Did Obama Wiretap The Donald?

The WSJ claims that two US citizens who were part of the Trump transition team have been unmasked in intelligence reports. One is Flynn and the other has not yet been identified. And it was someone else inside Team Obama who did this, not Rice.

“...... Ms. Rice wasn’t the administration official who instigated Mr. Flynn’s unmasking.”
The second person on Team Trump unmasked may or may not have already been noted by the WAPO and NYT, but the bottom line appears to be that Susan Rice was not unmasking alone.

Funny, I read your post and thought "but the bottom line appears to be that Susan Rice did not do what we've been saying that she did". From my reading on this subject the unmasking isn't the issue. The issue is if you violate the laws with that information.
Some people are saying that Bannon has not fully left the NSC.
He will sit on all NSC meetings w/ Trump, and retains his clearance.
He left the "principles committee"

Yet somehow, Rick Perry was added
Oh boy
I listened to Axelrod interview McCain. He said wonderful things about many of Trump's military/NSA folks like McMaster and Mattis, among others. That was encouraging.
Funny, I read your post and thought "but the bottom line appears to be that Susan Rice did not do what we've been saying that she did". From my reading on this subject the unmasking isn't the issue. The issue is if you violate the laws with that information.

That's my understanding too. "Unmasking" is an administrative procedure that is actually done at the request of the bureaucrats but completed by the intelligence agencies with proper approvals. In an of itself, "unmasking" is not illegal. It still goes back to who "leaked" the information. Earlier the alt-right was ready to string up Susan Rice as the "leaker" but now she's simply one of the bureaucrats that requested information to be unmasked. There currently isn't any evidence that she actually leaked the Flynn conversations with Kislayak to the media. The hunt continues for the leaker all the while Flynn was fired for how he lied about said conversation to Pence and the FBI is now forming it's own task force to investigate the Russia-Trump connections as part of its own investigation.
I don't always agree with McCain but he's a respectable human that has done more for our country than most of us. ....

He made a great sacrifice, its true. But I always hated the idea that some people are immune from criticism due to status, like McCain because of what happened to him
or Khizr Kahn because of his status as a grieving parent
or John Lewis because he took a stand over 50 years ago
or Hillary because of her status as possessing a vagina
or Barrack because of his status (as a Kenyan?)
or Barry Manilow now
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He made a great sacrifice, its true. But I always hated the idea that some people are immune from criticism due to status, like McCain because of what happened to him
or Khizr Kahn because of his status as a grieving parent
or John Lewis because he took a stand over 50 years ago
or Hillary because of her status as possessing a vagina
or Barrack because of his status
or Barry Manilow now

That all depends on the topic. McCain has more military experience thus is more qualified than Trump on that topic, John Lewis on civil rights/racism, Barry Manilow on being gay, etc. Heck, you can extend McCain's superior insight into VA issues.

Donald Trump has experience as in real estate development. When any of the aforementioned people step out of their lane to comment on things that they don't have more experience in than they rightfully should have no more voice than others who have no experience.
He made a great sacrifice, its true. But I always hated the idea that some people are immune from criticism due to status, like McCain because of what happened to him
or Khizr Kahn because of his status as a grieving parent
or John Lewis because he took a stand over 50 years ago
or Hillary because of her status as possessing a vagina
or Barrack because of his status
or Barry Manilow now
No. But, you'd think that McCain's views on Trump's military/national security team might be noteworthy as he's been in the Senate for many years after starting his career in 1977 working in DC. Just like Khizr Kahn's opinion on being the parent of a fallen American soldier might have validity, or John Lewis' views on societal changes and general life in our country as, you know, he put it all out there. Obama's status as what? A Kenyan socialist? Manilow's status as a liar because of his sweet words about Lola?
No. But, you'd think that McCain's views on Trump's military/national security team might be noteworthy ,,,,,

I think everyone already has a good handle on McCain's foreign affair positions without actually having to let him inside the house. He is always ready to fight.
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Have you noticed how the media is suddenly getting quieter on the Russian collusion front?

The opposite is happening on Unmaskgate.

-- "Reports in unmasking controversy were detailed, had info about 'everyday lives' "

"The intelligence reports at the center of the Susan Rice unmasking controversy were detailed, and almost resembled a private investigator’s file, according to a Republican congressman familiar with the documents.

"This is information about their everyday lives," Rep. Peter King of New York, a member of the House Intelligence committee said. "Sort of like in a divorce case where lawyers are hired, investigators are hired just to find out what the other person is doing from morning until night and then you try to piece it together later on.”

Have you noticed how the media is suddenly getting quieter on the Russian collusion front?

The opposite is happening on Unmaskgate.

-- "Reports in unmasking controversy were detailed, had info about 'everyday lives' "

"The intelligence reports at the center of the Susan Rice unmasking controversy were detailed, and almost resembled a private investigator’s file, according to a Republican congressman familiar with the documents.

"This is information about their everyday lives," Rep. Peter King of New York, a member of the House Intelligence committee said. "Sort of like in a divorce case where lawyers are hired, investigators are hired just to find out what the other person is doing from morning until night and then you try to piece it together later on.”

State media is all over it. Fox, RT, brietbart, etc. The real question is what is the FBI all over? That's much more important. All this unmasking stuff is is a distraction.
Manilow's status as a liar because of his sweet words about Lola?

Is it a lie if nobody believed it in the first place? Who didn't know that he was actually singing about the same Lola that Ray Davies and the Kinks were singing about?

Barry Manilow coming out as a gay is a little like if Richard Simmons came out. He confirmed what people have known for 40 years. Now if he had come out and said he was straight, that would have been a shock and newsworthy
The Obama team was way too smart to launch an operation to spy directly on Trump. Instead they saw an opportunity to do just that under the guise of investigating the Russian Election Interference allegations. As they sifted through the intel looking for dirt on Trump, they knew they had plausible deniability.

As usual, Obama bent the rules way past ethical and yet he may have still technically been on the legal side of things. Then he changed the laws to allow 16 government agencies to have access to their "accidentally" discovered intel, knowing that with that many eyes on it, it would be probably be leaked. They hoped that the results would be damaging to the incoming Trump Administration.

I believe that when all his devious plots are looked at all together, the IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the spying on his enemies, etc., the Obama Admin was the most morally bankrupt administration in my lifetime, worse than even Nixon's. But, like a Mafia Don, he's probably untouchable. If anybody goes down, it'll just be foot soldiers like Susan Rice or Evelyn Farkas.
The Obama team was way too smart to launch an operation to spy directly on Trump. Instead they saw an opportunity to do just that under the guise of investigating the Russian Election Interference allegations. As they sifted through the intel looking for dirt on Trump, they knew they had plausible deniability.

As usual, Obama bent the rules way past ethical and yet he may have still technically been on the legal side of things. Then he changed the laws to allow 16 government agencies to have access to their "accidentally" discovered intel, knowing that with that many eyes on it, it would be probably be leaked. They hoped that the results would be damaging to the incoming Trump Administration.

I believe that when all his devious plots are looked at all together, the IRS scandal, the Benghazi scandal, the spying on his enemies, etc., the Obama Admin was the most morally bankrupt administration in my lifetime, worse than even Nixon's. But, like a Mafia Don, he's probably untouchable. If anybody goes down, it'll just be foot soldiers like Susan Rice or Evelyn Farkas.
A more apt description might be that they left bread crumbs to treason.
Or even Freddie Mercury and those assless chaps? Our gay-dar in the 70's and 80's wasn't calibrated so good.

When I was about 3 or 4 years old (circa 1979 or 1980), I was on a streetcar (not the cable car) in San Francisco with my mom. A dude sitting in front of us got up from his seat to get off at his stop, and he was wearing assless chaps. I was sitting in the aisle seat, so for about 5 seconds, he had his nasty, hairy *** inches from my face. My mom just said to me, "don't look." I don't remember much from that age, but unfortunately that's the kind of thing you don't forget.

So are you telling me that guy was probably gay??? Because all these years, I assumed he was straight. It never occurred to me that a guy in San Francisco wearing assless chaps might be gay.
It never occurred to me that a guy in San Francisco wearing assless chaps might be gay.

There's a side of San Francisco that not a lot of people know about. I mean, most people think San Francisco and they get visions of sunny days, leisurely bike-riding paths and affordable housing, but there's apparently an underground community of gay people there also. They keep pretty quiet about it normally, but sounds like that guy might have gone off the reservation a little bit. Usually they try not to be too flamboyant about it.
....... The second person on Team Trump unmasked may or may not have already been noted by the WAPO and NYT, but the bottom line appears to be that Susan Rice was not unmasking alone.

It sounds more and more like this second person other than Rice was John Brennan. It is generally conceded that Brennan has a “deep-seated hatred of Trump.” And it is becoming increasingly apparent that Brennan is the one who came up with the idea of manufacturing the Russian story as "the hammer he is going to hit Trump with.” (see radio interview from late Jan of CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou https://shadowproof.com/2017/01/25/around-empire-episode-6-inside-cias-war-trump-feat-john-kiriakou/ )

It also looks like Brennan had the CIA targeting certain Trump-related folks post-election
-- Sean Hannity (over ties to Julian Assange)
-- Mike Flynn. Brennan and Flynn had clashed many times. One example is that Brennan was angry at Flynn for letting it out that Obama's "Syrian moderates" were actually the funded assets of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
-- Trump booster Erik Prince who has long criticized CIA bloat and incompetence, including the Brennan-run CIA drone program’s which regularly mistargeted Afghan civilians. Prince has repeatedly called for restructuring the CIA and argued against Brennan’s tenure. And eventhough Brennan is no longer at the CIA, his people are still there and they see Prince as a threat to their control.

On top of that, Brennan used to be a commie, even voting a commie candidate who later got 8 years in federal prison for trying to overthrow the Govt...... http://gotnews.com/unbelievable-cia-director-john-o-brennan-voted-communist-young-man/

And did you know Brennan went to UT? In his grad thesis, he argued for more Govt censorship of the press. Aggy always says Austin is commie central, so there you go

“Since the press can play such an influential role in determining the perceptions of the masses, I am in favor of some degree of government censorship...”
* * * *
“Can human rights violations in the Soviet Union be as easily justified in terms of the preservation of the communist ideology? Unfortunately (looking at events from a democratic perspective), yes. Since the absolute status of human rights has been denied, the justification for the violation of any of those rights has to be pursued from a particular ideological perspective. Leonid Brezhnev could justify human rights violations in the Soviet Union as a necessary part of the preservation of the communist ideological system.”

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