
Not to interrupt the pissing match that's going on, but...

I was listening to an old podcast from 2013 which featured an ex-CIA agent who was considered a biological warfare expert. He said the Soviet Union, back when it was hot and heavy into bio-warfare, liked a biological agent called touralemia (spelling?).

He said the touralemia bio-weapon wasn't designed to kill a lot of people, but rather to make huge numbers very sick, so that they would require hospitalization. The goal was for people to stay alive and overwhelm our medical system and resources.

He likened the strategy to wounding a soldier on the battlefield so that one or two of the wounded's fellow soldiers would have to stop fighting and tend to the fallen. Theoretically, they (Soviet Union) would then follow up with a subsequent nuclear or conventional attack once the country was in a weakened position.

The point is that the non-fatal nature of Coronavirus doesn't lessen it as a possible bio-weapon. It actually makes it better. That said, most experts think COVID-19 is NOT biologically engineered.

Just a little food for thought. The U.S. has probably never been more vulnerable than I think it will be a month from now with all its' resources fighting COVID-19.
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Two sides hate each other, eventually a fight is going to breakout. There is just too much bad blood right now. Feels like a Hatfields and McCoys situation.

I'll do my best, but I'm stocking up on Ammo.
Do me with a .22 behind the ear as I'm watching Roy Williams fly into the Texas end zone, please.
The reason Italy has been hit so hard is the same reason Iran has been hit so hard. Africa is next as they have been heavy participants in China's "Silk Road" trade project as well. Probably already happening, we just dont have the data. The potential there seems devastating (bad public health systems + already high HIV infection rate).

Can you imagine what the West Coast of the US would look like right now if Trump had not closed off China travel? It would be a zombie zone. Biden is on record as completely opposing this China travel ban (called it "hysterical xenophobia"). Had Biden been the president, many more US citizens would be dead now.

Likewise, had the Chinese simply been honest from the outset, Trump would have no doubt stopped flights from China even sooner. Just a couple days sooner would have saved those folks who died in Seattle.
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What Liberal EVER posted Obama telling Mitt Romney he was engaging in cold war thinking when Romney said Russia was our number geopolitical threat? NOT ONE. What happened? Crimea. Hacks. Election interference. The response? Mueller investigation/report; impeachment.

What about Obama COLLUDING with Medvedev about having more flexibility after the election. Again, CRICKETS FROM THE LEFT.

No more responses to Longesthorn. He's going on ignore because he is a troll and incapable of unbiased thought.
I got some take out the other day. The take out guy told me that earlier, a customer came in to eat, sat down at the table, went to the restroom, and then left. (this was before sit down restaurants were shut down except for take out) The waiter was puzzled, so he went to the bathroom and all the toilet paper had been stolen...!

TP bandits are running wild in this chaotic world.
More sick Liberalism:

Letters to the Editor: Here's a better name than 'Chinese virus': Trump virus

The hatred of Trump is over the top. China is the enemy of mankind because they combined ruthless power with communism. Yet the Left refuses to say what needs to be said. Sports figures such as Lebron, Popovich and Kerr, the latter two the biggest and most ignorant Liberal mouths on the sports scene other than the America hating soccer player, refused to condemn China over the Hong Kong mess.

It makes no sense except that the Left is a pack of emotionally stunted people who are desperate to assuage their pathology.
I think it would be fair to say that "the left includes emotionally stunted people who are desperate to assuage their pathology." I have a lot of double digit IQ Facebook friends who are STILL putting up links and posts suggesting this pandemic is a hoax to take the wind out of Trump's sails. I'd describe them as intellectually stunted or at least predisposed to believe propaganda that supports their Trump love.
What Liberal EVER posted Obama telling Mitt Romney he was engaging in cold war thinking when Romney said Russia was our number geopolitical threat? NOT ONE. What happened? Crimea. Hacks. Election interference. The response? Mueller investigation/report; impeachment.

What about Obama COLLUDING with Medvedev about having more flexibility after the election. Again, CRICKETS FROM THE LEFT.

No more responses to Longesthorn. He's going on ignore because he is a troll and incapable of unbiased thought.
But whatabout...
Communism is certainly one of the worst evils to inflict mankind. To my understanding, Chairman Mao and his successors in the Chinese Communist Party have been the worst among the Communists (and all other authoritarian regimes) in terms of the sheer number of people they've killed and starved.

That being said, my reading of history has led me to believe that this goes back in Chinese history long before Communism. To the Chinese, China is the Middle Kingdom. To their credit, the Chinese play the long game--the very, very long game. They don't care much about short-term quarterly profits, etc. They care about China's relative world status 20, 50, or even 100+ years from now. Every move they make is part of this multiple-decade chess game. As a civilization, they can be ruthless. They're also very smart in many other ways. They're usually good at diplomacy, and can often bully and impose their will on weaker adversaries without actually having to go to war (don't kid yourself, we do that too...). But they do have weaknesses. I wouldn't consider them an actual enemy, but more like a rival. Their mid-term goal is to replace us as the world's great superpower, without having to actually fight a war with us. We do have close friends in the region that the Chinese hate much more than they dislike us.
I think it would be fair to say that the left includes emotionally stunted people who are desperate to assuage their pathology. I have a lot of double digit Facebook friends who are STILL putting up links and posts suggesting this pandemic is a hoax to take the wind out of Trump's sails.

Well I don't believe it's a hoax. When I say Liberals I'm talking about the obvious Trump haters. It's very clear who they are and they are sick. This one-world hand holding obsession with ending racism means NOTHING can be challenged because cultures are to be protected at all costs. IT'S WRONG. They have no mind for these things. They are beyond belief in what they will ignore because of their hatred. There is no laughing at what I said either. It's a fact.
TP bandits are running wild in this chaotic world.

I heard a Director of the company I work for say if he couldn't find any TP soon he'd have to steal some from the company. I told him a little TP wasn't worth risking his high paying, phoney-baloney job.

But yeah, it's getting stupid out there.
The first death in Oklahoma was a 50 year old who had it for two days.

Thus I said under 50. I guarantee that if a 50 year old died, he had other health concerns that attributed.

if you are under 50 you stand a .0002 percent chance. that is 2% of 1% Sp for every 10,000 people that get the virus, 2 will die. 50 to 60, that number jumps to 1.3 so for every 1,000 13 will die.

I will repeat myself, if you are old or have health concerns, then your trepidation about this virus is legit, but for the 66% of the American population under 50. It is about as dangerous as catching a cold.
I think your projections are a tad optimistic Austin Bill. Our outbreak is newer than Italy and China, but the death rate and recovery rate reflect nothing like the numbers you have shared here. I heard an interview on NPR from a woman in her 40s. Her husband had a respiratory condition, but she felt great. She enjoyed A luncheon out with 6 female friends. The next day she started feeling terrible. ,,, sounded like a terrible case of the flu I endured 26 years ago and still remember. But instead of the 2 miserable days I endured, she was very sick for 2 weeks. She got well. Four of the friends she had lunch with came down with coronavirus. This is not a bad cold and it is much more contagious.
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It's going to be even colder here. Bavaria has announced a lockdown/curfew. Merkel is considering a nationwide curfew this weekend.
I have been checking infection rates in Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Philippines, and Vietnam. Their cases aren’t spreading on an exponential basis. It’s a significant departure from Korea, Iran, Europe, etc. By the way the rates are curving for Iran and Italy. Spain, Germany, and US are 10 days behind.
This corona virus outbreak is proof that humans =/= to goods and services.

I am all for the free flow of goods and services. But people are dangerous.
Their cases aren’t spreading on an exponential basis.

Pretty much nobody seems to be trying to statistically distinguish "increase in cases from the virus spreading faster than the recovery rate" from "increase in cases due to testing".

If magically, starting right now, nobody else caught the virus, we'd still be measuring an increase in cases for another week or two.

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