
How about cumulative dead/country?
Ive noticed liberals are having trouble handling the isolation thing. They appear to have decided the best way to deal with it is to make videos of themselves.
Go figure
The first death in Oklahoma was a 50 year old who had it for two days.
Not quite accurate...

From one source: "Dry “was in good health as far as we all knew. He was fighting a cold and then he contracted the coronavirus. He was diagnosed on Tuesday and passed away on Wednesday… He was age 55 and Cherokee.”"

Being diagnosed the day prior is NOT the same as saying he only had it for two days...but we do ALSO know that he had a prior condition that left him compromised.
Maybe the cold of the 55 year old Cherokee was Coronavirus? I think 2-3 posters on this thread have contended they are approximately the same thing...
Let us know his full medical condition. Was the autopsy difficult?

And many cancer patients die of common illnesses like colds and flu.
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The government is not overreacting to it from a health perspective. I think they are overreacting to it from an economic an political standpoint. I think people are overreacting to it when they panic-shop for toilet paper.
And the media overreacted too. I understand you’re towing the GOP Trump line. You’re not alone. Lou Dobbs said the same thing on his show. And now he’s in quarantine. :popcorn:
And the media overreacted too. I understand you’re towing the GOP Trump line. You’re not alone. Lou Dobbs said the same thing on his show. And now he’s in quarantine. :popcorn:

So if I'm not shitting in my pants, I'm towing the Trump line? Honestly I'm just looking at numbers. Maybe things will change, but the health response looks proportional. And overall, in proportion, we're doing better than most. There's a tremendous political push to say otherwise, but the numbers just don't support that.

Throwing cash at people when they aren't supposed to leave the house (which both Trump and Democrats are doing) looks silly. I'm not saying everything they are doing is bad. Loosening up credit to allow people and businesses to weather the storm is wise. However, this is a public health-driven economic problem. Fixing that should be the focus.
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Not quite accurate...

From one source: "Dry “was in good health as far as we all knew. He was fighting a cold and then he contracted the coronavirus. He was diagnosed on Tuesday and passed away on Wednesday… He was age 55 and Cherokee.”"

Being diagnosed the day prior is NOT the same as saying he only had it for two days...but we do ALSO know that he had a prior condition that left him compromised.
I spoke with his first cousin yesterday. He was 55, not 50. My error. Fighting a cold is the prior health condition? According to one smart guy here this is nothing but the cold. I'd assume that he'd had this for a week or so and he was fighting this and not a cold.
Ive noticed liberals are having trouble handling the isolation thing. They appear to have decided the best way to deal with it is to make videos of themselves.
Go figure

Something else I noticed about liberals is how quickly they are willing to turn on that whole freedom thing. On a dime, they've become frightened lemmings, begging to be slaves.

That's a hard no meathead.
And the media overreacted too. I understand you’re towing the GOP Trump line. You’re not alone. Lou Dobbs said the same thing on his show. And now he’s in quarantine. :popcorn:
Yeah....he is in quarantine.....and for what?
Because he might give somebody a bad cold? The quarantine itself is as bad as it will get for Dobbs.
The skewed response matches the skewed analysis of the threat. As one NBAer made light of unwittingly....."The scariest part of this disease is you may have it and have no symptoms."
Yeah....he is in quarantine.....and for what?
Because he might give somebody a bad cold? The quarantine itself is as bad as it will get for Dobbs.
The skewed response matches the skewed analysis of the threat. As one NBAer made light of unwittingly....."The scariest part of this disease is you may have it and have no symptoms."

I think you raise an interesting question regarding the deployment of resources. I think an argument can be that we are spreading our resources too thin and that we could me much more efficient in that allocation. We are supposed to be going by the Imperial College of London guide on the most vulnerable. That is people of a certain age, people with pre-existing conditions and perhaps some with certain chronic conditions. According to the London school guide, the young and the healthy suffer no more than catching the common cold.

If this is this case, then maybe we should be devoting our resources to protecting those in the most "at risk" classes of Americans. For example, surround assisted living facilities with the Natl Guard if you have to. No one gets in except those who are absolutely necessary. No family. Actions like this would be much more efficient than what we are doing now, which is to shut everything down. Protect the most vulnerable and let the rest of us carry on, following normal flu season precautions. This would let the rest of the US economy continue to function. It seems to me that we are destroying what was the best US economy in ages when we dont have to. When this is all over, I think this will be one of the key issues we look back at to analyse whether our response was appropriate.

One last point, while China appropriately deserves the blame for what is happening in the world right now, it was not their design to destroy the US economy. At least, not at this time. While it might make the Russians and Iranians happy, the Chinese Govt needs a healthy US econ just to survive themselves.
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