
Whatcha buying?
Lots and lots of options with January 2022 dates...looking at casino, oil and transport stocks. Have a bunch of oil and casino stocks already. Taking a wait and see on the airlines since, if the file to reorganize, it can impact the current stock and bond issuances. The contract would not automatically flip to the newly issued stock for the reorganized company.

The primary reason I believe we could have won was because of our supply chain including food. Russia was starving and had much of industry damaged.

We had Patton, but would Eisenhower and Montgomery have used him? I have always said that there were multiple evidences of Devine intervention during the war, including the fact that we won in spite of Ike & Montgomery.


I agree. We would have been going after a country that the Nazis had just spent the previous few years beating to a bloody pulp even if their ultimate goal was unsuccessful. They had little food, and their industries were in the crapper.

Would Ike and Montgomery had unleashed Patton? Hard to say. If we were actually willing to do something that big, I would hope that Ike and Montgomery would have been able to use Patton effectively. The guy commanded enormous respect - not only in the US but by the French, the Soviets, and the Germans.
We did not even consider going to war with Russia because the American people were burned out and wanted it all over, which was a major reason why we nuked Japan. Take a look at what was happening in the war bond market if you want to know how much enthusiasm there was for further combat, especially with a country that had been our most valuable ally in knocking off the fuhrer and whom we were depending on to take out the Japanese on the Chinese mainland.

Patton loved war. There was a reason why Marshall and the saner elements kept him on a leash. Great movie though
You don’t have to be a Democrat to understand Trump says stupid **** and will be criticized for saying stupid **** especially during a pandemic. And he should be held accountable for his remarks. But nice try.

Totally fair to criticize him for the stupid **** he says. I'm not suggesting otherwise. Again, it's about balance and keeping things in perspective. If we're keeping the cases and the death rates down, that should be the headline and the focus, not some dumbass thing he said 3 weeks ago.

And again, ripping the travel ban is downright insane. He could have dragged his cock-and-balls across a Chinese flag while he was signing the travel ban, and in terms of responsibility and judgment, he'd be a million miles ahead of any idiot who wouldn't have imposed a travel ban.
We did not even consider going to war with Russia because the American people were burned out and wanted it all over, which was a major reason why we nuked Japan. Take a look at what was happening in the war bond market if you want to know how much enthusiasm there was for further combat, especially with a country that had been our most valuable ally in knocking off the fuhrer and whom we were depending on to take out the Japanese on the Chinese mainland.

Patton loved war. There was a reason why Marshall and the saner elements kept him on a leash. Great movie though

From a political standpoint, you are totally correct. We weren't willing to do it. I'm simply saying that we could have, and if we had, there's a good chance we'd be better off today.
I don't think it is remarkable at all when you look at it from the perspective of incentives. "The media" today is largely a business that is selling drama and fear because people eat that up (why, I don't know) and it gets eyeballs and clicks which means revenue. Truth and facts don't enter into the equation at all for many of these orgs, they are incentivized to make money.
People seem to like living in a fantasy world. Just look at the circulation of the National Enquirer at it's peak. And dare I say the less grounded in reality a person is, the more likely they are to eat it up.

I have to say though, I never thought the hysteria would get totally out of control. As other have stated, there are still 100x as many people dying from the regular flu and 100x as many babies dying from pediatric flu. The media is doing everything they can to pour more gasoline on the fire by the hour.
You don’t have to be a Democrat to understand Trump says stupid **** and will be criticized for saying stupid **** especially during a pandemic. And he should be held accountable for his remarks. But nice try.

Trump says these things on purpose. He deflects and deflects until he is ready to actually communicate with the people.

Lots and lots of options with January 2022 dates...looking at casino, oil and transport stocks. Have a bunch of oil and casino stocks already. Taking a wait and see on the airlines since, if the file to reorganize, it can impact the current stock and bond issuances. The contract would not automatically flip to the newly issued stock for the reorganized company.

In a volatile market, Options are a great way to make money. If you use the right strategy you are going to make a killing when the recovery happens.
Crock, it's all about balance. There's room for criticism of the early response, though even that is mostly applicable to stupid-*** things Trump said more than anything we did or didn't do. The flagrant Monday-morning quarterbacking is silly. When this stuff was first happening, I heard lots of Democratic criticism. I didn't hear much in terms of specific and concrete plans for handling things better, and there's no reason to assume that a Democratic president would have.

And of course, as usual the credibility of the critics is weak. First, everybody knows that there is no course of action Trump could have taken at any point that would have gotten meaningful accolades from Democrats or from CNN, the Washington Post, or the New York Times. They were going to crap on whatever he did or didn't do. It's as predictable as the sunrise.

Second, many of the criticisms are stupid, petty ****. They play the race card about him calling it the Wuhan virus. What about the Spanish flu? What about the German measles? Are those racist? It's just a stupid-*** point to raise in a time of crisis.

Third, they criticized and called racist one of the most important measures we've taken, which was cutting off travel from the location where the virus originated. To any remotely intelligent adult, that is obvious common sense. Would a Democratic president have allowed travel to continue between Wuhan and the United States? If so, that is downright frightening.

So is there room to criticize? Sure. Trump shouldn't have been saying dumbass things early on. Furthermore, it's pretty clear (at least in retrospect) that testing wasn't handled well in the early phases. However, let's not go over the top with this. Overall, the US is dealing with this pretty well. In terms of cases per capita, growth, death rates, etc., we're doing better than many countries with government run healthcare systems that at least in theory should be better equipped to deal with this sort of thing.
I haven't engaged in a lot of Trump criticism over Coronavirus handling. Shrill partisan criticism irritates me whether from Trump haters or Trump and his allies.
I haven't engaged in a lot of Trump criticism over Coronavirus handling. Shrill partisan criticism irritates me whether from Trump haters or Trump and his allies.

My comments aren't directed at you. Sometimes you take the wrath I dish out on Democrats and the media.
We did not even consider going to war with Russia because the American people were burned out and wanted it all over, which was a major reason why we nuked Japan.

Conversation pretty much ends there.

Americans wanted out of the war as soon as humanly possible. Like a lot of people here, my dad served in WW2. Speaking to the generations ahead of him (grandparents, great uncles / aunts) they were very clear that the population as a whole wanted no part of any extension of the bloodshed and deaths suffered.
You don’t have to be a Democrat to understand Trump says stupid **** and will be criticized for saying stupid **** especially during a pandemic. And he should be held accountable for his remarks. But nice try.

Trump's "stupid ****" amounts to nothing. Put your anger toward China. They lied every step of the way and caused this to happen.
Trump's "stupid ****" amounts to nothing. Put your anger toward China. They lied every step of the way and caused this to happen.

It amounts to something. It sets a bad example, and it damaged his credibility. However, in context, I agree. China has truly been terrible on this, and they don't get anywhere near enough flack for it.

And I don't understand the dumbasses I see on Facebook suggesting that this is evidence that socialized medicine would be great. It's like they forgot that China has socialized medicine.
Conversation pretty much ends there.

Americans wanted out of the war as soon as humanly possible. Like a lot of people here, my dad served in WW2. Speaking to the generations ahead of him (grandparents, great uncles / aunts) they were very clear that the population as a whole wanted no part of any extension of the bloodshed and deaths suffered.
Russia would have been a fomidible adversary. They had more soldiers, more and better tanks and willingness to absorb millions in casualties. It would have been much harder than overwhelming the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese military.
Russia would have been a fomidible adversary. They had more soldiers, more and better tanks and willingness to absorb millions in casualties. It would have been much harder than overwhelming the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese military.

Soldiers and tanks aren't much help if half the guys operating them don't have any food and the other half glow in the dark. If we had tried to do what Hitler did, I would agree. However, if we had invaded in 1945, we would have been facing a largely decimated nation, because the Nazis had just gotten through bludgeoning them. We were worn down but nothing like that, and we wouldn't have hesitated to use nukes.
Time to consider a brief ‘holiday’ on evictions, foreclosures, and repossessions. The creditor will still ultimately still get all his $ but with a forbearance period. (Sharp operators will even use it as an opportunity to tack on some extra fees...). That 15 year mortgage doesn’t get paid for the next 2 months and turns into a 15 year + 2 month mortgage, etc. Many lenders will probably end up doing this on their own. Resources to evict, foreclose, and repo will run dry—or the people who do that dirty work will simply refuse to go out and get exposed to the virus.

Throwing millions out into the streets with all this going on may result in a breakdown of society and law and order.
Russia would have been a fomidible adversary. They had more soldiers, more and better tanks and willingness to absorb millions in casualties. It would have been much harder than overwhelming the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese military.
I enjoy considering this sort of stuff, but I've gotta disagree with you on this one.

Japan kicked the Russians' f@!&ing asses in at least two wars in the 20th Century. Completely embarrassed them and arguably led to the fall of the Imperial Czars. Russia had no navy to speak of, and what navy they sailed had a recent history of getting sunk by the Japanese. With no navy, how do you conquer an island nation? They didn't have our long range heavy bombers to blast them from the air either. Russia had better tanks than Japan, but not better than the German panzers. For some reason Japan never figured out tanks. Japan was the toughest, smartest, most determined, and (by far) the most fanatical enemy we faced in that war. They wiped Britain's *** off the East and Southeast Asian map with ease. We saved Australia (and NZ) in the Coral Sea. Nobody has ever conquered Japan until we came along. Our Chinese allies (both the KMT and the other big communists--Chairman Mao) ultimately pushed Japan back (some) with overwhelming numbers--much bigger numbers than even Russia had.

The point is, defeating Japan was a lot harder than beating Russia--if it ever came to that. Heck, Germany almost did it with a sorry game plan and a madman leader.
Russian warmaking capabilities were growing and their soldiers' abilities and confidence were awe inspiring. Overwhelming Russia with tons of nukes would have been a hard sell for the allies, especially after they ripped the guts out of the German ground forces. We faced nothing like the tanks and artillery the Russians destroyed on their way to Berlin.
Imagine hordes and hordes of people out of a job due to this virus. How do they eat? How do they care for their children?

Imagine it and then ask think about you opinion of the 2nd amendment in that context. Would it have been possible to disarm all those people in advance? Would you rather be armed yourself or trust that our laws will make you safe?
It amounts to something. It sets a bad example, and it damaged his credibility. However, in context, I agree. China has truly been terrible on this, and they don't get anywhere near enough flack for it.

And I don't understand the dumbasses I see on Facebook suggesting that this is evidence that socialized medicine would be great. It's like they forgot that China has socialized medicine.

I blame China, specifically the elite 1% directly responsible for the existence of the Wuhan wildlife market that bred this specific virus. This isn’t the first time this has happened in China wildlife markets, and the government shut them all down.

Then they opened them up again. Why?

Edit: wet markets are different from wildlife markets
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From a political standpoint, you are totally correct. We weren't willing to do it. I'm simply saying that we could have, and if we had, there's a good chance we'd be better off today.
Note the US Navy dumped a **** load of equipment into the ocean just to make extra room on the ships to accommodate soldiers returning from the pacific. That’s how politically unfavorable it was to stay there.
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Conversation pretty much ends there.

Americans wanted out of the war as soon as humanly possible. Like a lot of people here, my dad served in WW2. Speaking to the generations ahead of him (grandparents, great uncles / aunts) they were very clear that the population as a whole wanted no part of any extension of the bloodshed and deaths suffered.
To their credit, they were willing to see it through to the end and not entertain a settled peace. It’s a rational decision and reasonable position.
Russia would have been a fomidible adversary. They had more soldiers, more and better tanks and willingness to absorb millions in casualties. It would have been much harder than overwhelming the Nazis and the Imperial Japanese military.

Russia had no regard to their soldiers they would send unarmed soldiers at a machine gun nest just to take it when the gunners ran out of bullets. I don't consider that a great general. They beat back the Germans because of the Russian winter, German's were not prepared for it. The difference between us and the Germans was our ability to do a blitz with tanks. We would have been in Red square before the Russians could have mounted any serious response. Capture the Soviet leadership and with our 1,000 plain bombing raids and we are turning the USSR into a democratic state and all Communist would be hanging on trees.

As far as tanks go, Germany had the best tanks and we had just captured their Jet fighters. We get those plans and put them into production. There are no Russian tanks or Russian anything, Especially with us capturing the V2 rocket scientist.

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