
The very next tweet after bubba's chart says "This is using county data as proxies for people."

So it cannot be believed. Deaths from red counties are charted as 100% republican, while deaths from blue counties are charted as 100% democrat. Even bubba can acknowledge that is flawed on its face, and add to the initial flaw all of the confounding data of "died from covid" vs "died with covid" and the idiot has worked to make a completely useless clickbait gotcha chart.
Note they don’t break it down by race. Why is that?

Also, Dem counties are younger. This is likely nothing more than severe age discrimination by the virus.
Those were, like, you know, her actual,like, words. As opposed to what was inaccurately stated that she had said.

I gave the same qualifier. I said I would take a vaccine that didn’t come out before the election and that the medical community supported. Reasonable. Trump was touting the vaccine like he was his tax release or his ACA replacement - “we are really close, just a few more weeks” or some ********. Then, turns out he’s the ***** grabber who cried wolf and he was close to right. It’s like rain on your wedding day, or a free ride when you already paid, the good advice that you just didn’t take, who would have thought? It figures. Very ironic.
You just sound stupid when you write things like this, "***** grabber". You are smarter than that.

It doesn't matter what Trump said. Give me a break. Every Democrat was against a vaccine under Trump's watch, period. Then, suddenly it is so great, it should be mandated.
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You just sound stupid when you write things like this, "***** grabber". You are smarter than that.

It doesn't matter what Trump said. Give me a break. Every Democrat was against a vaccine under Trump's watch, period. Then, suddenly it is so great, it should be mandated.
So you're ignoring her words? She said she'd take a vaccine if health experts LIKE FAUCI backed it. To ignore that clarification is weak. Weak like someone who'd back a professed ***** grabber.

[It's done to remind all you high and mighty mother scratchers that the guy that you think is the best president evah actually admitted on a recording to actually performing sexual battery almost exactly like the kind of assault that about 22 people have accused him of doing and he only got elected because the GRU (read: Russia) released hacked emails of Podesta 45 minutes after this news broke]
So you're ignoring her words? She said she'd take a vaccine if health experts LIKE FAUCI backed it. To ignore that clarification is weak. Weak like someone who'd back a professed ***** grabber.

[It's done to remind all you high and mighty mother scratchers that the guy that you think is the best president evah actually admitted on a recording to actually performing sexual battery almost exactly like the kind of assault that about 22 people have accused him of doing and he only got elected because the GRU (read: Russia) released hacked emails of Podesta 45 minutes after this news broke]
It is funny that you take what amounts to frat house BS as gospel but use one snippet of Harris in a debate saying she would take the jab if Fraudci says it is safe. You ignore the previous statements about how unsafe it will be because it is being rushed and Trump is doing it, etc.

But, some stupid and admittedly juvenile BS talk amongst the boys while secretly being recorded is taken as gospel. Everything else Trump says is a lie, except the stupid frat house type dumb *** talk on a bus. Suddenly, he was being honest.

You are deflecting the point that they all said the vaccine was not safe if it was under Trump's watch. I know what she said in the debate. I pointed it out before you did. Why do you act like you came up with some sort of big news?

Why can't you just admit that Fraudci et al have been a complete and lying disaster on masks and vaccines and the effectiveness? He has changed his tune so frequently, one can't keep up. He now says that if you question him, you are actually questioning science. He thinks he is science.

That is who you are clinging to as the "expert". But, you like OU, so that is not surprising.
Since Trump at the time was relying on Fauci etc , You know health exoerts ,. IF Trump reccomended it then the health experts were as well..
A purely political and stupid remark by her and equally foolish to defend.
It is funny that you take what amounts to frat house BS as gospel but use one snippet of Harris in a debate saying she would take the jab if Fraudci says it is safe. You ignore the previous statements about how unsafe it will be because it is being rushed and Trump is doing it, etc.

But, some stupid and admittedly juvenile BS talk amongst the boys while secretly being recorded is taken as gospel. Everything else Trump says is a lie, except the stupid frat house type dumb *** talk on a bus. Suddenly, he was being honest.

You are deflecting the point that they all said the vaccine was not safe if it was under Trump's watch. I know what she said in the debate. I pointed it out before you did. Why do you act like you came up with some sort of big news?

Why can't you just admit that Fraudci et al have been a complete and lying disaster on masks and vaccines and the effectiveness? He has changed his tune so frequently, one can't keep up. He now says that if you question him, you are actually questioning science. He thinks he is science.

That is who you are clinging to as the "expert". But, you like OU, so that is not surprising.
Please point to where Harris said this about the vaccine.
Please point to where Harris said this about the vaccine.
Lol, she said she would not trust the vaccine if Trump alone was saying people should take it. The fact that she is stupid enough to think the POTUDS would go out on his own and declare a vaccine to be safe while no "experts" said so, is a direct indicator that she felt the vaccine was not safe. She thought Trump would be the one approving it, not anyone else. She politicized it by making it sound like big bad rogue trump would be approving a vaccine by himself.

This is all immaterial in that we all know the vaccine isn't effective. If it was, no one who got jabbed would get covid. It is so stupid to say they get covid because unjabbed people gave them covid. So what? Will I get polio if I go to a country that has problems with polio still? No. Why? Because that bus actually a vaccine. This covid shot isn't.

Stop being so obtuse. And don't call me or others here "mother scratcher" again.
Lol, she said she would not trust the vaccine if Trump alone was saying people should take it. The fact that she is stupid enough to think the POTUDS would go out on his own and declare a vaccine to be safe while no "experts" said so, is a direct indicator that she felt the vaccine was not safe. She thought Trump would be the one approving it, not anyone else. She politicized it by making it sound like big bad rogue trump would be approving a vaccine by himself.

This is all immaterial in that we all know the vaccine isn't effective. If it was, no one who got jabbed would get covid. It is so stupid to say they get covid because unjabbed people gave them covid. So what? Will I get polio if I go to a country that has problems with polio still? No. Why? Because that bus actually a vaccine. This covid shot isn't.

Stop being so obtuse. And don't call me or others here "mother scratcher" again.
Look here mother scratcher...

She said she'd trust experts like Fauci. To keep saying otherwise is the obtuse part. Moreover, the vaccine works. This is nothing more than a slow moving Darwin event. So, you keep doing you!
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It is disingenuous to keep pretending Trump would have unilaterally called for vaccinations without the experts imput.

I guess Bubba also pretends to think Trump called for injection of bleach
Look here mother scratcher...

She said she'd trust experts like Fauci. To keep saying otherwise is the obtuse part.
Keep on Okieing.

No one here can help that you are unable to see how stupid she was for suggesting that Trump alone would say a vaccine is safe and it would be given out if only he said so. The gubment doesn't work that way. Well, it does now King Biden and his wannabe mandate.
Keep on Okieing.

No one here can help that you are unable to see how stupid she was for suggesting that Trump alone would say a vaccine is safe and it would be given out if only he said so. The gubment doesn't work that way. Well, it does now King Biden and his wannabe mandate.
So now you're saying that she actually said things like I said but that she was stupid to accuse Trump of doing something untoward? You moved the goalposts and made them the size of those used in the arena league.
So now you're saying that she actually said things like I said but that she was stupid to accuse Trump of doing something untoward? You moved the goalposts and made them the size of those used in the arena league.
And, FYI, motherscratcher is a term of endearment reserved only for you and garmel.
So now you're saying that she actually said things like I said but that she was stupid to accuse Trump of doing something untoward? You moved the goalposts and made them the size of those used in the arena league.
Nope. I am the one who first pointed out what she said in a debate. That was a political statement trying to instill fear in people that Trump would be trying on his own, without "experts" to say the vaccine would be safe.

But you keep Okieing there. No one here cares.
None of it matters. The stupid vaccine mandates have been shot down. They won't happen, thankfully. I can go on giving my never ending covid to "vaccinated" people. That covid shot is so great!
But overweight, type 2 diabetics are more worthy of the ICU bed than me since I choose not to be jabbed. But choosing to eat like crap and not exercise for decades is worthy of treatment.
Nope. I am the one who first pointed out what she said in a debate. That was a political statement trying to instill fear in people that Trump would be trying on his own, without "experts" to say the vaccine would be safe.

But you keep Okieing there. No one here cares.
Here's some context you can read between FauxNews commercials:
White House pressure for a vaccine raises risk the U.S. will approve one that doesn’t work
Fact check: COVID-19 vaccine won't be ready in weeks, nor mandatory
Haha, if you mean Fox News, I have stated here many times I don't watch ANY news, including them.

But, that is good, your 3 sources are so much more fair and balanced than "Faux News". That's a good one.

So, the media tells people that experts are worried about what Trump is saying, so that made it true.

What I recall was Democrats saying lockdowns, closures, etc., were necessary until a vaccine could be developed. But the fact it came under trump's administration made it unsafe.

How many Nobels would Killary or Obozo or any other Dim have "won" for doing the same thing that happened under Trump?
So you're ignoring her words? She said she'd take a vaccine if health experts LIKE FAUCI backed it. To ignore that clarification is weak. Weak like someone who'd back a professed ***** grabber.

[It's done to remind all you high and mighty mother scratchers that the guy that you think is the best president evah actually admitted on a recording to actually performing sexual battery almost exactly like the kind of assault that about 22 people have accused him of doing and he only got elected because the GRU (read: Russia) released hacked emails of Podesta 45 minutes after this news broke]
Why do idoits like you refuse to acknowledge that people don't have to like every single thing an office-holder or even a candidate for office does or says in order to still support that individual?

The reality IS that asshats like Kamala MADE things political. And the Ron Klain administration CONTINUES supporting the politicization of mandates in a manner that is serving to kill the Dems at the polls, especially as we see the deliberate over-reaction to omicron.

And yes, it IS an over-reaction. We are more than a month into it and the politicos are ALREADY trotting out the 'deaths are a two week lagging indicator...we just don't know enough yet...blah, blah, effing blah.' Omicron is this month's 'two more weeks' nonsense.

Personally, I am STILL waiting for the mass casualty count from last year's NCAA championship game and the Super Bowl. I guess those party-goers have not yet had enough periods of 'just you wait...two more weeks...'
None of it matters. The stupid vaccine mandates have been shot down. They won't happen, thankfully. I can go on giving my never ending covid to "vaccinated" people. That covid shot is so great!
I've been OH SO IMPRESSED by the effectiveness of the shots upon the professional sports leagues. The role models have convinced me...

Oh I am not. Seems that almost every positive test this week has been of players who were 'vaccinated' and even had their weekly boosters. And UCLA decided on an hour's notice to cancel a MBB game last night against a poor school that signed up for the budget booster ***-kicking and flew from Alabama to California. Not an hour before the hour before tip. Now the school has to wait and hope that UCLA coughs up the contractually-agreed amount that was to be paid.
I've been OH SO IMPRESSED by the effectiveness of the shots upon the professional sports leagues. The role models have convinced me...

Oh I am not. Seems that almost every positive test this week has been of players who were 'vaccinated' and even had their weekly boosters. And UCLA decided on an hour's notice to cancel a MBB game last night against a poor school that signed up for the budget booster ***-kicking and flew from Alabama to California. Not an hour before the hour before tip. Now the school has to wait and hope that UCLA coughs up the contractually-agreed amount that was to be paid.
Yes, it is all absurd.
How does anyone know what party affiliation there is for people who have died of COVID? Is that on the death certificate? I am a bit skeptical. Isn't voting records of people supposed to be anonymous?
The tweet following the one posted above said it based on county voting data.
[It's done to remind all you high and mighty mother scratchers that the guy that you think is the best president evah actually admitted on a recording to actually performing sexual battery almost exactly like the kind of assault that about 22 people have accused him of doing and he only got elected because the GRU (read: Russia) released hacked emails of Podesta 45 minutes after this news broke]

Coach, you do know that you most likely voted for a ***** grabber too, right? I didn't like either, but I voted for the ***** grabber who opposed court packing and then took a shower.

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