Eagles Requesting Campus Changes

I don't think these stats mean what you think they mean.
Growing up I used to hear that you could tell what part of the population was the most oppressed by who owned all the boxing titles.
Blacks to Italians to Irish, etc.
That's how they get out of their situation is by dominating sports.
Are you saying black people can't work their way out of "their situation" through other means besides sports?


"Maybe 50 years ago. Show us some specific examples of this, please."

A mere 200 years ago the great grandparents of blacks were being beaten, raped, shackled and sold like cattle.
A hundred years after they were "freed" they still couldn't drink out of the same water fountain, eat at the same lunch counter or go to the same schools.
But 50 years after that you're telling me all racism has disappeared?
Get real.
You can always find an exception.
But in general blacks still get the short end.
I've seen it in places I've been employed and been embarrassed for them.
Who said all racism has disappeared. Please go back and quote where I said that or you can give me a break.

In general, blacks don't get the short end. That's just a typical BS cop out easy thing to say.
I am also embarrassed to say that in a room full of whites and only one black I didn't have the courage to do anything.
I am not that person anymore.
But you can come on here and espouse how racist the country is. When you had a chance to stand up for someone, you didn't do it. Okay.
So, anyway, the business world is still racist, black people don't have as many opportunities.

What does this have to do with the demands these guys put on UT? Are they making these demands to get business people to stop being racist?
Sorry, Bevo Joe, I'm not waiting for them to be told to "quit" on fourth & one against LSU or OU. You're either onboard or not; if not, don't showup and be a distraction in August. I'll sit through every play of a 100-0 beatdown from OU rather than continue with the problems.

Of course, my definition of "onboard" and Herman's may be drastically different.

Exactly. Better yet, pull the uniform and find some walk on’s. Winning is secondary to honor and respect of the scholarship and the school. Or, cancel the damn season and let it be known how many scholarships will go away in ALL sports due to the lost revenue. No more ladies soccer, ladies!
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% of Fortune 500 CEO?
% of MBA grads?
% of Harvard Bus schools?
% of US Senate?
% of US home Owners?
% of US Billionaires?
Not sure where to start.
Pecos, are you claiming that these deficiencies are the result of inherent racism? If so, I would vehemently disagree.

When your leaders glorify the worst actors among you;

When your elected leaders fail you decade after decade but you keep electing the same ones;

When 80% of your children grow up without a father in the household;

When mothers are encouraged to have more children because that means more welfare payments;

and when you have more abortions in a population than births;

What would you expect?

Address the real issues, not the popular, old fallbacks, and watch what happens.

Only the black community can elevate the black community.
Maybe just the academic world:
% FB HC?
% College Deans?
% College Presidents?
% College AD?
% Grad school applicants?
% grad school attendees?
% grad school graduates? by discipline?

always thought you were a good guy, but please tell me there is no one in the US Senate that you admire.
Since this is a conversation about equality in the US ask yourself two questions -
If it were my choice would I prefer to be born black or white in the US?

If it were my choice would I prefer to be born female or male?

You dont have to post here in public.

2 time lotto winner.

I have posted before about the night Mohammad Ali was on Johnny Carson, and he said the exact same thing. Basically, changes have to come from inside the home
Yes. I can admit my shortcomings.
As I said, I'm not that person anymore.
Okay, I give you credit there.

Not a perfect country and world. I grew up in Fort worth. Never experienced black people being mistreated. In fact, all the black guys and gals at the schools I went to were always thought of as the "cool kids' and well liked.

I'm sure there are plenty of backwoods white people in the country who aren't afforded much opportunity ion the world either. Not because they are white but rather uneducated and lazy.

always thought you were a good guy, but please tell me there is no one in the US Senate that you admire.
The answer was about black progress and opportunities in the US in the last 50 years.

I admire quite a few people in the US Senate both current and former members. We could start with the historical Senate members that made a clear difference in the world they lived in or we could keep it simple and limit ourselves to the current members.

I met Cornyn several times and followed his career and voted for him in his past victories. Cruz I dont care for after he ran for Pres during 1st term. Perhaps too ambitious for my preference.
I voted for Romney for President, but live in Texas so no chance to vote.
I voted for McCain for President, but live in Texas so no chance to vote.
I voted for Dole for President, but live in Texas so no chance to vote.
I voted for GW Bush twice for President and Gov several times.
I voted for HW Bush twice and Reagan twice for President.

So some current Senators I admire and hope they continue to serve and I support with donations as they are not in Texas.

I do like Rubio and he is a young man with ambitions.

I admire the way Collins can drive people crazy without doing anything.

Was there anyone you had in mind?

What would happen if we discovered that on one plantation in the 1800s slaves had to learn what ultimately became the Blues. Would we have to stop playing blues music? Would rock and roll be canceled because it came out of blues? Would The Rolling Stones have to pay reparations?

How far will this go? Is the implication that "gator bait" had its inception to the world via the deaths of Black babies?

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