Apparently you slept through BO and HRC's reign of terror in the Middle East.
How's Libya doing these days? How do you feel about arming AQ and other extremists groups in Libya and Syria? How's Yemen faring? All three places are in total chaos and hell from BO and HRC's desire to play master of puppets.
Should we even get into Iran's post-deal (which HRC supported) defiant behavior? Actively testing long range ballistic missiles capable of housing nukes. Once the uranium restrictions end, experts say they can be nuclear armed within a year. Or how about Iran's increasing hostility and threats toward us as soon as the ink dried?
The world is a safer place with regime changing war mongers and radical enablers? Both Bush and Obama (with HRC) made this world a terrorist haven and the West a heavily infiltrated bulls eye.
The very woman who had a hand in stoking all these fires and escalating the threat to massive levels is a better choice to solve it?
The woman who promised a 6 times increase of Syrian refugees in 2017, despite countless Obama intel heads saying they have no way to vet their past. Ignoring daily examples of refugee rapes, violence, and refusal to integrate into allied countries.
Then there's her desire to make America a sanctuary country exposing Americans to unnecessary crimes from illegals. Texans alone have endured thousands of rapes and murders at the hands of illegals since 2007.
If HRC had won and turned SCOTUS into a radical enabling authority, America as we know it was lost forever. Half of the people who voted for DT did so to prevent that.