Did Obama Wiretap The Donald?

Anyone have a better replacement suggestion?

ABC News & the AP have reported that, during the election year of 2016, the Obama Admin unmasked the names of about 2,000 American citizens, whose conversations were collected via NSA wiretapping. There are subsequent reports that the number may be closer to 2,200.
"Government officials requested to know the identities of more than 1,900 Americans whose information was swept up in National Security Agency surveillance programs last year, according to a newly-released intelligence report.

The identities of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents were found in 3,914 intelligence reports the NSA distributed last year, said the report released Tuesday. The annual report comes just weeks after President Donald Trump accused former President Barack Obama’s national security adviser of possibly committing a crime when she asked government analysts to disclose the names of Trump associates documented in intelligence reports.

Most names in such intelligence reports are masked to protect privacy, but last year government officials requested that 1,934 identities — not initially revealed in the NSA reports — be unmasked in order to understand the intelligence being conveyed......"


Some more on the "unmasking" by Obama --

The Obama Admin originally claimed they they unmasked 654 American citizens in 2015.
They lied (go figure)
The actual numbers are beginning to leak out now and the Obama people unmasked 2,232 Americans in 2015. Possibly more.
And, again, 2015 was a very big year for national political activity

These people make Richard Nixon look like Mother Theresa
.....Rice requested the intelligence information that was produced in a highly organized operation ..... the unmasked names ..... given to officials at the National Security Council (NSC), the Department of Defense, James Clapper, President Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, and John Brennan, Obama’s CIA Director. Fox also said Ben Rhodes joined with Rice on this activity inside the White House.

Wrote that in April^

Someone finally looking at this activity

It appears that Ben Rhodes was feeding unmasked Intel directly to the HRC Campaign, with orders coming directly from Susan Rice.

If so, how far up the food chain?
Again, we get back to one of the central questions of this matter -- Did Obama approve this wiretap?
There seems to be little doubt that he at least effectively did, as Lynch was his person.
But how personally involved with it was he?
Will these people every come clean with us on these questions, or will they continue to lie, circle the wagons and plead the 5th?

An opponent party candidate for president?
Before, during and after the election?
So the story goes -- there was surveillance

Then, according to CNN, "The surveillance was discontinued at some point last year for lack of evidence, according to one of the source"

"The FBI then restarted the surveillance after obtaining a new FISA warrant that extended at least into early this year."

Guess what?
The FBI under Comey got that new FISA warrant by using the Christopher Steele/FusionGPS dossier for justification.
Think about this for a moment -- They found nothing. They gave up. And then, after finding nothing and giving up, the FBI used this discredited dossier to go get another FISA warrant & continue more surveillance.
All of which was done by Comey who is Bob Mueller's close friend and protege.
If Manafort committed a crime then so be it. But submitting an affadavit (which is under oath) containing knowingly false evidence to obtain FISA warrant is also a crime.

I have read (and hope its true) that Grassley/Senate Judiciary Committee are very aware that Comey used the Steele/FusionGPS bogus dossier as justification for FISA warrant.
That assumes that federal judges are independent and operate with integrity, which is laughable given the legal system's actions over the past.....well....forever.

Manafort is a scumbag. So are Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes and his brother, and half of the Obama DOJ. Hopefully, they all get a few years of laundry duty together, but it is unlikely.

The actions of these losers does provide significant evidence to support the NRA's purpose for existence. You can't count on the justice system to dispense justice.
You don't get FISA warrants for nothing. ....

You are incorrect again (go figure). You cant get a FISA warrant for a criminal complaint. If that's what you want, you have to use the normal process and must be able to show probable cause.

What appears to have happened here is that the Obama people wanted to do some surveiling of their political enemies. But they lacked the evidence necessary for probable cause to satisfy the Constitution. They had no evidence at all. So they cooked up a scheme to get a warrant for a wiretap using FISA (since FISA is not a criminal court, it does not require probable cause). If so, this was an improper if not illegal use of the FISA Court. Given Manafort's role at the time, it would lack all credulity for any of the Obama people to claim they did not think about picking up his conversations with Trump. At the beginning of his campaign, Trump was probably speaking by phone to Manafort hourly, if not more frequently, up until the time Manafort was fired.

Which means the Team Obama was getting transcripts of all of Trump's political planning. It's outrageous. Even you should be outraged by this.

Nixon did some bad things but he was not this bad. A sitting President wiretapping the presidential candidate of the opposition party during a presidential election cycle is probably the worst thing that has ever happened in US presidential election history.
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FISA warrants are for suspected spies. I've been saying all along that Manafort or Stone or Page were rolled up in the FISA warrants. Here's some more kooky stuff. Our allies have provided us with a lot of intel about the activities of this group prior to the election and afterwards because it didn't pass the smell test and was subverting the non autocratic world across the globe. They (maybe Australia) supposedly had Kysliak's phone hot mic'ed using an IPhone vulnerability so that all conversations that he had on the phone and in person were recorded. Apple shut this down at some point. After the shut down some redacted individual had their own phone hot mic'ed using the same vulnerability through a US court. Tin hat folks think that individual was James Comey - "gee, I sure hope they're tapes".
FISA warrants are for suspected spies. I've been saying all along that Manafort or Stone or Page were rolled up in the FISA warrants. Here's some more kooky stuff. Our allies have provided us with a lot of intel about the activities of this group prior to the election and afterwards because it didn't pass the smell test and was subverting the non autocratic world across the globe. They (maybe Australia) supposedly had Kysliak's phone hot mic'ed using an IPhone vulnerability so that all conversations that he had on the phone and in person were recorded. Apple shut this down at some point. After the shut down some redacted individual had their own phone hot mic'ed using the same vulnerability through a US court. Tin hat folks think that individual was James Comey - "gee, I sure hope they're tapes".
I suppose I should easily recognize you at the OU game this year since you will be the only Sooner wearing a tin foil hat.
I suppose I should easily recognize you at the OU game this year since you will be the only Sooner wearing a tin foil hat.
That may be true. To be fair, I predicted the existence of a FISA warrant on one of those three way back as it's what all the paranoid lefties were thinking. On the other thing, I'm just saying that there's conjecture out there that the self selected hot mic'ed phone is Comey. I suspect it's wishful thinking by the tin foil left but you never know.
No. The point was that there was no wire "tapp" ordered by President Obama of the phones of Trump Tower [insert mental image of G. Gordon Liddy placing clips on the lines in the phone closet]. There WAS a FISA warrant issued by a FISA court to investigate two Russian banks operating in Trump Tower that were under sanctions, I think. Trump folks have apparently gotten rolled up into that ish. Remember these names: Manafort, Page, Boris, Stone, and (it seems) Kushner.

What did we learn from Watergate? It's the cover up...
It was actually them getting rolled up in the FISA warrants on the banks in Trump Tower that I predicted.

I forgot about Boris! How?
Wow.... Gotta love the liberals who out of the blue start embracing the "guilty because my team suspects them" school of law and order.

I wonder how he will like his newly articulated standard of "assume guilt until proven otherwise" the next time he is pulled over by the police? You dont get pulled over for nothing.
....I've been saying all along that .....

Youve hardly been saying the same thing about anything "all along."

In any event, it looks like they are after Manafort on FARA. If so, then too bad for him.
However, it is also out in the open that John Podesta violated FARA. I seem to recall without looking it up that he has had multiple violations of FARA. Just like many other folks in DC for that matter (it is a swamp after all).
So, what do you say to throwing them both in the pokey? Or will you have a second set of 'principles' for that crook Podesta? Would you agree that is would be manifestly unjust to convict Manafort but not Podesta under such similar circumstances?
Youve hardly been saying the same thing about anything "all along."

In any event, it looks like they are after Manafort on FARA. If so, then too bad for him.
However, it is also out in the open that John Podesta violated FARA. I seem to recall without looking it up that he has had multiple violations of FARA. Just like many other folks in DC for that matter (it is a swamp after all).
So, what do you say to throwing them both in the pokey? Or will you have a second set of 'principles' for that crook Podesta? Would you agree that is would be manifestly unjust to convict Manafort but not Podesta under such similar circumstances?
Convict them all.

I've said since January that manafort, Paige, stone and ephstyn would likely be rolled up in FISA stuff and various intelligence from our allies. My expectations related to Russian banks.

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