georgia is not new. A state
law already banned giving gifts "for the purpose of registering as a voter, voting, or voting for a particular candidate." That provision doesn’t mention food or water directly, but
Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger had previously interpreted it to include food or water.
Our ruling
Holmes said a Georgia law has not "criminalized giving people bottles of water." It pertains to political organizations.
SB 202 makes it a crime for people — and not just people from political organizations — to hand out food or bottles of water within 150 feet of a polling place or 25 feet of any voter standing in line.