
Proves Texans aren't what we used to be. We just roll over when government cracks the whip.

Texans are still Texans and have little use for DC. It's all the damn fur-in-ners that have moved in and grab their ankles every time someone in DC sneezes. If there was a way to limit voting to those born here, we'd be one helluva lot better off.

See also Harris County and the daily photo ops by the incompetent elected officials
Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin

I previously posted that an Israeli company is mass producing and prepared to ship, but they haven't been lining to pockets of Congress the way big pharma does, so the shipments are sitting. Last I checked, Israel had 250 cases, 50 more possible, and ZERO deaths.
I think I agree. What specifically are your referring to?

The panic, the hording, all the money spent on the stimulus package. I'm willing to bet that the death toll worldwide won't break 50K.

The real damage is that we let our government take away so many of our rights and we can't fight it. We just gave them away.

It's hard to stop the government when one of our senators is a do-nothing ***** more worried about the lace on his panties, and the other is too busy working on his run for the Presidency in 2024.
Advice via my mom via a friend of hers:

"Drink/sip warm liquids all day - coffee, tea - even warm water. The virus causes thick mucous to hit the lungs. The virus sits in the throat for a couple of days (according to this) and drinking warm liquids all day thins that mucous, pushes it to the stomach where the stomach acid kills it."

No problem for me because I drink coffee all day long. If this advice is true then I have a force field all around me.
Senate vote on cloture on the 3rd Economic Aid Package in progress now. 60 votes required to advance the bill. So far the votes breakdown on partisan lines--Rs for, Ds against (no surprise there).

Updated: The Senate vote failed, no cloture.

YES -- 49
NO -- 46

Pelosi and crew are reportedly working on their bill in the House.

McConnell is very pissed off. He's giving a speech now, calling it "obstruction", the Dems are "fiddling around with Senate procedures", rank and file Senate Dems "don't understand the position their leaders have put them in", they're "not letting a crisis go to waste", etc.
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Advice via my mom via a friend of hers:

"Drink/sip warm liquids all day - coffee, tea - even warm water. The virus causes thick mucous to hit the lungs. The virus sits in the throat for a couple of days (according to this) and drinking warm liquids all day thins that mucous, pushes it to the stomach where the stomach acid kills it."

No problem for me because I drink coffee all day long. If this advice is true then I have a force field all around me.
What is odd is that supposedly Lysol, Clorox, sani wipes, washing your hands, you name it, will kill it out in the open, but they can't come up with something yet to kill it inside the human body. Sounds like all the Lysol etc stuff is just feel good BS.
Idiots on Twitter are defending what the dems are doing because the media is telling them that the stimulus package is all a slush fund for corporations and CEOs.
Idiots on Twitter are defending what the dems are doing because the media is telling them that the stimulus package is all a slush fund for corporations and CEOs.

"Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime."

I've thought about the apparent disdain the Left has for business owners a long long time. Certainly, corporate America has done itself no favors and my form of government would include a rigorous level of regulation, oversight and enforcement of financials, safety, environment and hostile work places. That is what the government should do for us.

But I absolutely believe in the necessity of an entrepreneur and the brain-power it takes to run a large corporation that creates efficiencies. And when the private sector association fails everything fails. But the association is connected to greed and not to necessity.

So back to the saying. If we give someone four months of pay at the expense of the association then what's left? A man with no money, no prospects of employment and a populace completely dependent on the new owners of the means of production: The American Liberal Politician.
What is odd is that supposedly Lysol, Clorox, sani wipes, washing your hands, you name it, will kill it out in the open, but they can't come up with something yet to kill it inside the human body. Sounds like all the Lysol etc stuff is just feel good BS.

I guess Lysol etc. is chemotherapy... it kills everything (but skin?).
Look at the Katrina giveaway - Within a day, every evacuee had a cell phone that was cutoff in 45 days, which is four weeks longer than the money lasted. The apartments they were moved into were destroyed, and the feds never paid the rent promised. No pride of ownership because they didn't have a dime invested.

Still, everyone of them boarded a bus to go back to NOLA to vote for THEIR mayor.
The panic, the hording, all the money spent on the stimulus package. I'm willing to bet that the death toll worldwide won't break 50K.

The real damage is that we let our government take away so many of our rights and we can't fight it. We just gave them away.

I'll take that action. There were over 1K deaths in Italy and Spain combined over the last 24 hours.
"Schumer countered that Democrats are only “looking for oversight. If this federal government is making a big loan to someone, to a big company, we ought to know it and know the details immediately. The bill that was put on the floor by the Republican leader said no one would know a thing about those loans for six months, at least.”

Who here believes he was as prudent and saying, "we out to know it and know the details immediately" abut Obamacare?
"Schumer countered that Democrats are only “looking for oversight. If this federal government is making a big loan to someone, to a big company, we ought to know it and know the details immediately. The bill that was put on the floor by the Republican leader said no one would know a thing about those loans for six months, at least.”

Who here believes he was as prudent and saying, "we out to know it and know the details immediately" abut Obamacare?
Not me. He's as big a POS as there is.
What is odd is that supposedly Lysol, Clorox, sani wipes, washing your hands, you name it, will kill it out in the open, but they can't come up with something yet to kill it inside the human body. Sounds like all the Lysol etc stuff is just feel good BS.

Actually, it is very easy to kill the virus even after it enters the human body. The difficult thing is killing the virus without killing the human.

The same problem exists with pretty much every pathogen ever.

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