Dumb Political Correctness

Typical, let a few black people come out and say something negative about him and of course white are going to wet themselves. All LeSean McCoy is doing is tap dancing for Massah.

No. You're the one who is pissing all over yourself because you still have to live with it. I don't. Your words don't advance civilization; it only soils your own life because you are burdened with this hate.

McCoy and Jim Brown are men and if you think they are dancing for some Massah or whatever you wish to call it in a way that makes you appear to be superior then I say you're dancing down a road to self-ruin; ruin that is not measured by money, but instead by the death of your soul and feelings towards all of humanity. And I believe you are poisoning all that you come in contact with. Where is the leadership? What are they to do with your words? Hate white people? Form mobs to tear down statues? Then what? Who buys the food? Who goes to work and doesn't make excuses? Where are these people supposed to go with your words to make a positive life for themselves? There is nothing but negative coming from you. Nobody can see the future in your eyes. You only want black men who think like you. That makes you an arrogant control freak who is wiling to destroy the character and self-respect of another black man who thinks differently than you.

You can tear down all the statues you want; I don't care. I have no allegiance to them. You can outlaw Nazi's (please do) but none of that matters in your personal life. You still have to get up and make a good life for yourself. You obviously hate white people; all white people. I see no discernment or nuance in your words. You apparently hate the ancestors of the hundreds of thousands of white men who were killed fighting the Nazi's in Europe. You hate the ancestors of white people who fought on the side of the North during the civil war. You hate white Hispanics such as myself who are here because their ancestors immigrated long ago. And coming from the side of life that you represent means you are just as bad as the white racists.

Both of you are cancers upon our society.
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My cousin is just like this guy; he's become a vile human being. He is obsessed with politics and had he tweeted this I wouldn't have been surprised at all.

I am not sure what we are supposed to do with these people, other than make sure they never achieve political power
How dare a black man think for himself.

I thought you were going to say "how dare a black man tap dance." That's such a racist stereotype. I can't believe he went there. Shocking... and uphauling.

Written by the same author of this tweet moments ago.

Not ready to give any credit to some millennial trying to trigger conservative snowflakes.

The guy looks like he's 12 in that vidcap.
A bill in the California legislature is proposing jail time for care givers who use wrong gender pronouns for senior trans-gender patients in long-term care facilities, after they have been notified of he preferred pronoun. So much for the First Amendment in Cali-forny.


I didn't realize this bill had already passed the California state senate. It will go before the state assembly this week. What's the odds it passes and Gov. Moonbeam signs it into law? It essentially criminalizes certain speech.

It's amazing it passed the senate. Just goes to show how crazy, far Left California has gone. Queue golden oldie; "Do you remember back in old L.A./When everybody drove a Chevrolet/Whatever happened to the boy next door/Suntanned, crew-cut, all-American boy."

I thought you were going to say "how dare a black man tap dance." That's such a racist stereotype. I can't believe he went there. Shocking... and uphauling.

He claims to be black, so he can drop N-bombs and joke about tap dancing, fried chicken, and watermelon all he wants. It's only offensive if guys like you do it.
I didn't realize this bill had already passed the California state senate. It will go before the state assembly this week. What's the odds it passes and Gov. Moonbeam signs it into law? It essentially criminalizes certain speech.

It's amazing it passed the senate. Just goes to show how crazy, far Left California has gone. Queue golden oldie; "Do you remember back in old L.A./When everybody drove a Chevrolet/Whatever happened to the boy next door/Suntanned, crew-cut, all-American boy."


Wow. They actually went for it. If it passed the Senate, it'll probably pass the Assembly, and Old Man Brown will almost surely sign it.
I'm sorry, but I'm no longer sorry. Link.

Griffin has the same problem as DJT, they stop themselves from inserting their own foot into their own mouths. Neither should ever do an interview ever again because simply opening their yapper creates a challenge. Hoping Griffin fades away from B-Celebrity status soon. We aren't so fortunate for DJT. Kelly's ability to muzzle him has been inconsistent at best.
Well by retracting her apology Ms. Griffin has attracted a couple of minutes of my attention. Too bad she's unattractive. It's unfair, but if she was cute I wouldn't be so damned resentful about it.
I really hope this becomes a thing now
Opinions on which US demographics are the most useless
I have some tax data I would love to share on this very question

This is the Vogue writer who criticised First Lady Melania Trump's attire, particularly her shoes, on the trip to help the people of Houston. 'Nuff said.


She looks like she's trying out for the role of the scary clown in the remake of Stephen King's "IT".
This is the Vogue writer who criticised First Lady Melania Trump's attire, particularly her shoes, on the trip to help the people of Houston. 'Nuff said.


She looks like she's trying out for the role of the scary clown in the remake of Stephen King's "IT".
Shirley you can't be serious?
What kind of idiots keep funding this nonsense?

All female cast Lord of the Flies

I'm waiting for the remake of Gone With The Wind. It'll probably star Will Smith or The Rock as Rhett Butler, Halle Berry as Scarlett, Beyonce as Melanie, Cathy Bates as Mammy, and Hillary Clinton as Prissy.
Not surprising, all part of the Left's crusade to change history. Erasing negative aspects they condemn and hijacking good ones to reflect their preferences.

Earlier this year I was explaining to my Vietnamese gf of the time how imperative it was she see the awesomeness of Karate Kid to understand my jokes.

Imagine my horror when she smirked..."I saw it, Jaden Smith, right?". :puke:

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