
Are they? Suppose they don't require it, and some employee spreads Covid to a customer while on the job. A lawsuit could arise from that. Suppose an employee spreads Covid to another employee. A workers compensation claim could arise from that. On the flip side, at least as a general rule, firing someone for refusal to get vaccinated will not lead to a claim for wrongful termination. I'm not a fan of requiring vaccinations as a condition of employment, but looking at it from a risk management perspective, it's not crazy.

Conversely...employer decides to mandate the clot shot. Employee has complications. The deep pockets become the employer who mandated it despite the questionable science. Reality is that the more probable source of a suit will be an employee, not a customer or client...
Conversely...employer decides to mandate the clot shot. Employee has complications. The deep pockets become the employer who mandated it despite the questionable science. Reality is that the more probable source of a suit will be an employee, not a customer or client...

I agree that an employee is a more likely plaintiff, but that goes both ways. An employee contracting Covid can still lead to a workers compensation claim and in some situations, a lawsuit. And regardless, what's the bigger risk? Someone contracting Covid and dying or someone getting a blood clot from the vaccine?
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You don't have to prove it to 100 percent without a doubt. If the was the standard, nobody would ever be liable for or go to jail for anything. You have to prove it by a preponderance of the evidence. Very hard to do? Yes. Impossible? No.

I thought it was beyond reasonable doubt. Seems pretty simple in most cases to raise reasonable doubt considering the number of people most come in contact with daily without having a clue who most of those people are.
I thought it was beyond reasonable doubt. Seems pretty simple in most cases to raise reasonable doubt considering the number of people most come in contact with daily without having a clue who most of those people are.

Beyond a reasonable doubt is the standard for a criminal conviction, and even that isn't certainty. A civil judgment (generally) requires a preponderance of the evidence, which basically means more likely than not.
Once we learned (or was admitted) the vaxxed could still get infected AND they had minimal symptoms this ‘discovery’ should have been a no brainer.
Eventually the only thing satisfactory will be daily testing. Yeah, “Did you test negative today?” Will become the everyday question. Remember Biden said he is bringing us millions of rapid tests? Just wait.
Once we learned (or was admitted) the vaxxed could still get infected AND they had minimal symptoms this ‘discovery’ should have been a no brainer.
Eventually the only thing satisfactory will be daily testing. Yeah, “Did you test negative today?” Will become the everyday question. Remember Biden said he is bringing us millions of rapid tests? Just wait.
Frankly if we had billions of tests and zero restrictions, that would be 10x better to whatever the duck we have now.
It doesn't matter the statistical probability of being harmed by COVID vs the Vax. What matters one entity forcing a person to do something they didn't want to do and it hurts them. Freedom of conscience and personal responsibility means each person needs to make the best decision for themselves and their families. They know their needs better than any bureaucrat. If bureaucrats force people to do things that hurt them and against their will, then the bureaucrats should be held responsible through payment or jail time.
Look who has super high case rates now and who has low rates. Do you hear the medial blaming governors where case rates are super high? No? Why not? If you're honest you.
Got a moderna booster Tuesday. I survived Fauci.

Good for you. Hope the best for your long term health.

Trust is important.

Re: vaccine. With no known or real long term effect history but from some early evidence: risk of increased propensity for blood clots, blood pressure issues, heart trouble, etc. OR any other long term effects that are unknown today.... from a drug that only went thru phase 1 of normal 3 phase testing.

I ain't no Doc but me and wifey (especially her) are well read on the Covid virus, various shots, therapeutics and what works.

She is on the front lines of sick people and despite careful actions and daily
Zinc, etc. and taking other precautions, got Covid in Oct. from a hug from a former co-worker. She is 62 yrs old, had VERY MILD symptoms. I told her she kicked Covids *** due to anti stuff she was taking prior to getting it, plus later getting Ivermectin Rx from local Dr. We distanced at home and I fortunately never got it.

Do you want to take the risk with the shot and unknown LT effects? Ok if you do - your choice.

For me, personal choice - no.
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So, has the WHO or CDC disclosed how many DEATHS have been associated with persons getting the Phase 1 Emergency vax for Covid???

No... and they won't.

BIG coverup people!
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I just learned on my MCO-BWI flight that one of our flight attendants in her 20s died last week of multiple blood clots after being jabbed.

People have the right to decide for themselves how they navigate disease. Governments are stealing those rights from us. Barely anyone cares. It's sad.
I just learned on my MCO-BWI flight that one of our flight attendants in her 20s died last week of multiple blood clots after being jabbed.

If I was in my 20s, there's no way in hell I would get vaccinated. Covid simply isn't enough of a threat to justify the unknown. And it nauseates me to see people self-righteously posting pictures of their young children getting vaxxed. That's absolutely crazy.
It doesn't matter the statistical probability of being harmed by COVID vs the Vax. What matters one entity forcing a person to do something they didn't want to do and it hurts them. Freedom of conscience and personal responsibility means each person needs to make the best decision for themselves and their families. They know their needs better than any bureaucrat. If bureaucrats force people to do things that hurt them and against their will, then the bureaucrats should be held responsible through payment or jail time.

I understand all this, and it does scare me that governments are engaging in some pretty authoritarian and sometimes lawless things, especially in light of how relatively tame Covid is. Yes, it's worse than the flu, and every death is terrible for those who die and their families. However, the government response is more appropriate for a disease that's a far more certain of a killer, and if we were dealing with something like that, I think there'd be far less resistance.

However, for a private business, the statistical probability makes a big difference. It's harder for me to blame them.
I just learned on my MCO-BWI flight that one of our flight attendants in her 20s died last week of multiple blood clots after being jabbed.

My wife has a customer that she has known a while. Woman claims she personally knew 4 people (happened all were men) that died after getting the jab. Wife said she is not the kind of person that would make that up or lie.

Scary stuff you won't hear about from the CDC....or other health officials.
I agree that an employee is a more likely plaintiff, but that goes both ways. An employee contracting Covid can still lead to a workers compensation claim and in some situations, a lawsuit. And regardless, what's the bigger risk? Someone contracting Covid and dying or someone getting a blood clot from the vaccine?
Employee would still have the uphill battle of proving the workplace was the source of the sniffles. Does not negate the costs of defending a frivolous suit, but still...
Employee would still have the uphill battle of proving the workplace was the source of the sniffles. Does not negate the costs of defending a frivolous suit, but still...

All of this is theoretical. Proving that you contracted Covid from a particular place or person would be very hard whether you're an employee or a customer. It would be tough to overcome summary judgment and tough to sell your case to a jury. Even if you pulled it off and won a verdict, the Texas Supreme Court would be salivating to drag its nuts across your verdict.

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