Election Day

There are several variations of this series out there
Some pretty funny stuff


You should probably include Washington State in that mix. California, Oregon and Washington might be a better fit in Canada. Heck, throw in the Northeast and some of y'all may have the homogeneous outcome you seem to prefer.

Good point. Democrats do love Confederacies.
But we need to retain at least one West Coast port.
I'm no fan of Podesta or Mook, but they weren't the problem. She was the problem.

How reliable are these post election leaks? It seems the alt-right machine never stopped.

Clearly the candidate is the primary problem. Podesta getting hacked didn't help but she could have weathered that storm if she offered a modicum of inspiration.
In addition, there is a pic out there purportedly of Bill Clinton and a prostitute.
Looks like him.
I am not going to post it but its out there if you want to see it.
The guy who said that is defending it still. He says CNN will not let any of their people report on anything from the Clinton Bunker on Election Night.

ps -- additionally, Ive read her drink of choice is Crown.
The disturbing thing here is that I drink that too

You should probably include Washington State in that mix. California, Oregon and Washington might be a better fit in Canada. Heck, throw in the Northeast and some of y'all may have the homogeneous outcome you seem to prefer.

As if on cue this was in the Seattle Times today. This is dumb.

Should California, Oregon and Washington join Canada? #Calexit talk envelops West Coast
Originally published November 15, 2016 at 8:53 am Updated November 15, 2016 at 9:08 am

Calicadia? With the three Pacific coast states voting overwhelmingly for Hillary Clinton, there is talk of Washington, Oregon and California joining Canada.

The #calexit movement, formed in response to Donald Trump winning the presidential election, has enveloped California’s West Coast neighbors and spiritual counterparts, Washington and Oregon. The three Pacific Coast states overwhelmingly voted for Hillary Clinton. She received 55 percent of the vote in Washington, 62 percent in California and 52 percent in Oregon.

Is this crazy talk? Probably. But residents of the Best Coast have a lot in common with our northern neighbors. The three states have long been working with British Columbia to combat climate change. All three new potential provinces have legalized cannabis, which Canada is moving toward. Don’t forget Canada’s universal health care. We love health care for all here on the coast.


President Barack Obama walks with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as they leave Parliament Hill in June in Ottawa. (Justin Tang / The Canadian Press via AP)
Think of the positives. An NHL team would surely be a condition of entry, and there would be no more waiting in those long lines at the Peace Arch crossing from Washington to British Columbia.

Would Washington be a standalone province, join B.C. or combine with Oregon and California to create something new?

The timing is right to drop the name Washington. Washington, D.C. has plans to steal it. Plus, we couldn’t very well be named after an American president if we become Canadians. What about the name that was almost ours, Columbia? British Columbia might have something to say about that name — as they might South British Columbia. We could become the province of Cascadia or Calicadia.

What would you name Canada’s newest province or provinces?
Chris Matthews is no dummy even though he plays one on TV. He mostly plays to his audience but he can be pragmatic when needed. He was the first one to realize that the dem party was getting their *** kicked.
This was the main idea. For me at least. My point from the outset was -- "We cannot let Hillary have these SCOTUS nominations." This was way more true than it ever was, "Trump is the one to make these nominations" But I now trust Trump to make the right call here. I think he was already pointing in the right direction and now we have Mike Pence in his ear. Ted Cruz probably would have made similar picks if he had won. I was never as confident in Jeb or Marco (the Bush family in particular has a spotty record on this). Thank goodness we dont have to worry about any of that. Let them worry now.

"Trump Could Radically Transform The Supreme Court For Decades And Dems Are Terrified"

"Trump has the potential to fundamentally transform the Supreme Court of the United States for decades to come and the left is absolutely terrified. As of right now, only Justice Scalia's seat is open and Trump's replacement there will simply restore the previous 5-4 conservative vs. liberal balance. That said, 3 other justices are near/in their 80's and could be replaced during a Trump presidency. If all three judges are replaced, it would massively shift the balance of power to 7-2 conservative vs. liberal. Something tells us that the DNC is going to provide Ginsburg and Breyer with very regular health checkups over the next 4 years."


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What is your definition of alt-right? I have some follow up questions depending on how you answer it.

He doesnt know
He has already admitted as much in the alt.right thread -- which he started -- with the title of "What is the alt.right?"

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