
How could you not see it:

"It is this reorganization that critics have misconstrued or intentionally misrepresented," Morrison wrote.

It's remarkable how an industry like the media, despite employing a ton of "fact-checkers" have no qualms about repeating and regurgitating false narratives with no regard for accuracy or context.
This is where we can all take a lesson from Ford v. Ferrari.

When you take a highly specialized racing unit and say, “we’re making changes, firing your people, and putting you under the domestic sedan unit,” well, you end up losing Le Mans.

Morrison and Bolton are publicly arguing that they aren’t responsible for dismantling a highly praised pandemic team because they buried its mission under the auspices of an arms control and bioterror unit. Except those are security threats predicated upon predicting and remediating human state and non-state actors. Where, exactly, does a group born out of influenza responses fit?

Because when your leadership is a bioterrorism hammer, everything becomes a nail. This is how you end up with 800 scenarios for a nerve gas attack on public transit and 0 scenarios for dealing with an asymptomatic pneumoniatic flu.

Like the revolving door corporate hacks that they are, the administration made its cuts about “efficiency” rather than “results” and somehow has the gall to pretend they were right when the whole operation crashes around them. Diseases might come from bioterrorism, but they’re far more likely to come from the serendipity of mutation. If some entity were planning a bioterror attack, it would focus on agents that are highly lethal and, necessarily, not highly contagious — diseases can’t survive when they kill the host. This is precisely why an organization charged with gameplanning terrorist attacks is ill-suited to deal with traditional pandemics. The whole frame of reference is wrong.

Dissolving the team would have been bad, but what the administration actually did was far worse. What they actually did was slit the throat of America’s preparedness for an outbreak like this while convincing themselves they still had a plan. Senior administration officials honestly believed they had this covered by their cut-rate bioterror team. The whole operation revolves around the idea that there’s someone to attack, someone to blame, someone to fire. But there’s no villain here and they can’t seem to grasp what to do about that.

Donald Trump Didn’t Disband Pandemic Team, He Did Far Worse
There are those on this thread, whenever I see them post it looks like this.

blah blah blah anti-Trump stuff.
blah blah blah Trump is to blame
blah blah blah 50 million will die because of Trump
blah blah blah worst thing ever.

Not a set of balls among you lot. Please do us all a favor a grow a pair, if you can't do that then go hide under you blanket. I have never been a Trump fan, but you people have made me one.
Yep, I'm sure to you any evidence that any result of Trump's fart-in-a-hot-skillet decision making style is anything less that divinely inspired brilliance simply sounds like "blah, blah blah." I have a lot of friends who feel the same way. Any narrative like that simply doesn't make sense to them must be resultant of low testosterone. I can't argue with logic like that ... I mean I can't even find some logic to argue with.
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Yep, I'm sure to you any evidence that any result of Trump's fart-in-a-hot-skillet decision making style is anything less that divinely inspired brilliance simply sounds like "blah, blah blah." I have a lot of friends who feel the same way. Any narrative like that simply doesn't make sense to them must be resultant of low testosterone. I can't argue with logic like that ... I mean I can't even find some logic to argue with.

There is no logic why you have no balls, maybe it is genetic. Go cry in your pillow snowflake.
There is no logic why you have no balls, maybe it is genetic. Go cry in your pillow snowflake.
It's people like Austin Bill who were usually starting ish at the Blues Bar in Rentiesville, OK at 3:00AM in my formative years. They're all now on facebook going all MAGA and ridiculing any non MAGA folks as snowflakes and betas.
This is where we can all take a lesson from Ford v. Ferrari.

When you take a highly specialized racing unit and say, “we’re making changes, firing your people, and putting you under the domestic sedan unit,” well, you end up losing Le Mans.

Morrison and Bolton are publicly arguing that they aren’t responsible for dismantling a highly praised pandemic team because they buried its mission under the auspices of an arms control and bioterror unit. Except those are security threats predicated upon predicting and remediating human state and non-state actors. Where, exactly, does a group born out of influenza responses fit?

Because when your leadership is a bioterrorism hammer, everything becomes a nail. This is how you end up with 800 scenarios for a nerve gas attack on public transit and 0 scenarios for dealing with an asymptomatic pneumoniatic flu.

Like the revolving door corporate hacks that they are, the administration made its cuts about “efficiency” rather than “results” and somehow has the gall to pretend they were right when the whole operation crashes around them. Diseases might come from bioterrorism, but they’re far more likely to come from the serendipity of mutation. If some entity were planning a bioterror attack, it would focus on agents that are highly lethal and, necessarily, not highly contagious — diseases can’t survive when they kill the host. This is precisely why an organization charged with gameplanning terrorist attacks is ill-suited to deal with traditional pandemics. The whole frame of reference is wrong.

Dissolving the team would have been bad, but what the administration actually did was far worse. What they actually did was slit the throat of America’s preparedness for an outbreak like this while convincing themselves they still had a plan. Senior administration officials honestly believed they had this covered by their cut-rate bioterror team. The whole operation revolves around the idea that there’s someone to attack, someone to blame, someone to fire. But there’s no villain here and they can’t seem to grasp what to do about that.

Donald Trump Didn’t Disband Pandemic Team, He Did Far Worse
Reached for comment, a White House official said: “This is just another false story focused on rumors about palace intrigue instead of the actual aggressive measures President Trump has implemented to keep the American people safe and healthy.”
It's people like Austin Bill who were usually starting ish at the Blues Bar in Rentiesville, OK at 3:00AM in my formative years. They're all now on facebook going all MAGA and ridiculing any non MAGA folks as snowflakes and betas.
Your formative years help explain what was formed.:smile1:
Your formative years help explain what was formed.:smile1:
I rolled around in the parking lot with some guy who threw fireworks into our group. We were separated quickly. 3-4 years later he was on death row. Poor decisions were made after 3:00 AM at said blues establishment that was open until dawn and you could BYOB.
This breaks down about the way common sense would suggest
Dem voters in full panic mode
Rep voters assess the issue, conclude it is something we can handle easily if we don’t panic.

Axios polling shows Republican voters are almost 3X as likely as Democratic voters to say they’re “not very” or “not at all concerned” about the coronavirus.
Sure, but the Dems say we are all just whistling past the graveyard. We won't say anything against Trump because we are all robots programmed by Rush Limbaugh. Or something.
This is where we can all take a lesson from Ford v. Ferrari.

When you take a highly specialized racing unit and say, “we’re making changes, firing your people, and putting you under the domestic sedan unit,” well, you end up losing Le Mans.

Morrison and Bolton are publicly arguing that they aren’t responsible for dismantling a highly praised pandemic team because they buried its mission under the auspices of an arms control and bioterror unit. Except those are security threats predicated upon predicting and remediating human state and non-state actors. Where, exactly, does a group born out of influenza responses fit?

Because when your leadership is a bioterrorism hammer, everything becomes a nail. This is how you end up with 800 scenarios for a nerve gas attack on public transit and 0 scenarios for dealing with an asymptomatic pneumoniatic flu.

Like the revolving door corporate hacks that they are, the administration made its cuts about “efficiency” rather than “results” and somehow has the gall to pretend they were right when the whole operation crashes around them. Diseases might come from bioterrorism, but they’re far more likely to come from the serendipity of mutation. If some entity were planning a bioterror attack, it would focus on agents that are highly lethal and, necessarily, not highly contagious — diseases can’t survive when they kill the host. This is precisely why an organization charged with gameplanning terrorist attacks is ill-suited to deal with traditional pandemics. The whole frame of reference is wrong.

Dissolving the team would have been bad, but what the administration actually did was far worse. What they actually did was slit the throat of America’s preparedness for an outbreak like this while convincing themselves they still had a plan. Senior administration officials honestly believed they had this covered by their cut-rate bioterror team. The whole operation revolves around the idea that there’s someone to attack, someone to blame, someone to fire. But there’s no villain here and they can’t seem to grasp what to do about that.

Donald Trump Didn’t Disband Pandemic Team, He Did Far Worse

First, my article was ******** to you. Now, you acknowledge it but now buy into this article. You can't make this **** up. :lmao:
It's people like Austin Bill who were usually starting ish at the Blues Bar in Rentiesville, OK at 3:00AM in my formative years. They're all now on facebook going all MAGA and ridiculing any non MAGA folks as snowflakes and betas.

But you are snowflakes and betas, and I don't have a facebook page, nor do I have a Linkedin, my space or any other social media page.

I can honestly say I've never been in a bar fight, I have been in several fights, just never in a bar. As far as MAGA, I just want to keep America from turning into the the USSR.
But you are snowflakes and betas, and I don't have a facebook page, nor do I have a Linkedin, my space or any other social media page.

I can honestly say I've never been in a bar fight, I have been in several fights, just never in a bar. As far as MAGA, I just want to keep America from turning into the the USSR.
Me too. Well, that or an oligopoly like the current state of Russia.

I've been in too many fights to not be a that of a good fighter. I never started things but wouldn't take crap from people either. I should have learned that discretion was the better part of valor.
It's remarkable how an industry like the media, despite employing a ton of "fact-checkers" have no qualms about repeating and regurgitating false narratives with no regard for accuracy or context.
I don't think it is remarkable at all when you look at it from the perspective of incentives. "The media" today is largely a business that is selling drama and fear because people eat that up (why, I don't know) and it gets eyeballs and clicks which means revenue. Truth and facts don't enter into the equation at all for many of these orgs, they are incentivized to make money.
Me too. Well, that or an oligopoly like the current state of Russia.

I've been in too many fights to not be a that of a good fighter. I never started things but wouldn't take crap from people either. I should have learned that discretion was the better part of valor.

Have you been to Russia, I was there in 2015. Good people, and very kind once you get to know them. But they have some serious government issues. (as most of us are aware). I was invited to an English class to help Russians learn English, it was a very informal class where the goal was just conversation. We were having a really good time when a young tall bald guy walks in, at that moment everyone got quiet. He just sat there and listened. Well, I tried to talk to him, he wouldn't say a word to me. When he left people started talking again. That was when I realized he was police.

My ex is Russian, as she says, Russians have been slaves for over 1,000 years, they know no other way than to be dominated by the state.

In many ways Russia has become more capitalistic than the US. However they aren't free. They are smart, well educated but they aren't free. I'd even say the average Russian is better educated than the average American, but we understand freedom much more than they do. They want freedom, but they have no way to get it.

Socialist like Bernie, wants to buy your freedom with the thought of free education and money for everyone. The cost is personal freedom. To those who have nothing it sounds good, but to me it sounds like another name for slavery.
China starts corona vaccine testing. Bioweapons lab developed it. Chen Wei, known as the "Ebola Terminator" and a general in the army is the lead developer. She also seems (my interpretation) to suggest it was developed as a weapon and brags that shows how technically developed China is.

Makes you wonder if they had the vaccine before the virus was released. they don't mind killing off a few thousand citizens if they get economic chaos in the West. I'll put my foil hat back on now.

Coronavirus vaccine developed by China's top military bio-warfare expert begins clinical trial | Daily Mail Online
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Gov Cuomo is giving a presser.
He is very appreciative of what Trump has done and is doing.
And Cuomo is making a great deal of common sense.
Who would have thunk it?
China starts corona vaccine testing. Bioweapons lab developed it. Chen Wei, known as the "Ebola Terminator" and a general in the army is the lead developer. She also seems (my interpretation) to suggest it was developed as a weapon and brags that shows how technically developed China is.

Makes you wonder if they had the vaccine before the virus was released. they don't mind killing off a few thousand citizens if they get economic chaos in the West. I'll put my foil hat back on now.

Coronavirus vaccine developed by China's top military bio-warfare expert begins clinical trial | Daily Mail Online

We should have crushed them back in 1953. The world would be better off today.

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