
I made the statement that Democrats are Traitors.

Here is the reasons I believe they are traitors.

They are using this time of panic and hardship to push their political agenda.
Dem Rep. Told Colleagues Coronavirus Bill Is ‘Tremendous Opportunity to Restructure Things to Fit Our Vision’

They have voted down twice, bipartisan bills that would help American people. They then create their own package filled with things like

1) Unprecedented collective bargaining powers for unions
2) Increased fuel emissions standards for airlines
3) Expansion of wind and solar tax credits

Congressional Democrats Add Last-Minute Ideological Demands to Coronavirus Relief Package | National Review

Please explain how these people aren't traitors to the American people.

To me, they are behaving like Democrats always do. Saul Alinsky's book "Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals" has been around since 1971. Pelosi, Schumer and Hillary are all adherents. This behavior is directly from those pages. Yes it is disgustingly opportunist but I am not sure if it qualifies for public hangings. But I will agree its close.

What I would like to see and what would be new would be for our major media organizations to finally cover this behavior. Exposure would help a lot. Tell people what they are doing. This should not be something you would never have heard of unless you watch FNC. All Americans should know. If CNN, NYT, CBS, ABC, PBS, NPR, NBC, the WAPO all combined to give attention to this, I think it would stop. But if they are not willing to do that, under these circumstances (with people literally dropping dead) then they never will.

So my alternative solution to executing Democrats in public would be to blow up major media instead.
Collin county has put into place slightly different rules.
Any business that can comply with the less than 10 people and the other guidelines of sanitizing rule can stay open.
this likely will not end well
,Good idea but people will abuse and expose many

How can I double poop that $35 million? Once for the extravagance of that level of spending on a building that helps a few inside the Beltway and another poop for spending any money on something named for the Kennedys
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No i don't. Ted was in private practice at Morgan Lewis for 6 years. 14-0 in the Supreme Court as an appellate attorney. Our football team's record should be so good.

Six years? I don't think so. He graduated from Harvard in '95 and clerked for an appellate court judge and for the Chief Justice of the US. By 2001, we was working for the Bush Administration. By 2003, he was Solicitor General. Even the "private sector" law he practiced was government and politics-oriented. He is about as much of a career politician as it gets.

I'm not saying any of this to crap on Ted Cruz. I like his politics and have voted for him every chance I've gotten - including against David Dewhurst, who actually wasn't a career politician.

None of this means he sucked at what he did. He was an exceptional lawyer. Had he practiced mostly in the private sector, he would be worth ten times what he's worth now. His public service truly is a service to the public.

My point is that a person's character, philosophy, and intellect matter a lot more than whether he or she is a career politician.
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013

My point is that a person's character, philosophy, and intellect matter a lot more than whether he or she is a career politician.

Got any names of politicians now or in last 20-30 years that have any "character"? Only one I know that comes close is Kevin Brady, and he's an Aggie.
2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013

He was the solicitor general for the State of Texas during those years (except 2013, when he was in the Senate). It was a government job. He was getting paid with our tax dollars. He was not in private practice. Furthermore, it was a very political government job chosen directly by the Attorney General.

Got any names of politicians now or in last 20-30 years that have any "character"? Only one I know that comes close is Kevin Brady, and he's an Aggie.

Ted Cruz? I'm only telling you that he's a career politician. You're the only one taking it as an insult.

By the way, Kevin Brady has been a federal or state elected official since 1990. That's pretty much a career politician too, though perhaps a little less so that Cruz.
Sorry, Ted was a partner at Morgan Lewis from 2008 to 2013; Office at 1000 Louisiana. Take the elevator to 32 (IIRC), change elevators to 40, where you are greeted and someone would take you to his office on 42, which has a beautiful view out toward Memorial Park.

That is the green building, known as the Schnitzer Building, built in the shape of a "dollar bill". but in reality built in the shape of an "S" for Schnitzer. It was designed to be the tallest building in Texas until Ben Love reminded Schnitzer he saved his ***, so it is some seven feet shorter than the Texas Commerce Tower.
Sorry, Ted was a partner at Morgan Lewis from 2008 to 2013; Office at 1000 Louisiana. Take the elevator to 32 (IIRC), change elevators to 40, where you are greeted and someone would take you to his office on 42, which has a beautiful view out toward Memorial Park.

That is the green building, known as the Schnitzer Building, built in the shape of a "dollar bill". but in reality built in the shape of an "S" for Schnitzer. It was designed to be the tallest building in Texas until Ben Love reminded Schnitzer he saved his ***, so it is some seven feet shorter than the Texas Commerce Tower.

I double checked. You are correct. He was a partner and made money for a few years before running for Senate. However, five years of private practice work doesn't negate one from being a career politician. He didn't establish himself in the private sector and then run for public office. He was a politician who briefly stepped away to make money and then went back to his real career as a politician. An again, there's nothing wrong with this.
Isnt Cruz calling for term limits?

Sabre I smiled to read you know exactly how to get to those law offices. It is so You:hookem:
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Sorry, Ted was a partner at Morgan Lewis from 2008 to 2013; Office at 1000 Louisiana. Take the elevator to 32 (IIRC), change elevators to 40, where you are greeted and someone would take you to his office on 42, which has a beautiful view out toward Memorial Park.

That is the green building, known as the Schnitzer Building, built in the shape of a "dollar bill". but in reality built in the shape of an "S" for Schnitzer. It was designed to be the tallest building in Texas until Ben Love reminded Schnitzer he saved his ***, so it is some seven feet shorter than the Texas Commerce Tower.
I see that building through my office window when I am at my contractor’s office at 919 Milam, which of late happens to be nearly everyday.
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Sorry, Ted was a partner at Morgan Lewis from 2008 to 2013; Office at 1000 Louisiana. Take the elevator to 32 (IIRC), change elevators to 40, where you are greeted and someone would take you to his office on 42, which has a beautiful view out toward Memorial Park.

That is the green building, known as the Schnitzer Building, built in the shape of a "dollar bill". but in reality built in the shape of an "S" for Schnitzer. It was designed to be the tallest building in Texas until Ben Love reminded Schnitzer he saved his ***, so it is some seven feet shorter than the Texas Commerce Tower.
Hey Sabre, were you there when they opened the niels-esperson bldg? :beertoast:
I see that building nearly everyday when I am at contractors office at 919 Milam.

Correction, that's the 910 Travis Bldg, home of Norton Ditto for years. Damn ugly building, but a great vault that is about five stories below the street level. Hardly anyone knew it was there or how to get to it. All this talk about gold, that would make a great storage facility if it is still there.
Have I mentioned today that I believe strongly that Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D) is an America hating, disgusting and despicable human being?

If not, she is.
All Senators and Congress should be working without pay for the remainder of their terms. Additionally, their net wealth should be depleted 2% per day until they get off their asses and put together an economic plan to survive and pay for it in the next ten years.
This morning, I got below 3 rolls. There are 2 of us at home and we have not purchased toilet paper since the hysteria began.

Went to Costco thinking it’s Tuesday, early and raining. My Costco had a line out the door more than 100 deep in the rain. Basically shoulder to shoulder.

After 20 minutes watching multiple people leave, but no line movement, I called the store. The explanation was we are social distancing in the store for our members safety. I explained more than 100 members are standing in the rain and cold shoulder to shoulder. Isn’t that worse?

This example clearly shows the world’s hysteria. Let’s make it worse on the majority by protecting the few. Step over dimes to save pennies.
This morning, I got below 3 rolls. There are 2 of us at home and we have not purchased toilet paper since the hysteria began.

Went to Costco thinking it’s Tuesday, early and raining. My Costco had a line out the door more than 100 deep in the rain. Basically shoulder to shoulder.

After 20 minutes watching multiple people leave, but no line movement, I called the store. The explanation was we are social distancing in the store for our members safety. I explained more than 100 members are standing in the rain and cold shoulder to shoulder. Isn’t that worse?

This example clearly shows the world’s hysteria. Let’s make it worse on the majority by protecting the few. Step over dimes to save pennies.
All theater.

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