
How long does ESPN survive without revenue?

I think ESPN dies if the shutdowns are forced past the summer.

Maybe the good things is all the paid Longhorn sites go away. Orangebloods, 247, and Inside Texas will die before ESPN does.
I think ESPN dies if the shutdowns are forced past the summer.

Maybe the good things is all the paid Longhorn sites go away. Orangebloods, 247, and Inside Texas will die before ESPN does.
Live rights are about the only part of television media that isn’t getting killed by cord cutters.
Check out Pandemic on Netflix. I watched it for 90 minutes just now. Dr. Granville who is pushing the vaccine Trump has said he feels good about, stopping Covid-19. Dr. Granville is on Pandemic. Many other Dr’s as well. Collectively they fear a virus like the Spanish flu of 1918 with a low death rate but that is extremely transmittable getting a global stronghold and killing 100 Million plus people.
IMHO, Trump’s travel ban, closed borders may well spare the US from this fate and get everyone back to work sooner! And he believes in Dr. Granville’s vaccine. I pray it works in the upcoming trials! We’re counting on it.

Also, I own a small Oil and Gas company and have laid off nobody. If we can beat Covid-19 by say Mid April or late April. We can save 2020 financially for the most part. Forbes says O&G will right off 2020 and look to 2021 for the recovery. I don’t know one way or the other but I survived $26 Oil and I’ll survive $19 Oil now! Dr. Granville left Pfizer to start his Bio Tech company in 2016 just so he could develop vaccines for a flu pandemic and now he has his chance. He has self funded it and is not beholden to private equity! That’s huge. If, in 3-4 weeks his vaccine can work in trials, we’ve got something! That’s what Trump has referred to in his press conferences. Dr. Granville succeeds, we beat Covid-19, Trump gets re-elected and it’s back to business America! I for one am excited to find out about these trials. Ignore the media! Believe in American ingenuity. Unite and beat this pandemic. Oh and stay home until we know it’s safe. We can beat this thing! BELIEVE! And have faith, GOD is with us!
spoke with his first cousin yesterday. He was 55, not 50. My error. Fighting a cold is the prior health condition? According to one smart guy here this is nothing but the cold. I'd assume that he'd had this for a week or so and he was fighting this and not a cold.

I realize you are a sooner so reading comprehension is not your strong suit, but seriously you should try to portray the people you talk about with a little more honesty. Oh wait, your a sooner and a liberal, that makes you both dishonest and Dumb as Dog Sh_t.

For someone who is old or has a compromised immune system, this is very serious and they should take the strongest precautions. For those under 50 and in good health, this is nothing more than a cold to them.
Good time for a reminder of how this stuff works?

Nancy Pelosi:
Years in office—33
Net worth—$238M

Dianne Feinstein:
Years in office—28
Net Worth—$94M

Joe Biden:
Years in office—44
Net Worth—$15M

They all have one thing in common -- decades in the federal government. They call it "public service"
The bluebonnets are out in some places

Good time for a reminder of how this stuff works?

Nancy Pelosi:
Years in office—33
Net worth—$238M

Dianne Feinstein:
Years in office—28
Net Worth—$94M

Joe Biden:
Years in office—44
Net Worth—$15M

They all have one thing in common -- decades in the federal government. They call it "public service"
Aren't they some of the same ones who say men make more money in the workplace than women? What the hell is Biden's problem here? He needs to get it together.
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Check out Pandemic on Netflix. I watched it for 90 minutes just now. Dr. Granville who is pushing the vaccine Trump has said he feels good about, stopping Covid-19. Dr. Granville is on Pandemic. Many other Dr’s as well. Collectively they fear a virus like the Spanish flu of 1918 with a low death rate but that is extremely transmittable getting a global stronghold and killing 100 Million plus people.
IMHO, Trump’s travel ban, closed borders may well spare the US from this fate and get everyone back to work sooner! And he believes in Dr. Granville’s vaccine. I pray it works in the upcoming trials! We’re counting on it.

Also, I own a small Oil and Gas company and have laid off nobody. If we can beat Covid-19 by say Mid April or late April. We can save 2020 financially for the most part. Forbes says O&G will right off 2020 and look to 2021 for the recovery. I don’t know one way or the other but I survived $26 Oil and I’ll survive $19 Oil now! Dr. Granville left Pfizer to start his Bio Tech company in 2016 just so he could develop vaccines for a flu pandemic and now he has his chance. He has self funded it and is not beholden to private equity! That’s huge. If, in 3-4 weeks his vaccine can work in trials, we’ve got something! That’s what Trump has referred to in his press conferences. Dr. Granville succeeds, we beat Covid-19, Trump gets re-elected and it’s back to business America! I for one am excited to find out about these trials. Ignore the media! Believe in American ingenuity. Unite and beat this pandemic. Oh and stay home until we know it’s safe. We can beat this thing! BELIEVE! And have faith, GOD is with us!

AC, I wanted to do a search on this Dr. Granville and the vaccine. What is his first name?
A friend who is with a hospital in La says his company is running out of supplies. He suggested buying rain ponchos ( could be sterilized)to use in places where they could and free gowns for the operating. icu rooms.
He was laughed at

Hotel guests arriving off the planes must quarantine in their hotel rooms for 14 days. Fines and up to a year of jail for violators. Hawaii tourism is dead—even for some time after this all blows over. Catastrophic to a state that relies on tourism.
The medium article has been censored by the propgandists. Maybe this one will stay up.

In the coronavirus pandemic, we're making decisions without reliable data

This article is good. I agree we don’t know the true statistics and death rate of Covid-19. It IS possible the media has turned this event into a world wide global depression. But Trump and his administration know this as well. Dr. Granville’s vaccine neutralizes Covid-19 with Malaria Vaccines mixed with something else (not going to look it up) and it has worked in labs. They have to test patients and if it neutralizes Covid-19 in them it can be mass produced in a month. Then we’re back to work and averting a 25% or more drop in US GDP in 2020. If this is accomplished Trump is re-elected and we can probably get back to where we were by early 2021 economically! There IS a bright side to all this Horn Fans. Pray for each other and help anyone you can safely. We’ll get through this. Ignore the media!
AC, how is the is the oil business right now. I heard workers are moving out of West Texas right now.

I assume you live in Monahans? Ask Sean or Morgan Layman. I work with them and they live in Monahans. They agree with me about most all of this. O&G is transient and boom bust especially in West TX. The Layman’s aren’t going anywhere!
No reliable media has told me to panic or buy toilet paper. They are dutifully reporting prevention methods and restrictions put in place by reliably conservative Republicans in county state and presidential administrations here. Ignore hell. I'm counting on good information.
No reliable media has told me to panic or buy toilet paper. They are dutifully reporting prevention methods and restrictions put in place by reliably conservative Republicans in county state and presidential administrations here. Ignore hell. I'm counting on good information.

your right I was referring to political commentary not public health. Thanks for making the distinction.
Yes, while you are probably paying for that small room for 14 days and probably room $ervice or delivery of restaurant food if you can get it.
I always stay at a duplex or a house when I go to Hawaii that has some lawn/lanai space, plus a gas grill to cook local fish.
German leader Angela Merkel has entered self-quarantine. A doctor she saw on Friday tested positive for the Coronavirus.

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