Forensic Audit in Maricopa County, AZ

Trump said prior to the last two elections that if he lost it was because they cheated. What a *****.

Well the 2020 election they did cheat. But let’s wait. People listen but they see other disturbing evidence, sending people home but still counting “votes “ just one example. You think everyone follows Trump blindly that’s not true but you can believe it. It is probably 10% just like every a hole college football fan.
Trumps own people said the election was fair. Until he needed to do fundraising and **** the Georgia senate out from control of the GOP. Trump’s own officials say 2020 was America’s most secure election in history
His base is a solid 35%. And by solid, I mean he could screw a 14 year old on Starz and that wouldn’t waiver. They’d call it fake news.

No, he couldn't. But then we have this below. Not sure how he survived this rambling, to be honest

"“Play the radio, make sure the television ... the excuse me ... make sure you have the record player on at night ... the ... the phone ..."
Trumps own people said the election was fair. Until he needed to do fundraising and **** the Georgia senate out from control of the GOP. Trump’s own officials say 2020 was America’s most secure election in history

Plenty of "Trumps own people" believe it was stolen. Lot of **** happened, none of which benefitted Trump

>> early January, days before the Ga senate vote...Publishing an article that Trump told the GA SOS "find me x # of votes", depicting Trump , falsely, as some conniving maniac didn't help matters at the time either. In fact it had the biggest impact of all - voter suppression in its own right

But that lie (misinformation) pissed off a lot of conservatives, thinking Trump actually made the call and demand. Turned out it was all ********, WaPo issued a retraction... but the damage was done

Washington Post adds lengthy correction to report on Trump call with Georgia elections investigator

With Pravda on your side, you can win an election - even with a dementia riddled candidate.
Those are David Duke talking points there.

Do you disagree with his conclusion that our original electorate chose more wisely than we do today? I think it's pretty hard to argue against it. We have people who are as wise and honorable as Washington, Adams, and Jefferson, and plenty have run in both parties. They just can't win, because of our electorate. We consistently choose slickness and style over character and substance. Back in the day, we also had people who were as crappy as Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. We would let them sell snake oil to stupid people, but we weren't going to let them become presidents of the United States, because the people who bought snake oil usually weren't allowed to vote. We knew better.

I also don't think he's mouthing a David Duke talking point. Duke would argue that their choice was inherent to their ethnic and racial background. It's the same logic that the rest of the alt-Right and the CRT people on the mainstream-Left (can't really call it "alt" at this point) espouse. They just reach a different conclusion and moral judgment about it, and of course, they're both wrong. The reason why our early electorate chose wisely is that they were the primary people in the United States who were broadly literate and well-read and shared what we'd call Western values. They were white, but they didn't have to be, and of course, in some states they weren't all white. (For example, Vermont allowed both of their black people to vote as early as 1791.) If we had kept the same restrictions but didn't racially discriminate, we likely would have gotten the same or similar outcomes.

Just look at who our nominees for President have been the last several cycles. It hasn't been the best and brightest.
Listen to Bobby Piton who starts at the 28 minute mark. Basically, AZ is going to throw out the adjudicated ballots. Those were tampered with, and that is where it is easiest to catch fraud. A fair election process is not R nor D. Winners should be declared by midnight on election night.
AZ, PA, MI, WI, GA, NH all had mass adjudicated ballots. Hundreds of thousands, up to a million in some states. We’re getting all of these states forensic audits!
All I have to do is see CNN at the gym or in an airport calling it the “Big Lie” and know it’s probably true. How do you liberals buy the propaganda?
All I have to do is see CNN at the gym or in an airport calling it the “Big Lie” and know it’s probably true. How do you liberals buy the propaganda?
Rothschild, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Mellon, Hindenburg, Bilderberg, and some Asian & Russian Oligarch families who all started central banks in the 1600’s through early 1900’s. Central banks are private! All of them! Printing there own money legally!
Do you disagree with his conclusion that our original electorate chose more wisely than we do today? I think it's pretty hard to argue against it. We have people who are as wise and honorable as Washington, Adams, and Jefferson, and plenty have run in both parties. They just can't win, because of our electorate. We consistently choose slickness and style over character and substance. Back in the day, we also had people who were as crappy as Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton. We would let them sell snake oil to stupid people, but we weren't going to let them become presidents of the United States, because the people who bought snake oil usually weren't allowed to vote. We knew better.

I also don't think he's mouthing a David Duke talking point. Duke would argue that their choice was inherent to their ethnic and racial background. It's the same logic that the rest of the alt-Right and the CRT people on the mainstream-Left (can't really call it "alt" at this point) espouse. They just reach a different conclusion and moral judgment about it, and of course, they're both wrong. The reason why our early electorate chose wisely is that they were the primary people in the United States who were broadly literate and well-read and shared what we'd call Western values. They were white, but they didn't have to be, and of course, in some states they weren't all white. (For example, Vermont allowed both of their black people to vote as early as 1791.) If we had kept the same restrictions but didn't racially discriminate, we likely would have gotten the same or similar outcomes.

Just look at who our nominees for President have been the last several cycles. It hasn't been the best and brightest.
I guess you'd also like to see women not vote?
More like cursing the rubes who brought him into our government.

Yeah, them too

It brought on the lowest unemployment for blacks and Hispanics in the history of the nation. Lowest unemployment for all since 1969

Maybe you should admit "we" knew something good about the guy's ability to lead that you didn't
Less voting is great for the GOP! Yay Democracy!
Requiring a voter to actually be alive and prove their identity does not hinder one's ability to legally cast a ballot. With the advent of early voting, there is precisely zero reason for a voter not to be able to get to the polls in a timely manner. Blindly sending ballots, including to many who are no longer eligible, is just stupid! Sad that you endorse that practice...
Most of the claimed conspiracy theories are slowly coming true. That will include a new emergency election at some point. In the US!
Amazing how the people accused of being whackadoos about the WuFlu are now being shown to have potentially been correct all along...even Fraudchi has conceded that he cannot rule out the lab leak theory. The improprieties with various electoral processes are coming to light as well which seem to justify more action than just waving things away like the libtiles are attempting to do...
Requiring a voter to actually be alive and prove their identity does not hinder one's ability to legally cast a ballot. With the advent of early voting, there is precisely zero reason for a voter not to be able to get to the polls in a timely manner. Blindly sending ballots, including to many who are no longer eligible, is just stupid! Sad that you endorse that practice...
Ballots were NOT sent. That's fauxnews mypillow dreams. Ballot requests were sent. As is done in states that rely 100% on mail balloting with NO issues.

I'm good with voter ID. Just make ID's free and accessible.
More like cursing the rubes who brought him into our government.
Was it the low unemployment, low taxes, middle east peace, lack of illegal immigrants flooding the country, not starting any wars, unwillingness to cozy up to China or Iran, record low unemployment and poverty for minorities or some other terrible accomplishment that you hated? Can you name three things Biden is doing better?
Ballots were NOT sent. That's fauxnews mypillow dreams. Ballot requests were sent. As is done in states that rely 100% on mail balloting with NO issues.

Sending unsolicited requests is as bad as sending unsolicited ballots. The additional problems come with States that tried to change their processes within three months of the election date...they screwed things up, and in some instances, made changes that were not in accordance with their respetctiive State Constitutions or law.

There are ALSO States like Texas that gave 17 days of early voting...SEVENTEEN! There is no rational reason for most people to need anything in the mail. For those that DID need a ballot by mail, a process existed for them to MAKE the request.

WakeTSI was the only contractor of the 4 that had any election audit experience. They've been replaced with StratTech solutions...who literally doesn't exist on LinkedIn aside from their "CEO". Looking at their website they offer the following services locally to Scottsdale, AZ:
  • Cyber Security
  • Managed Services (Technology Systems)
  • Premises Security
  • VOIP Services
  • Cloud and Hosted Services
  • Websites & SEO
That certainly qualifies them to manage the ballot count using WakeTSI's processes.

It's a clown show that just got even funnier.
WakeTSI was the only contractor of the 4 that had any election audit experience. They've been replaced with StratTech solutions...who literally doesn't exist on LinkedIn aside from their "CEO". Looking at their website they offer the following services:
  • Cyber Security
  • Managed Services (Technology Systems)
  • Premises Security
  • VOIP Services
  • Cloud and Hosted Services
  • Websites & SEO
That certainly qualifies them to manage the ballot count using WakeTSI's processes.

It's a clown show that just got even funnier.
Bamboo hunters!
WakeTSI was the only contractor of the 4 that had any election audit experience. They've been replaced with StratTech solutions...who literally doesn't exist on LinkedIn aside from their "CEO". Looking at their website they offer the following services locally to Scottsdale, AZ:
  • Cyber Security
  • Managed Services (Technology Systems)
  • Premises Security
  • VOIP Services
  • Cloud and Hosted Services
  • Websites & SEO
That certainly qualifies them to manage the ballot count using WakeTSI's processes.

It's a clown show that just got even funnier.

Guess what...some companies don't NEED web presences. The lack of one says precisely nothing about qualifications or lack thereof. I don't have a LinkedIn page and yet I still qualify for a mid-three figure hourly as a qualified expert witness (half-day minimum). I get referrals through referrals, so people are often serious before they called since they know I don't work cheap...
Guess what...some companies don't NEED web presences. The lack of one says precisely nothing about qualifications or lack thereof. I don't have a LinkedIn page and yet I still qualify for a mid-three figure hourly as a qualified expert witness (half-day minimum). I get referrals through referrals, so people are often serious before they called since they know I don't work cheap...

Limited web presence...for a technology consulting company who moonlights as an election auditor as of 5/24/21.
Sending unsolicited requests is as bad as sending unsolicited ballots. The additional problems come with States that tried to change their processes within three months of the election date...they screwed things up, and in some instances, made changes that were not in accordance with their respetctiive State Constitutions or law.

There are ALSO States like Texas that gave 17 days of early voting...SEVENTEEN! There is no rational reason for most people to need anything in the mail. For those that DID need a ballot by mail, a process existed for them to MAKE the request.
Agree to disagree. :)

That said, I agree that early voting is a good thing to expand voting access.

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