
While there's definitely a correlation in the study, if Epoch Times was honest about its math, they'd publish that you're still 400x as likely to die from Covid-19 as you are to develop GB from the J&J vaccine.

Let's be honest with your own math here. The virus has been around twice as long as the vaccine. Cut that #in half. In addition, how many people will experience G-B and other diseases in the future because of the vaccine,?

and yes, I realize there was a misspelling in there...I believe they did that deliberately to highlight the lunacy of this nonsense.
While there's definitely a correlation in the study, if Epoch Times was honest about its math, they'd publish that you're still 400x as likely to die from Covid-19 as you are to develop GB from the J&J vaccine.
I didn’t know what you were referencing. Then I dug a little. Epoch times is a trigger that I use to put someone on ignore. :)
I didn’t know what you were referencing. Then I dug a little. Epoch times is a trigger that I use to put someone on ignore. :)

^^Says the 'Horse Paste guy'.

If only they published facts....

COVID-19 Vaccines Induce Lower Antibodies Against Omicron Variant: Study

A lower level of antibodies against the Omicron virus variant is triggered by COVID-19 vaccines, researchers said in a new study.

Using blood samples from people who received two doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine or the Pfizer-BioNTech jab, researchers with the University of Oxford found “a substantial fall” in neutralizing antibodies, with evidence of some people failing to have any.

“This will likely lead to increased breakthrough infections in previously infected or double vaccinated individuals, which could drive a further wave of infection,” the authors wrote in the preprint study.
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Have they found anyone who has died from the Omicron variant yet? Or am I still at a bigger risk of dying from fire ant bites?
Have they found anyone who has died from the Omicron variant yet? Or am I still at a bigger risk of dying from fire ant bites?
I hear fire ants are really bad over there.

Does it really matter? The death rate on civid overall has been so low that none of the measures taken have been justified. Nothing will ever get back to normal. Ever.
From the article...
"Make no mistake, Omicron has the potential to induce an enormous number of infections worldwide and even if severe COVID is one-tenth that of Delta or preceding variants, in absolute numbers it could lead to a major toll of hospitalizations or deaths," Dr. Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, wrote in a blog post.

More fear-mongering that is NOT based on science. It IS all about control. And this is where you get the reminder that you CANNOT spell MEDIA CONTROL without Delta and Omicron.
Walenski said today we still get 1100 deaths a day which she attributed to Covid. Is this true?
Considering that the government STILL attributes deaths WITH the sniffles to the same dataset as those who died FROM them, it is possible. It is STILL not a significant number though given that, pre-covid, I am sure we still had more than 22 people dying on average from each State...
So I should get the jab and wear a mask so they can live 6 more months?

Where do I sign up?
You should get vaccinated so that we could bring down the level of infection floating around and less people who "weren't going to die within 6 months" will be hospitalized and die.

An estimated 7-13 million people have died. The World Mortality Dataset: Tracking excess mortality across countries during the COVID-19 pandemic

Excess death statistics are bipartisan.
You should get vaccinated so that we could bring down the level of infection floating around and less people who "weren't going to die within 6 months" will be hospitalized and die.

An estimated 7-13 million people have died. The World Mortality Dataset: Tracking excess mortality across countries during the COVID-19 pandemic

Excess death statistics are bipartisan.
I don't think I am going to be infected and die, so no reason to get the jab. It is laughable to think that if I get jabbed, it prevents someone else from getting this. Don't you see how unreasonable that sounds?

7-13 million. That is a pretty wide gap and speaks to the inaccuracies and overall BS of all this. No one knows. It's comical.
It never has been and never will be up to me to protect other people from a virus. Get the jab. Great. Stop telling me to get it.

Then there is the contingent that does wish me harm if I don't get jabbed. That is ironic, isn't it?
I don't think I am going to be infected and die, so no reason to get the jab. It is laughable to think that if I get jabbed, it prevents someone else from getting this. Don't you see how unreasonable that sounds?

7-13 million. That is a pretty wide gap and speaks to the inaccuracies and overall BS of all this. No one knows. It's comical.
It's a statistical estimation that is after the dust settles. 7,000,000 would be "significant". Read up on excess death. Covid, WWII, and the Spanish Flu. The three big chart changers in the last "century". But yeah, you'll probably survive. Godspeed. You do you.

I get the calls from my red stater friends who get COVID that are all about that non FDA approved monoclonal antibody treatment. Much like there are no atheists in a foxhole, when you get the Rona your standards on FDA approval change a little as well.
I get the calls from my red stater friends who get COVID that are all about that non FDA approved monoclonal antibody treatment. Much like there are no atheists in a foxhole, when you get the Rona your standards on FDA approval change a little as well.

For me it wasn't so much any lack of FDA approval. The approvals that the FDA gave were on an accelerated time line. Still not that big of a concern for me. I think in general FDA approval should be less costly and take less time to get.

For me it was the fact that this was a completely new technology to use for vaccines. If the COVID vaccine was a killed virus or attenuated, I would have had a totally different opinion.

Even bigger for me is government distribution and pushing of the vaccine on people (thanks Trump), mandates, and people taking pictures of themselves getting a shot. The whole subject turned nutty.
FDA approved. That's funny. FDA approved medications never have issues that cause lawsuits or anything.

We should all trust the FDA implicitly. No questions asked.

The FDA taking 5 decades to release all of the vaccine data shouldn't concern you. If it does then you're a conspiracy theorist.

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