
Iatrogenic... maybe I confused your posts with some of TheiiofTX. If you don't think this is just a cold, I owe you an apology and will deliver. Maybe it's only Theiis, Austin Bill and RainH2 who contend this virus in unexceptional and unworthy of a big fuss? Don't let me speak for you.
You and RainH2.
I am not stating that....necessarily.
I am using one of a bazzilion obvious examples this pandemic has presented to further demonstrate the hypocritical, agenda-driven, biased, politically-motivated, and wholly untrustworthy nature of the liberal news media (and many of our "leaders"). We cannot work together to solve problems (or understand there origins) because all a very powerful segment of our country cares about is getting to Trump.

And, I was also pointing out that, to many reasonable Americans, the reaction to and handling of this pandemic is much scarier than the virus itself.
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For 80% of people who get it, it’s like a cold. I’ve never stated it was some sort of man made deliberate attack. If you don’t think there is unneeded hysteria, I suggest a visit to your local grocery store.
Iatrogenic... maybe I confused your posts with some of TheiiofTX. If you don't think this is just a cold, I owe you an apology and will deliver. Maybe it's only Theiis, Austin Bill and RainH2 who contend this virus in unexceptional and unworthy of a big fuss? Don't let me speak for you.
Would you also apologize if I don’t think it’s a weaponized virus? You could be wrong in assuming either.
I am using one of a bazzilion obvious examples this pandemic has presented to further demonstrate the hypocritical, agenda-driven, biased, politically-motivated, and wholly untrustworthy nature of the liberal news media (and many of our "leaders"). We cannot work together to solve problems (or understand there origins) because all a very powerful segment of our country cares about is getting to Trump.
Yeah there are many media... some of them wacky right wing fact-dismissing sort that really get a lot or links and posts in my Facebook feed. I think the Dallas Morning News and Channel 8 here in Dallas have been very responsible and fact driven.
Imagine if every water plant, power plant, farm, distribution center, grocery store, mnfg plant, lab, etc. shut down because 1 person became sick and the hospital refused to test the person. This happened to our lab. This is what the insanity has led to.
On the good news front, flu cases falling nicely and this is before the quarantines were in full effect.

For 80% of people who get it, it’s like a cold. I’ve never stated it was some sort of man made deliberate attack. If you don’t think there is unneeded hysteria, I suggest a visit to your local grocery store.
You are almost famous for “congrats, you’ve got a cold”.
Will be posting cases for Italy and Iran. Recall Iran got the virus after China and Korea. Italy got it 4th. Note how the cases are bending on a log scale. Finally note that we really don’t need new cases to drop - just need for them to stop growing.

Iran participates in China's Silk Road trade program. Which means they have a large amount of Chinese travelers.
Also the first case in the country was reported in Qom, which is where their nuclear research areas and uranium enrichment plants are located. And so this is one of the areas the Chinese are thickest in Iran. It's also a pilgrimage area. So an easy originating spot for the virus to spread from.
Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant | Facilities | NTI
I think you raise an interesting question regarding the deployment of resources. I think an argument can be that we are spreading our resources too thin and that we could me much more efficient in that allocation. We are supposed to be going by the Imperial College of London guide on the most vulnerable. That is people of a certain age, people with pre-existing conditions and perhaps some with certain chronic conditions. According to the London school guide, the young and the healthy suffer no more than catching the common cold.

If this is this case, then maybe we should be devoting our resources to protecting those in the most "at risk" classes of Americans. For example, surround assisted living facilities with the Natl Guard if you have to. No one gets in except those who are absolutely necessary. No family. Actions like this would be much more efficient than what we are doing now, which is to shut everything down. Protect the most vulnerable and let the rest of us carry on, following normal flu season precautions. This would let the rest of the US economy continue to function. It seems to me that we are destroying what was the best US economy in ages when we dont have to. When this is all over, I think this will be one of the key issues we look back at to analyse whether our response was appropriate.

One last point, while China appropriately deserves the blame for what is happening in the world right now, it was not their design to destroy the US economy. At least, not at this time. While it might make the Russians and Iranians happy, the Chinese Govt needs a healthy US econ just to survive themselves.

Is any virus worth completely destroying our economy over?
The numbers are sounding very bad

Just for the record -- From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, according to the CDC,
-- 60.8 million Americans contracted H1N1
-- 274,304 US hospitalizations
-- 12,469 US deaths
The US economy was never shut down
CDC Novel H1N1 Flu |CDC Estimates of 2009 H1N1 Influenza Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths in the United States, April 2009 – January 16, 2010
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OK, Israel had 250 cases, no deaths, with possibility of 50 more cases. Israeli pharmaceutical company has sent to US 5 million doses of possible vaccine with more promised.

Other than the obvious, what else am I missing?
I’ve heard really smart people think this will end up as a world wide depression. If that does occur, more people will die from that than CoronaVirus.
Probably so, though indirectly rather than directly. So if anybody ever looks into comparing the two, their work will not get any mass media publicity.
Is any virus worth completely destroying our economy over?
The numbers are sounding very bad

Just for the record -- From April 12, 2009 to April 10, 2010, according to the CDC,
-- 60.8 million Americans contracted H1N1
-- 274,304 US hospitalizations
-- 12,469 US deaths
The US economy was never shut down
CDC Novel H1N1 Flu |CDC Estimates of 2009 H1N1 Influenza Cases, Hospitalizations and Deaths in the United States, April 2009 – January 16, 2010

This^^^^^^^^ tells us just about all we need to know about why this has been "treated" the way it has been

Our leaders need to quit the hysteria. Let's extend Spring Break a week or two tops and get back to living, with frequent building cleanings and hand washing.

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