He doesnt know
He has already admitted as much in the alt.right thread -- which he started -- with the title of "What is the alt.right?"
Thanks for speaking for me but I'll speak for myself, thank you. I've had an opportunity to study them since that post.
What is the alt-right in my own words? An online community of white nationalists who believe our European cultural heritage is superior to all others. This breeds a contempt for multi-culturalism, immigration and feminism. Race is at the center of this extreme brand of conservatism.
Given it's online roots, the alt-right is technology savvy, not particularly religious and has a vehement disdain for political correctness. Like anarchists, it revels in inciting animosity from the bearers of the 3 previously mentioned policies. I'm not sure it's truly anti-semetic but it enjoys the ethos of being a flamethrower and nobody is easier to troll than the Jewish community and they don't care what you or I think or say.
Though Brietbart has claimed to be a home for the alt-right, their real home is in 4chan, Twitter, Reddit and other darker places of the internet. We see it in the form of clever memes like those incessantly posted by Joe Fan.
What is the ultimate goal of the alt-right? To burn it all down. The establishment, political correctness, major parties, current political system, etc. are all targets. What do they want to replace it with? That's not defined but you can be sure that it would be based on white nationalism.
I think the alt-right is the internet equivalent of anarchists. They don't have an end in mind but hate the "now" and love the reaction to the fires they start. Here comes the hard part, now their "leaders" are actually in charge. What to do now? It's easy to take potshots at the establishment when you are on the outside but now they
are the establishment. Good luck.