
I drive to California get real close to Pelosi, stick my hand in my sweaty butt crack and then shake her hand with the stink hand.

I may not eat for a month.

Will you amputate the hand before or after removal. On the other hand, I think it would be hilarious if you just tagged along to her press conferences while trying to retrieve your hand.

There are so damn many libtards trying to kiss her ***, your hand would have slobber all over it.
@Garmel and @Sangre Naranjada ,

Good thing you guys don't live in Belgium. If you did, I would tell you to keep your orgies outside.

Seen better, had worse...... j/k.
People wonder why California is and has been broke for decades; yet they return to the poles and elect horrible wannabes.

She is my poster child for the amendments I want and told Ted Cruz I wanted before he was elected:

1) No one can hold any public office until they have worked in the private sector for at least five years. The number of years would increase with the importance of the office. NO MORE CAREER POLITICIANS!

2) Term limitations House 3 terms; Senate 2 terms. You can move up the ladder but not up and down. You serve your terms then go get a real job

3) Zero benefits for elected officials other than a moderate travel allowance for to and from home. DC ain’t now and never will be your “home”

I'm sure Ted Cruz nodded along with this. However, you do realize that rules like this would have excluded Cruz from holding a Senate seat, right?
So Gov Abbott announce a day or two ago that there’s 566 cases of the Wuhan Virus in the State of Texas. Is that total or active cases?
Wife got in line at HEB today about 6:45 for 8 AM store opening. Manager said over a bull horn there would be TP, paper towels, and eggs for everyone that was in line right then!

HEB is only letting a few in at a time. Police are present. HEB is expecting its' biggest rush ever because Mayor of San Antonio announced yesterday he was closing the town, unless you work for an essential business, like a liquor store. Crazy, crazy, times!
As of today. 590 deaths out of 46,000 plus cases here in the US. We are sitting at a 1.2% fatality rate.

This is about what I figured it would be. I believe every one of the deaths was either really old or had underlying health issues.
Austin Bill: one of the cool things about Hornfans is we don't see terms like "libtard" much. We discuss ideas without much name calling.
Austin Bill: one of the cool things about Hornfans is we don't see terms like "libtard" much. We discuss ideas without much name calling.

I didn't call anyone a name, I just referred to liberals as retarded. If I offended your delicate sensibilities I can come over and give you a hug and help you find a safe place.
I will try and not offend you and others who seem to be a little sensitive.

So let me rephrase my question.

Democrats are traitors and should be treated as such. I want a liberals of extremely low intelligence here to defend this? Tell me how they are right in doing this? If you need to you can draw pictures.
Thanks to last years Spring Game not getting shut down, we know Crochett's a really nice guy and easy to talk to. My Mom leans a little bit left, but moderate. I love her NO less.
I will try and not offend you and others who seem to be a little sensitive.
Bill it’s not about sensitivity, it’s about maintaining a tone and a level of discourse that’s mostly respectful and to encourage the exchange of ideas — something that has differentiated Hornfans from some other forums over the years, in my opinion.

Snarky smart *** comments like the one I quoted here are not helpful.
I will try and not offend you and others who seem to be a little sensitive.

So let me rephrase my question.

Democrats are traitors and should be treated as such. I want a liberals of extremely low intelligence here to defend this? Tell me how they are right in doing this? If you need to you can draw pictures.
A linkage to examples would be useful to agree or disagree with your assessment. I don’t want to insult your intelligence but an example would be “Dems are traitors when they parrot Chinese state media propaganda on the coronavirus.”
The Democrats’ Coronavirus Bill includes $35 Million for the John F. Kennedy Performing Arts Center

Good Heavens, I'm at a loss for words in this. they call themselves the party of the people.

I say they are traitors but I do admire how their propaganda arm will not talk about the BS they try to get away with. If any Republican votes for this I hope they lose their bid for re-election.

I'm conflicted, on the one hand I really do believe in law and order and that we have a system is good and is something we should try and uphold. With what I'm seeing from our government, At this point, I want Texas and other Red States to separate from the blue states, we need to rid ourselves of their influence.
I made the statement that Democrats are Traitors.

Here is the reasons I believe they are traitors.

They are using this time of panic and hardship to push their political agenda.
Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’

They have voted down twice, bipartisan bills that would help American people. They then create their own package filled with things like

1) Unprecedented collective bargaining powers for unions
2) Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
3) Expansion of wind and solar tax credits

Congressional Democrats Add Last-Minute Ideological Demands to Coronavirus Relief Package | National Review

Please explain how these people aren't traitors to the American people.

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