
Just three days ago, there were no libertarians to be found anywhere
But today they seem to be stepping back out of the shadows. Suddenly we have
-- a need to suspend occupational licensing restrictions
-- the need to stop all enforcement of victimless crimes, and
-- of course a need to legalize restaurants selling cocktails to-go for home delivery by Uber drivers

OK. You are talking out of your *** again

Southern GOP tradition. Are you gonna leave the cob in your ***? NTTAWWT

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In case you were wondering what else you might do -- I got one of these, arrived this weekend, everyone here is using it. Got mine via Amazon ($76) not QVC but they seemed to have to best video on it I could see

I was a little disappointed in the reaction my UV-light phone cleaner recommendation. I love UV light so much, I run the pool water through one. I think you guys are missing out.

Here is the next product to recommend for these trying times
Because he might give somebody a bad cold? The quarantine itself is as bad as it will get for Dobbs.
I'm thinking he might be worried about giving them an unusually contagious respiratory infection that is far worse than a cold for a number of people who have it .. like in Italy where they are running short of hospital beds and cematorium capacity.
I'm thinking he might be worried about giving them an unusually contagious respiratory infection that is far worse than a cold for a number of people who have it .. like in Italy where they are running short of hospital beds and cematorium capacity.
Why are you overreacting? It’s exactly this type of thinking that is killing people!
Hopefully this new track relates to our delay in rolling out testing. We'll see. Oklahoma set out new recommendations for testing based on the limited testing availability. On hospital admit, for those with co-morbidities, and for health care workers to get them back on the board.

Delayed testing...
We have a young coworker who is sick. Tried to get tested. Waited 7 hours but clinic ran out of testing kits(?). Part of our lab is shut down because her coworkers can’t return until the testing is done.
That must be scary for her.Was she possibly exposed to Kung Flu?
I am hearing this 3rd hand but it gets serious when it interrupts work. The samples tested at this lab supports the solvents business, which are used in gas plants and refineries across NA.
evidently, it's running through the staff at air traffic control. Have lost Las Vegas control tower ... and now Indianapolis center (the sector named, but is MUCH larger than only Indy)

The cheese is binding.
Time to get real, yo.
I'm thinking he might be worried about giving them an unusually contagious respiratory infection that is far worse than a cold for a number of people who have it .. like in Italy where they are running short of hospital beds and cematorium capacity.

Why are you overreacting? It’s exactly this type of thinking that is killing people!

I actually know quite a bit about the virus.
My wife is a very intelligent and gifted lady with a passion for health and medicine who travels in well-informed, non-bobble-headed-mainstream medical circles.
The virus appears to be extensively genetically modified (not naturally occurring) and contains components of many, varied viruses. This doesn't make it necessarily any more dangerous than the next virus, in and of itself....but it does make it a bit hard to pin down as it mutates.
I know something else about the virus very relevant to the board....
I know it started in China and they hate us; and Donald Trump is both a real thorn in their side and one of the few people who understands the reality of their threat to us. I also know this is precisely why the mainstream media does not want to focus on China as they report on Corona because it would, in the public eye, lend more credibility to Trump's anti-China (pro U.S.) mission.
...As if any further information should be required by intelligent beings to support Trumps credibility on China.

If she's going to one of the testing centers, do NOT let her go to that place on Tidwell even if they promise her autographed photos of Sheila Jackson Lee & Sylvester Turner.

Explore the history of that place.
If this is true :facepalm:
New York Wouldn't Spend $500 Mil on Ventilators, Willing to Spend $500 Mil On Illegals - Frontpagemag
Several years ago, after learning that the Empire State’s stockpile of medical equipment had 16,000 fewer ventilators than the 18,000 New Yorkers would need in a severe pandemic, state public-health leaders came to a fork in the road.

They could have chosen to buy more ventilators to back up the supplies hospitals maintain. Instead, the health commissioner, Howard Zucker, assembled a task force for rationing the ventilators they already had.

In 2015, that task force came up with rules that will be imposed when ventilators run short. Patients assigned a red code will have highest access, and other patients will be assigned green, yellow or blue (the worst), depending on a “triage officer’s” decision.

In truth, a death officer. Let’s not sugar-coat it. It won’t be up to your own doctor.

In 2015, the state could have purchased the additional 16,000 needed ventilators for $36,000 apiece, or a total of $576 million."

the article goes on to state that now the NY legislature wants to spend $500 mil to give free healthcare to illegals.
I don't like Trump much, but his interrupting travel from China then other hot spots for the virus seem prudent and his remarks on this are aging a lot better than Chuck Schumer's.

Also, worth mentioning is that while I'm concerned, cautious and happily working from home, I don't find myself in a panic over this. I'm keeping my distance from people, wearing plastic gloves or santizing my hands after shopping, using a keypad in a grocery/home improvement store. When a lady started coughing 10 feet down the aisle from me, I held my breath, turned around and didn't breathe in until I was 20 feet from her. I haven't visited my parents, in their mid eighties, for a couple of weeks. I'm thinking about taking them a care package of a couple of loaves of bacon-jalapeno bread, some stuffed poppers and maybe any necessities they might want. Not sure about whether to do the usual kissing and hugging or just talk a bit at a distance on their spacious front porch...
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The New York City Health Department has released a guide on how to have sex during the coronavirus outbreak.

“Have sex with people close to you,” the guide says. “You are your safest sex partner. Masturbation will not spread COVID-19, especially if you wash your hands (and any sex toys) with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after sex.”

Other tips at link New York City’s Health Department Releases Guide On How To Have Sex During Coronavirus Outbreak

Provided for those who were wondering. You know who you are.
I actually know quite a bit about the virus.
My wife is a very intelligent and gifted lady with a passion for health and medicine who travels in well-informed, non-bobble-headed-mainstream medical circles.
The virus appears to be extensively genetically modified (not naturally occurring) and contains components of many, varied viruses. This doesn't make it necessarily any more dangerous than the next virus, in and of itself....but it does make it a bit hard to pin down as it mutates.
I know something else about the virus very relevant to the board....
I know it started in China and they hate us; and Donald Trump is both a real thorn in their side and one of the few people who understands the reality of their threat to us. I also know this is precisely why the mainstream media does not want to focus on China as they report on Corona because it would, in the public eye, lend more credibility to Trump's anti-China (pro U.S.) mission.
...As if any further information should be required by intelligent beings to support Trumps credibility on China.
I’m hearing the same thing about the virus being produced in a lab.
So two of the posters on this thread who don't think COVID-19 is much worse than a cold also think maybe it is a weaponized virus? How unconventional.

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