Dumb Political Correctness

Here's Blu Lives Matters's explanation.

Any time there is a collision resulting in death, it’s normal to determine if anybody involved was impaired. Because Gray was transported to Salt Lake City, Logan police officers on scene asked Salt Lake police to obtain a blood sample from Gray.

Salt Lake Detective Jeff Payne, a trained phlebotomist, responded to obtain a blood sample from Gray, but Gray was unconscious.

Nurse Alex Wubbels told Payne that an agreement between the hospital and police department does not allow for a warrantless blood draw without patient consent or without the patient being under arrest.

Detective Payne consulted with the watch commander, Lt. James Tracy, who told him to arrest Wubbels for interfering with the investigation if she didn’t allow him to draw blood from Gray.

Wubbels went over the policy with the detective again, and Detective Payne arrested Wubbels. Bodycam video of the incident shows the arrest.

Wubbels was later released without charges and the police department has launched an internal investigation.
Any time there is a collision resulting in death, it’s normal to determine if anybody involved was impaired. Because Gray was transported to Salt Lake City, Logan police officers on scene asked Salt Lake police to obtain a blood sample from Gray.

Salt Lake Detective Jeff Payne, a trained phlebotomist, responded to obtain a blood sample from Gray, but Gray was unconscious.

Nurse Alex Wubbels told Payne that an agreement between the hospital and police department does not allow for a warrantless blood draw without patient consent or without the patient being under arrest.

Detective Payne consulted with the watch commander, Lt. James Tracy, who told him to arrest Wubbels for interfering with the investigation if she didn’t allow him to draw blood from Gray.

Wubbels went over the policy with the detective again, and Detective Payne arrested Wubbels. Bodycam video of the incident shows the arrest.

Wubbels was later released without charges and the police department has launched an internal investigation.
Just to be clear, I think it was a bad arrest. But, I'm not a cop or lawyer, and it has been made clear on the board after the game yesterday, that in no way am I allowed to opine on this.
....it has been made clear on the board after the game yesterday, that in no way am I allowed to opine on this.

That was a bad time for everyone

From the pile of Podesta emails

When you have an opponent that is obviously right and you are wrong, compare them to Hitler.

If you can't argue against somebody's position, just lie about the person's motives, establish those false motives as a straw man and then bash them until the person's original point gets lost. Link.

Unfortunately, that's pretty much what political debate has become nowadays. It's making us dumber even as we're becoming more "educated" or too often, mal-educated.
A federal judge ordered that two of every five new @FDNY firefighters be black and one of every five be Hispanic.

Wow, that can't be legal. What about Asians, Muslims, gays, etc.?

Firefighter's union needs to file suit. You definitely want the best people you can get in that job, regardless of race
If you can't argue against somebody's position, just lie about the person's motives, establish those false motives as a straw man and then bash them until the person's original point gets lost. Link.

Unfortunately, that's pretty much what political debate has become nowadays. It's making us dumber even as we're becoming more "educated" or too often, mal-educated.

That sums up the alt-right and the looney-left. Heck, it's very prevalent on this board.
it's very prevalent on this board.

It's too prevalent here, but I think it's even more prevalent in other places. On social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), it's about 99 percent of political discussion. That's why I seldom discuss politics on Facebook. I basically talk politics with one friend on Facebook. He's a liberal, gay, Jewish guy from Boston. He's hard Left, but unlike almost everybody else I know on Facebook, he actually respects opposing viewpoints.
It's too prevalent here, but I think it's even more prevalent in other places. On social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), it's about 99 percent of political discussion. That's why I seldom discuss politics on Facebook. I basically talk politics with one friend on Facebook. He's a liberal, gay, Jewish guy from Boston. He's hard Left, but unlike almost everybody else I know on Facebook, he actually respects opposing viewpoints.

Like you, I try to keep my facebook politics free. I've "muted" anyone that was overly political on both sides of the aisle. The last election was unbearable. Between the Hillary lovers, Bernie supporters and the far right conservative conspiracy theorists, I nearly quit facebook altogether. Surprisingly, I've even seen politics creep into LinkedIn which was shocking. Nope, I'll let the conservatives here enjoy my musings. ;)
If I didn't live overseas and didn't have a 3 year old son whose grandparents want regular updates and photos, I'd quit Facebook. I have friends who have gone off the grid with social media. None regret it.

I do it for the kids sports too. I have 2 boys left in HS. To stay in touch with my eldest who just went away to college I've been forced to adopt Snapchat. My wife says "if you want to stay involved with them you need to go where they are." My kids long ago left Facebook. Now I'm simply a mid-40's guy that hates Snapchat!
I'll concede that Debbie Wasserman Shultz is a morally bankrupt scumbag. I'm merely pointing out that it's a stretch to assert that she was giving Pakistani Intelligence Services unlimited access to confidential security briefings as implied in some communication from right wing "news" sources I've read.

It's hard to tell exactly what she was doing
It now looks like her IT guy might have been blackmailing her
If so, who knows?

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How does the media find to the time figure out all the names of the members of Trump's golf courses, yet can find the time to cover this story?

Ruh roh

"Former Democrat IT Staffer Agrees to Return to the U.S. to Face Charges"

Hina Alvi is the wife and she apparently got a deal
Who didn't foresee problems with putting an intact male rapist in with actual females...


He's lucky one of the females didn't just beat the hell out of him...vulnerable populations should NEVER be the place for social science experiments that are destined from the beginning to fail.

It's like putting an alcoholic in a room with a case of whisky and being surprised that he drank some of it.
That sums up the alt-right and the looney-left. Heck, it's very prevalent on this board.
Ha ha ... like establishing the straw man of one as a "survivor" with characterizations/presumptions of bunkers and fallout gear, eh, SH?

It's ok. We all do the very thing we hate and fail to do the very thing we claim to love.

Here's Blu Lives Matters's explanation.


good grief!!!

So the ol boy who's out there on the road earning a living is to get his 4A rights violated because another motorist hit him ... doing a combined 2.5-3 miles/minute closure ...

Another example of "manage by policy" ... don't think. Even if the driver was falling-down drunk, he didn't cause the collision. He couldn't even have avoided the collision unless he KNEW that opposite direction vehicle was going to pull that maneuver at that time.

NM the treatment of this nurse when the detective was presented with OTHER policy. Wow.

IDK if she should be able to retire to her own island from this, but the city of SLC has a significant liability upon them, as does that detective and the Lt.

hat Tip to the author for showing some integrity rather than that "blue line" protectionist action which happens too much in all walks of life.

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