Eagles Requesting Campus Changes

Appropriate avatar. 1000 plus posts, but can’t sponsor? Are you a freeloader? Dion makes it easy. We will call you out until you sponsor. Free speech isn’t free. Some people spill blood for it. You should spend some cash.

It always seems strange to see the "sponsor shame" card played. I might be missing it but I never seem to see anyone sponsor shame someone who shares a like stance or opinion. It seems to me to only be a cheap shot to someone who takes an opposing stance or opinion.
You literally called the people disagreeing fascist in your question. How can you not see that? Again, that's the problem.

What people disagreeing with what?
You're seeing things that aren't there.
Point out where I "literally" call anyone a fascist.
I asked a very general question.
You may answer the question if you like.
I disagree with everything you say. :D
MDog captured the prevailing sentiment here - as only he can do - in but a few words. Maybe we should all just ditto his notion and move on...
This is the best post you've ever made. MDog.

Here's the history I just read.
Robt. E. Lee used to end his addresses at Washington & Lee University with the words "the eyes of the south are upon you".
A supposed racist UT president decided to copy that and at the end of his addresses would say "the eyes of Texas are upon you".
I believe it was The Cowboys group that decided to make fun of the president and wrote the song by putting lyrics to the tune of I've Been Working on the Railroad.
They would then stage minstrel shows wearing black face and sing this song.
This was somewhere around 1900.
Not expressing an opinion here.
Just giving you the history.
...help me to understand the liberal mind....
...because it started with Robert E.Lee....is that it?
...because it was performed by people in black face making fun???

times change....black face was done by people never having to consider racism...the world was different...people's mores were different...fast forward 120 years....and we are to destroy tradition because of what a bunch of 20 year olds did for fun one night????

I have lived my life as an ANTI-RACIST...that is how I was raised....

I have been around the University for 50+years...I remember reading about the Robert E. Lee reference....but, NEVER have I heard anything about the Cowboys....
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Here's the history I just read.
Robt. E. Lee used to end his addresses at Washington & Lee University with the words "the eyes of the south are upon you".
A supposed racist UT president decided to copy that and at the end of his addresses would say "the eyes of Texas are upon you".
I believe it was The Cowboys group that decided to make fun of the president and wrote the song by putting lyrics to the tune of I've Been Working on the Railroad.
They would then stage minstrel shows wearing black face and sing this song.
This was somewhere around 1900.
Not expressing an opinion here.
Just giving you the history.
I believe your summary is fair based on what I read. Here are my comments:

1. Why would the post-civil war comments by Lee automatically be assumed to be racist?
2. Same for the UT president.
3. Lyrics for The Eyes obviously non-racist.
4. Minstrel shows were popular in the day, for both black and white audiences. The white minstrel shows used entertainers in blackface.

Obvious solution? Ban the minstrel shows, but not the song.
I was ardently anti-Trump and did not vote for President Trump in the last election.... but I will vote for him this time over the anarchy promoting alternative. You should be careful about making assumptions...
You are a smart man, HTown, and just gave me hope...at least in the sense of hope in man.
If people can't see there is something grave, ominous, and larger than their personal basket of pet issues or whatever going on in our country here soon it will be too late....and I'm not talking about anything to do with race....except maybe the human one.
So, he doesn't like OAN and thinks Gundy should not wear that shirt. If Gundy does not agree to not wear a shirt like that, then there has been no change? This doesn't;t sound like much of an apology.

I know, but I was focusing on how he said tweeting was the wrong thing to do. The private discussions are so much better. If they fail to bare fruit then you can try other means. Starting out with sledge hammering the door is not effective in my book.
...help me to understand the liberal mind....
...because it started with Robert E.Lee....is that it?
...because it was performed by people in black face making fun???

times change....black face was done by people never having to consider racism...the world was different...people's mores were different...fast forward 120 years....and we are to destroy tradition because of what a bunch of 20 year olds did for fun on night????

I have lived my life as an ANTI-RACIST...that is how I was raised....

I have been around the University for 50+years...I remember reading about the Robert E. Lee reference....but, NEVER have I heard anything about the Cowboys....


I believe your summary is fair based on what I read. Here are my comments:

1. Why would the post-civil war comments by Lee automatically be assumed to be racist?
2. Same for the UT president.
3. Lyrics for The Eyes obviously non-racist.
4. Minstrel shows were popular in the day, for both black and white audiences. The white minstrel shows used entertainers in blackface.

Obvious solution? Ban the minstrel shows, but not the song.

And this^^^^^

I watched a classic, great flick w Fred Astaire and Ginger Rodgers w my wife the other night. If I thought for one minute it was promoting racism intentionally or overtly or existed for any other reason than the difference in the times and thinking (naivety/ignorance not malice) of those days then I would be offended and not watch it.
It has never occurred to me to force anyone to change anything about history....only to do all I can to contribute to the best today for myself and those around me. Perhaps if people would quite trying to erase or change history and focus on the right now we could accomplish something together.
Everyone knows in sport the ball goes where your eyes lead it.
Life really isn't much different, and these young men are doing themselves no favors in my opinion.
Here's the history I just read.
Robt. E. Lee used to end his addresses at Washington & Lee University with the words "the eyes of the south are upon you".
A supposed racist UT president decided to copy that and at the end of his addresses would say "the eyes of Texas are upon you".
I believe it was The Cowboys group that decided to make fun of the president and wrote the song by putting lyrics to the tune of I've Been Working on the Railroad.
They would then stage minstrel shows wearing black face and sing this song.
This was somewhere around 1900.
Not expressing an opinion here.
Just giving you the history.

@moondog_LFZ The University of Texas was founded by former confederates and "racists". Originally, it was only for white men. There were minstrel shows at this university as well. Also the University of Texas Football teams was originally only for white men.

Due to these racist origins and history of racism, should we close the University of Texas and disband the UT Football Team? If not, why not?
I think we can all agree by attending a university founded by confederates and "racists" that used to only be for white people and playing on a team that used to be segregated, Brennan Eagles is a white supremacist and supports racism against black people. He needs to rebuke white supremacy and transfer ASAP.

Hell football was invented by white racists. So were basketball and baseball. Why are these athletes even playing sports invented by white racists? Do they not realize they promote racism by doing so? They should stop playing altogether or else they perpetuate white privilege.
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@moondog_LFZ The University of Texas was founded by former confederates and "racists". Originally, it was only for white men. There were minstrel shows at this university as well. Also the University of Texas Football teams was originally only for white men.

Due to these racist origins and history of racism, should we close the University of Texas and disband the UT Football Team? If not, why not?
first, former confederates....and "racists"....
explain what your understanding of the world these people lived in....
first, former confederates....and "racists"....
explain what your understanding of the world these people lived in....

I have do not have a problem with the founders of the University. I am just bringing the reasoning behind the attack on the Eyes of Texas to its logical conclusion.

Did you know the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Emancipation Proclamation and 13th Amendment were all written by racists?

If we cannot have the Eyes of Texas because of "supposed racist origins", how can we have anything with "supposed racist origins" or anything created by "supposed racists".

Unless of course people are just arbitrarily picking and choosing what "offends" them and which "racist origins" matter to them and which do not.....
I mean, why is southern slave owner George Washington's statue still around?

Why is there a statue of the anti-LGBT Martin Luther King, Jr. on campus?

Why is our stadium still a WW1 memorial when most of the white people, if not all, who fought in WW1 for america were "racist" and probably did not support LGBT rights either?
@moondog_LFZ The University of Texas was founded by former confederates and "racists". Originally, it was only for white men. There were minstrel shows at this university as well. Also the University of Texas Football teams was originally only for white men.

Due to these racist origins and history of racism, should we close the University of Texas and disband the UT Football Team? If not, why not?

Why @me?
As I said in the post, not offering an opinion.
Just supplying the history as I read in an article this morning.
You are the one that thinks the history matters. Why is it relevant in 2020?
I never said the history mattered.
Another poster asked what anybody saw as racist about the song so I posted the history.
This is what the players are talking about.
I offered no opinion and, in fact, stated that I have no problem with the song.
Well, my opinion is, someone should educate the players on the totality of history of America... then ask them why they have a problem with the song and not the football team, the university or america as a whole.
I never said the history mattered.
Another poster asked what anybody saw as racist about the song so I posted the history.
This is what the players are talking about.
I offered no opinion and, in fact, stated that I have no problem with the song.
SCENARIO....my Uncle who was born in 1920 in the deep South was a contractor....he builds several neighborhood in my town...I end up buying one of those homes in the '80's....then, last week we decided to sell but can not because it has been researched that the original contractor once was in a skit in 1946 while in the Navy and his part was playing a native on an island in the Pacific and used black face as part of his costume...well, he didn't choose it, the people putting on the play did....
SO, we are now being told the entire 3 square miles are going to have to be taken down and bulldozed because a pic of this contractor was found at a garage sale his grieving daughter was holding....
I can follow the dots as well as anyone....I TOTALLY think this would be justified and a prudent thing to do....oh, the new neighborhood is going to be called George Floyd Firs...even though he was a career criminal and once held a gun to a pregnant woman's tummy while a gang he was part of ransacked her home and terrorized her....his life was snuffed out while a very stupid cop restrained him improperly while George was full of Meth and fentanyl....
I have do not have a problem with the founders of the University. I am just bringing the reasoning behind the attack on the Eyes of Texas to its logical conclusion.

Did you know the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Emancipation Proclamation and 13th Amendment were all written by racists?

If we cannot have the Eyes of Texas because of "supposed racist origins", how can we have anything with "supposed racist origins" or anything created by "supposed racists".

Unless of course people are just arbitrarily picking and choosing what "offends" them and which "racist origins" matter to them and which do not.....
I just want to add that this whole experience that we are walking through...I MEAN LIFE, not 2020 crap....is nothing but getting up in the morning and try to do better than you did the day before....

I started a career back in the late '70's during the "RON BURGUNDY ERA" and almost every thing that was taken for granted back then is totally taboo, today. I still cringe at the memories of how my bosses treated the ladies in office....not once or twice, but daily....well, we evolved and got out of that....

I cannot speak as to what it was like around the turn of the last century....when one blanketly labels all these people racists, I just wonder what everyone means by that...I will not accept that everyone was evil...I doubt that....just like the '70's, it was a different time and a different mind set....we evolved....

To take the actions of men and start to dismantle everything about them is ludicrous....perfectly MAD....if you think otherwise....think, again...
I just want to add that this whole experience that we are walking through...I MEAN LIFE, not 2020 crap....is nothing but getting up in the morning and try to do better than you did the day before....

I started a career back in the late '70's during the "RON BURGUNDY ERA" and almost every thing that was taken for granted back then is totally taboo, today. I still cringe at the memories of how my bosses treated the ladies in office....not once or twice, but daily....well, we evolved and got out of that....

I cannot speak as to what it was like around the turn of the last century....when one blanketly labels all these people racists, I just wonder what everyone means by that...I will not accept that everyone was evil...I doubt that....just like the '70's, it was a different time and a different mind set....we evolved....

To take the actions of men and start to dismantle everything about them is ludicrous....perfectly MAD....if you think otherwise....think, again...

You stated we evolved. Is part of that evolution the lack of response today? Just "suck it up buttercup" whenever something threatens an institution that you hold dear? That's the opposite of evolution.

Going through their list, the biggest issue I have is how amorphous some of the actions seem, like "outreach program for inner cities,"... I'm sure that UT does stuff like that already, but maybe they are trying to pin down the specificity of that action.

And the BLM donation is a nonstarter... but they could get around that with the aforementioned outreach programs in lieu of direct cash transfers.

As for the song, I think they could easily cover that in their actionable item: modules providing racial injustice awareness. Throw the song in with the curriculum for that, and how even though we still sing it, it might not mean the same thing to all people.

If you're pissed that Painter was your genetics prof and you believe him to be a "net balance" good dude for what he did for Texas, it's ok to still have a conversation about it. There were calls to rename buildings going back as far as I can remember.
You stated we evolved. Is part of that evolution the lack of response today? Just "suck it up buttercup" whenever something threatens an institution that you hold dear? That's the opposite of evolution.

Going through their list, the biggest issue I have is how amorphous some of the actions seem, like "outreach program for inner cities,"... I'm sure that UT does stuff like that already, but maybe they are trying to pin down the specificity of that action.

And the BLM donation is a nonstarter... but they could get around that with the aforementioned outreach programs in lieu of direct cash transfers.

As for the song, I think they could easily cover that in their actionable item: modules providing racial injustice awareness. Throw the song in with the curriculum for that, and how even though we still sing it, it might not mean the same thing to all people.

If you're pissed that Painter was your genetics prof and you believe him to be a "net balance" good dude for what he did for Texas, it's ok to still have a conversation about it. There were calls to rename buildings going back as far as I can remember.

I'm hoping it's like a form of negotiation.
They are upset.
They want change.
I can empathize with that.

So, you throw a bunch of demands out there even including the freaking school song and see how much you end up with.
There will be conversations with the powers that be.
Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail.

Outside of the football program I do believe change needs to happen.
In the greater scheme of things.
But these demands I believe will accomplish nothing more than a feel good moment for them that will soon pass.
What are they upset about, and what needs to be changed? Are they upset to be playing for Texas? I don't get it.

If you read this, and then still think their concerns are "misguided," then they're probably not going to have the conversation with you.



This whole thread is filled with "I reject your premise on the grounds that it's stupid" (or something along those lines) and altering the argument to be about stuff that's not in the letter.
If you read this, and then still think their concerns are "misguided," then they're probably not going to have the conversation with you.



This whole thread is filled with "I reject your premise on the grounds that it's stupid" (or something along those lines) and altering the argument to be about stuff that's not in the letter.
I think they are full of ****. Like Larry Elder said, show me the systemic racism. Go ahead, I'll wait. And, no, I don't care about having a conversation with them, or you, for that matter.

Edit: I can only do one reaction, so I chose "Disagree", but I would I also Dislike, Poop, and WTF yiuyr comment if I could.
I'm hoping it's like a form of negotiation.
They are upset.
They want change.
I can empathize with that.

So, you throw a bunch of demands out there even including the freaking school song and see how much you end up with.
There will be conversations with the powers that be.
Hopefully, cooler heads will prevail.

Outside of the football program I do believe change needs to happen.
In the greater scheme of things.
But these demands I believe will accomplish nothing more than a feel good moment for them that will soon pass.
I was inside the inside circle for YEARS and all I can say is....these kids are treated like conquering heroes, EVEN when they don't conquer.....the facilities and perks would make the EMPORER HADRIAN jealous....for most, this will be the pinnacle of their lives....and they want more? what they are asking for can't be given it is earned....no one has the power to give them what they want...it HAS to be earned !!!

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