
A church near Baton Rouge defies the Gov's order by holding service tuesday night with 350 people in attendance ( order is for no more than 10).
I agree with our rights under the 1st Amendment
but then I read this
"The virus, we believe, is politically motivated. and
Our church is a hospital where the sick can come and get healing. Cancers are healed here, people are healed of HIV in these services, and we believe that tonight, we’re also going to pass out anointed handkerchiefs to people who may have a fear, who may have a sickness, and we believe that when those anointed handkerchiefs go, that healing virtue is going to go on them as well."
Gov Cuomo is giving a presser.
He is very appreciative of what Trump has done and is doing.
And Cuomo is making a great deal of common sense.
Who would have thunk it?
Heard an interview with him this morning. He said good things about Trump. He said he had probably the most contentious relationship as compared to other Governors. Laughed that he'd sued him more than any of them. Then said that they've put partisan issues aside and are working together for Americans. Cool.
Morrison sets the record straight on the pandemic response team's so called "elimination".

"As part of an effort to slim down the historically bloated National Security Council, the directorate of global health and biodefense was merged with two other positions—not eliminated—according to Morrison."

Media, Democrats Ran With False Claim Trump 'Disbanded' Pandemic Office - Washington Free Beacon
Libtards don't care about facts...anything to bash the orange man is something to take out of context. In this instance, it is the distortion of actions designed to right-size a bloated government. But because it helped the budget, the TDS demographic is going to take it as 'elimination' in its entirety...
Heard an interview with him this morning. He said good things about Trump. He said he had probably the most contentious relationship as compared to other Governors. Laughed that he'd sued him more than any of them. Then said that they've put partisan issues aside and are working together for Americans. Cool.
For some of the nonsense Cuomo has been known to spout, I had to give props for the fact that he stood up and told the Mayor of NYC that a complete lockdown was not constitutional...
A church near Baton Rouge defies the Gov's order by holding service tuesday night with 350 people in attendance ( order is for no more than 10).
I agree with our rights under the 1st Amendment
but then I read this
"The virus, we believe, is politically motivated. and
Our church is a hospital where the sick can come and get healing. Cancers are healed here, people are healed of HIV in these services, and we believe that tonight, we’re also going to pass out anointed handkerchiefs to people who may have a fear, who may have a sickness, and we believe that when those anointed handkerchiefs go, that healing virtue is going to go on them as well."
When the dust settles and an after action report comes out we'll see that the red state/blue state differences will be deadly in some cases. I'm a red state guy. Yay!
A church near Baton Rouge defies the Gov's order by holding service tuesday night with 350 people in attendance ( order is for no more than 10).
I agree with our rights under the 1st Amendment
but then I read this
"The virus, we believe, is politically motivated. and
Our church is a hospital where the sick can come and get healing. Cancers are healed here, people are healed of HIV in these services, and we believe that tonight, we’re also going to pass out anointed handkerchiefs to people who may have a fear, who may have a sickness, and we believe that when those anointed handkerchiefs go, that healing virtue is going to go on them as well."

This sounds like something my ex-wife would say. People like that actually exist.
Well I want one of them "annointed" hankies.
The left does not have the corner on loons

But WHY are so many lefties calling for Republicans, Trump Supporters and Trump himself to die?
The loons in that church are calling to help people, as idiotic as it is, NOT calling on people to die simply due to their beliefs.
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Zhukov may have been a better general, then where would we be?

Zhukov was an outstanding general and a great man. Eisenhower acknowledged that himself. Did he outclass our best generals? Hard to say, but he was great.

However, if we had been truly committed to it, we could have crushed Stalin. Keep in mind that Operation Barbarossa (the Nazi-led invasion of the Soviet Union) almost succeeded. Three reasons why ours likely would have. First, we would had atomic weapons. When you can and are willing to kill tens of thousands with one shot, you can succeed where others failed. It's a game-changer.

Second, unlike Germany, our homeland wasn't being attacked. That meant stronger morale, a stronger economy, and a steadier supply of weaponry and supplies.

Third, Truman wasn't an idiot like Hitler was. Assuming he was actually committed to the invasion (unlike in Korea), he would have listened to our generals. Hitler didn't.

The primary reason I believe we could have won was because of our supply chain including food. Russia was starving and had much of industry damaged.

We had Patton, but would Eisenhower and Montgomery have used him? I have always said that there were multiple evidences of Devine intervention during the war, including the fact that we won in spite of Ike & Montgomery.

Yep, I'm sure to you any evidence that any result of Trump's fart-in-a-hot-skillet decision making style is anything less that divinely inspired brilliance simply sounds like "blah, blah blah." I have a lot of friends who feel the same way. Any narrative like that simply doesn't make sense to them must be resultant of low testosterone. I can't argue with logic like that ... I mean I can't even find some logic to argue with.

Crock, it's all about balance. There's room for criticism of the early response, though even that is mostly applicable to stupid-*** things Trump said more than anything we did or didn't do. The flagrant Monday-morning quarterbacking is silly. When this stuff was first happening, I heard lots of Democratic criticism. I didn't hear much in terms of specific and concrete plans for handling things better, and there's no reason to assume that a Democratic president would have.

And of course, as usual the credibility of the critics is weak. First, everybody knows that there is no course of action Trump could have taken at any point that would have gotten meaningful accolades from Democrats or from CNN, the Washington Post, or the New York Times. They were going to crap on whatever he did or didn't do. It's as predictable as the sunrise.

Second, many of the criticisms are stupid, petty ****. They play the race card about him calling it the Wuhan virus. What about the Spanish flu? What about the German measles? Are those racist? It's just a stupid-*** point to raise in a time of crisis.

Third, they criticized and called racist one of the most important measures we've taken, which was cutting off travel from the location where the virus originated. To any remotely intelligent adult, that is obvious common sense. Would a Democratic president have allowed travel to continue between Wuhan and the United States? If so, that is downright frightening.

So is there room to criticize? Sure. Trump shouldn't have been saying dumbass things early on. Furthermore, it's pretty clear (at least in retrospect) that testing wasn't handled well in the early phases. However, let's not go over the top with this. Overall, the US is dealing with this pretty well. In terms of cases per capita, growth, death rates, etc., we're doing better than many countries with government run healthcare systems that at least in theory should be better equipped to deal with this sort of thing.
You don’t have to be a Democrat to understand Trump says stupid **** and will be criticized for saying stupid **** especially during a pandemic. And he should be held accountable for his remarks. But nice try.

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