
I've noticed that when this sort of thing happens (in Europe or in blue states in the US), the spike is framed differently. If Florida has a spike, the framing is that because Ron Desantis is a science-denier who doesn't care if people live or die, there's a spike in cases. The cause of the spike is presumed without evidence and written into the narrative. If Germany or a blue state run by leaders the media likes has a spike, the framing is that the country or state is being "hit hard" with a spike. Causation for the spike is simply ignored.
I think this goes to the heart of how badly this man-made pandemic has been handled by politicians who call themselves leaders. This extends from world-wide leadership to local leadership. The mayor of Nashville literally shut down all business under Trump, but I am not sure he has made one move, speech or any real action since Biden took over. Add that to the nonsense of Fauci and you have a recipe for failed government.
More people have died from Covid under Biden than Trump. And Biden had the advantage of Trump getting the vaccine developed. Let that sink in for Biden's accomplishments.
More people have died from Covid under Biden than Trump. And Biden had the advantage of Trump getting the vaccine developed. Let that sink in for Biden's accomplishments.

Honestly, I don't blame Biden for the deaths any more than I blamed Trump. The deaths are on China, not any President. However, for months, Biden and the media pushed the narrative that one guy was to blame for all Covid deaths. If that's the standard you set, then that's the standard to which you should be held.
Honestly, I don't blame Biden for the deaths any more than I blamed Trump. The deaths are on China, not any President. However, for months, Biden and the media pushed the narrative that one guy was to blame for all Covid deaths. If that's the standard you set, then that's the standard to which you should be held.
I don’t either, but doing the same thing over and over is idiocy. He and the media threw Trump under the bus. He just declared victory a week or so ago.
It’s not whether I or anyone else in the public blames Biden, it’s just that Biden - by his own words - should blame Biden. How about that for Karma.
Ooo la la.

Fauci is keeping me from posting cleavage pics. DEEP STATE!!!
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That low T male with the toilet paper is the type of people that are Voting Biden….Omicron is another re-release from China, and another left’s grasp for control and more power.
Maybe people will grow a pair this time and look at Fauci and say they don’t want to buy anything he is selling. But it doesn’t look that way as the lockdowns globally are hilarious in some ways and scary in others.
I’m kind of shocked how scared shitless people are of getting sick.
I heard an interesting prediction on radio yesterday that we will likely see a surge around the 2022 midterms. Sheep and dead people will need to mail in ballots.
That low T male with the toilet paper is the type of people that are Voting Biden….Omicron is another re-release from China, and another left’s grasp for control and more power.
Maybe people will grow a pair this time and look at Fauci and say they don’t want to buy anything he is selling. But it doesn’t look that way as the lockdowns globally are hilarious in some ways and scary in others.
I’m kind of shocked how scared shitless people are of getting sick.
Is this you? TikTok
I heard an interesting prediction on radio yesterday that we will likely see a surge around the 2022 midterms. Sheep and dead people will need to mail in ballots.
I suspect the masses WILL stand against any effort to lock things down, especially with the South African variant doctors basically pronouncing it as something on par with a cold. As each variant gets weaker, there will either have to be another lab leak of manipulated sequences OR the population will get stronger, even in the blue parts of the nation.
I suspect the masses WILL stand against any effort to lock things down, especially with the South African variant doctors basically pronouncing it as something on par with a cold. As each variant gets weaker, there will either have to be another lab leak of manipulated sequences OR the population will get stronger, even in the blue parts of the nation.
Really? People have basically bent over to this point and done whatever they are told to do.
Just read another report about a study showing the cardiac dangers of the vaccine from British cardiologist that was withheld. Couldn’t get it to link but am certain others would poo poo it anyway. I didn’t read it showing a specific age group so that would be the outlying issue I’m sure.
It confuses many of us when you talk dirty...errr legalese
Translate please:yes:
After the Louisiana court yesterday/last night, I believe it is now six federal courts that have effectively shut down federal vax mandates, and we have seen OSHA withdraw THEIR claimed requirement.

I feel sorry for those who already injected that poison into their bodies under threat of unemployment.

From the article:
"In his decision, Doughty wrote the Biden Administration doesn't have the authority to bypass Congress in issuing such a mandate.

"If the executive branch is allowed to usurp the power of the legislative branch to make laws, two of the three powers conferred by our Constitution would be in the same hands," he wrote. "If human nature and history teach anything, it is that civil liberties face grave risks when governments proclaim indefinite states of emergency."
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So my company is requiring me to tell them my vaccine status citing OSHA requirement. The company also is saying if I am not vaccinated, I need to get tested weekly. With OSHA redrawing requirement should I tell them to get bent?

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