Election Day

In my wildest dreams I did NOT see this coming. Heck I didn't think it was even a possibility. In my mind nothing could defeat HRC, or more accurately, the Clinton/Democratic National machine. I am astounded.

I can only assume the people as a whole, are as pissed w Washington as am I. It is possible that as JF claimed, the SCOTUS opportunity played a huge role but I do not believe it is the overriding one. I think it was a general disgust with two things: the Dem candidate and the Washington elite.
this is horn tooting, but what the heck
this was me in my skype room
easy money

[11:17:15 AM]index dump
all ovber world
time to buy
get on it

And today was biggest SP500 reversal since the 2008 collapse

this is horn tooting, but what the heck
this was me in my skype room
easy money

And today was biggest SP500 reversal since the 2008 collapse

The difference between actually smart people and people who fancy themselves smart and ironically mock actually smart people.

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..... As voting started, these same pundits had been saying that Hillary was a lock. Even as late as 8 p.m. on election day, the New York Times gave her an 80% chance of winning. Pundits said there was no realistic path to an electoral victory for Trump.

But as the returns came in, these same shellshocked experts were saying that nobody predicted this, nobody thought it could happen, nobody expected voters to turn out the way they did. "What did everyone get wrong?" CNN pondered.

Excuse us, but not everyone got it wrong.

IBD/TIPP's final numbers put Trump up by 1.6 points in a four-way race. As of 2 a.m. Wednesday morning, Trump was up by about 1 point in the popular vote. (The actual vote outcome will likely change as votes continue to be counted over the next several weeks.)

It appears the difference in the pre-election polls (+3.5 H) and projected final results (+0.5 H) is 3 pts. Who was the smart guy to say that back in August? Who was the smart guy to call the race back in June? I give you a hint below:
The big blue states are deep blue. Clinton winning margin:

California 61-33%
NY 59-37%
Wash. 56-38%
Ill. 55-39%
When I hear Trump's claim of 'rigged', I don't hear accusations of rigging polls and rigging voting booths but rather a comprehensive "thumb on the scale" approach that Washington insiders and media outlets apply and practice. I think the "rigging" comes in when the polls are selectively used by media outlets to illustrate a picture that is consistent with DNC goals.

I'm not saying that the GOP wouldn't have done it had 'their guy' (or anyone besides Trump) won the primary, but in this instance I think both the media and political establishment pulled as many inside strings (read ...non-transparent and biased) as possible to defeat Trump.

That's what I think he's saying with 'rigged' and I think he is right.
It appears the difference in the pre-election polls (+3.5 H) and projected final results (+0.5 H) is 3 pts. Who was the smart guy to say that back in August? Who was the smart guy to call the race back in June?......

Well player sir
I also pimped the potential analogy to 1980 Reagan v. Carter at that time
Including giving the full years' worth of polling right into the election


Obama pal and former Marxist Van Jones' predictable meltdown
Short version - you are all racists (since you disagree with him)

That very clearly didn't happen. It seemed to bother pretentious white liberals in urban areas a lot more than it bothered actual minority voters.

Everything bothers pretentious white liberals in urban areas a lot more.

He did better with Latinos than expected.

Because Latinos are not as homogeneous as the above pretentious white liberals believe. I know plenty of Hispanics who are fed up with the lax stance toward illegal immigration and want something done about it.

Is 'political science' even a real thing?



That's what it looks like when you mix incompetence and arrogance up in an echo chamber.

As I told my wife last night, HRC was uninspiring and has been that way her entire career going back to being first lady of Arkansas. Layer on the self-inflicted wounds of the private email server and she was a deeply flawed candidate that likely played right into the narrative of the type of politician that middle-America wanted out of D.C.

This is where I think the Dems misread their hand in a big way. They got wins in a couple of key social issues in the courts, and immediately assumed they had "won" the culture war. I figured at some point they would overplay their hand, and I don't know if this qualifies or not, but running a candidate unliked and untrusted by anyone who doesn't subscribe to MoveOn.Org would seem to have been a real miscalculation. Maybe they might be rethinking the idea of being able to run someone as a liberal democrat without having to win any "purple" voters.

It's been the GOP in the past that had entitlement issues with its nomination process, and this time around the Dems fell pray to it. She never should have been nominated.
The one part of that speech that I didnt like was her unspoken idea that the first female president will come in as a Dem

I disagree with this. I have maintained for two decades now that she will be a conservative.
She will be tough. Very tough. She will not be a whiner or an excuse maker.
An American Thatcher
Ivanka 2024.

Geez, that was easy.
A few Pennsylvania numbers --

Trump outperformed with Whites with 56%
Won White women 50-47.
Won 14% of black men.
Tied for White college grads ties at 48


In Wisconsin, Trump won 43% of union households
Remember when the media narrative was that HRC was going to help the "downticket?"
Feingold (WI): lost
Teachout (NY): lost
Bayh (IN): lost
Kander (MO): lost
Ross (NC): lost
Murphy (FL): lost
McGinty (PA): lost
Koster (MO): lost
Van Ostern (NH): lost
She actually dragged down her party with her
Lots of stories here, but DNC and Clinton made so many disastrous decisions and mistakes, that it proves that Clinton would have been a terrible President.

How can they be that stupid.

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