
So an update on the German government. Apparently if you're caught breaking the rules, you can get hit with an up to €25,000 fine or get thrown in the slammer.

Finally Germany found a good excuse to bring back the Stazi. It is for your own good.
I notice they never really specify what "essential activities" means. If I go to HEB for beer and sweet tea and some milk, does that count? Could it be they leave it ambiguous so that the order really doesn't mean anything, but they get to sound like they care more than all those other counties who have not done this? Nah, that would be cynical of me.

Phil, I think it means if they catch you out jogging or going out for a walk with family you get a trip to the county jail.

I think it is tyranny and should protested.
Good time for a reminder of how this stuff works?

Nancy Pelosi:
Years in office—33
Net worth—$238M

Dianne Feinstein:
Years in office—28
Net Worth—$94M

Joe Biden:
Years in office—44
Net Worth—$15M

They all have one thing in common -- decades in the federal government. They call it "public service"
Another reason not to support Biden: he's a lousy crook - as opposed to Pelosi who is a very successful crook.
Finally Germany found a good excuse to bring back the Stazi. It is for your own good.

Maybe. We'll see how they handle this. Germany passes a lot of stupid laws with ridiculous fines but puts little effort into enforcing them. For example, it's illegal to kill bees, wasps, and many other kinds of insects without "just cause." (Basically, they have to be attacking you, or you have to have an allergy.) If wasps build a nest right near or even on your house, you can't just spray them with insecticide and go on with your life. You have to call a bug guy and pay him to remove and relocate the nest. If you break the rule, you can get hit with a fine in the €20K range.

However, there isn't a bug police that cruises around neighborhoods making sure people nobody is killing bugs. When people get into trouble for this (which is rare), it's because some busybody neighbor saw you doing it and called the cops.

It's weird. They'll have rules like this and others (and some states have rules against washing your car at your house), but because of the Stasi and Gestapo, they don't want some big police force out busting people. However, they are willing to use some pretty intrusive surveillance. Speed cameras are everywhere (though speeding fines are usually small €10 - €35). Furthermore, the mobile phone companies will share people's geographic location with the German government to see if large groups are gathering somewhere in violation of this new rule. They (allegedly) don't identify the people in that group. However, if the cops choose to show up, they'll obviously catch you.
Partisan politics brings down the Corona virus bill. With 5 self-quarantining Republican Senators, the Dems were able to shoot it down. I'm sure the heat on them will intensify and something will be passed soon. There are calls to let self-quarantining Senators vote.
Since we're talking about the Trump Justice Department, is it ok to call this an overreaction?
Absolutely it is, if this sentence is even close to accurate.

"The Justice Department has quietly asked Congress for the ability to ask chief judges to detain people indefinitely without trial during emergencies — part of a push for new powers that comes as the novel coronavirus spreads throughout the United States."
Californians doing their part...

California coronavirus: Crowds packed beaches despite shelter in place order - CNN

Just to give you an idea of what's happening out there; I work for a natural gas utility and over the weekend one of our service yards suffered a burglary. Several trucks were broken into. We have to manage a hazardous material. But the scum of the earth don't care. They do what they do.

Remember the 2nd amendment...
ShAArk 92,

I'm laughing because my 19 year old daughter and sometimes my 16 yr old get soo mad at me for restricting them and their friends from getting together. My Niece threw something at my brother when he told her Spring Break is canceled your staying home!
What are Dems thinking? To add in items that have nothing to do with dealing with this crisis?
Do they think the average person, Dem or GOP, is not angry with what the Dems are doing.
Pelosi controls Schumer and does not seem to care that people in her district are in jeopardy due to her holding up the bill authorizing money for more PPE
What are Dems thinking? To add in items that have nothing to do with dealing with this crisis?
Do they think the average person, Dem or GOP, is not angry with what the Dems are doing.
Pelosi controls Schumer and does not seem to care that people in her district are in jeopardy due to her holding up the bill authorizing money for more PPE
Heck, while they're at it they might as well throw in a national 'bathroom bill' into this legislation, create a new holiday to celebrate Ted Kennedy, and make some new National Forest area off limits for O&G drilling...
^ I would laugh but nothing is beyond them
It is suggested that Schumer went from being close to a deal to walk away when he learned several GOP Senators are quarantined and unable to vote so he is adding all these crap in because he thinks he can use Dem votes to get this stuff through
I was speaking with a friend in a 12 step program and mentioned that "package stores" are considered essential services in Denton County. She told me that at certain levels of alcoholism, unattended withdrawal symptoms can be fatal.
Fact check: true
What are Dems thinking? To add in items that have nothing to do with dealing with this crisis?
Do they think the average person, Dem or GOP, is not angry with what the Dems are doing.
Pelosi controls Schumer and does not seem to care that people in her district are in jeopardy due to her holding up the bill authorizing money for more PPE
Anyone who ever thought she has any concern for anyone in her district who doesn't have a lot of money to contribute to her campaigns needs his head examined.

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