
Liz Waren said yesterday on MSNBC that if Trump and McConnell don't start acting on the coronavirus outbreak now we are in real trouble.

She is done. She is back in her little patch of ground. She was put in her place. Her ego is so massive and full of delusion that she thinks she's still relevant. She isn't. The media made her relevant. The media and the Liberal haters of Trump. I'm so glad she's out of it.
Dude, I'm basing it on the fact that the virus is spreading in places that are not cool at the present time - Miami is a good example. I thought the same thing before (back on probably page 7 or so) so I'm not being political about it.

What website are you viewing? Just wanted to see what you were seeing.

And I guess we need to define "heat." 75? 80? 85? etc....
What website are you viewing? Just wanted to see what you were seeing.

And I guess we need to define "heat." 75? 80? 85? etc....
I'm not even real sure. I just know that I was not happy when I saw cases in Miami, Singapore, Malaysia, etc. were increasing. I'd heard that 77 was the magic temp that would kill this thing. But that was from my wife the liberal arts major.
Tom Hanks was infected in Australia... Late summer in a hot climate. But person to person.. could happen anywhere. Still hopeful heat will impact community spread.
Really need to refine the ‘heat’ comment to weather because heat itself definitely has an effect on covid-19 and any virus.
And to lighten things a bit. It’s Johns Hopkins, not John Hopkins Mr Crockett. I get that a lot from my granddaughter whose a graduate. :smile1:
Really need to refine the ‘heat’ comment to weather because heat itself definitely has an effect on covid-19 and any virus.
And to lighten things a bit. It’s Johns Hopkins, not John Hopkins Mr Crockett. I get that a lot from my granddaughter whose a graduate. :smile1:

Of course, as a Johns Hopkins alumna, she would know to say "who's a graduate", not "whose a graduate". :smile1:
What website are you viewing? Just wanted to see what you were seeing.

And I guess we need to define "heat." 75? 80? 85? etc....
The only study I've seen (I'm sure there are others) suggests that weather is a significant factor in the spread rate. Link. This doesn't mean spring / summer will stop coronovirus, but hopefully it will slow it down.
I would laugh at the media who keep asking why what Trump is saying today is not the same as what he and his professionals said 2 weeks ago.
Either they are really stupid OR they think it is a way to try to discredit it Trump

media is also making fun of the clothes the Professionals behind Trump are wearing.
Geez louise
Speaking of that, our resident libertarians have been strangely silent through this crisis. I'm sure those voices will be back once the deadly contagion is safely brought under control.

So the National Review (yes, its still around) actually has a new piece on this very topic, by Jason Richwine

"As I see it, libertarians who have no plans for enforcement can oppose the entry of terrorists and disease-carriers *in theory* all they like, but in practice they have no objection."

Libertarians for Border Security? | National Review

Or see Do Pandemics Strengthen the Case for Restricting Immigration?
Yesterday the first clinical "Phase 1" trials began for a coronavirus vaccine.
— 65 days after obtaining the sequence, "which I believe is the record," says Dr. Fauci.

Did I write John Hopkins? I know better, but admit knowing better doesn't always mean I do better. Congrats Nashorn to you and your granddaughter. Johns Hopkins is a Great University!
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Louie Gohmert is holding up the econ stimulus bill. The Horror.
To read it
Trump Says Virus Relief Bill May Be Amended, Delaying Passage
Gotta agree with Louie on this one. Hopefully, the Senate will get rid of the inefficiencies and greater regulatory costs foisted on businesses with HR6102.

The Feds did say taxes, with a couple exceptions, won’t have to be paid April 15. We get a free ride for 90 days. Still need to file return. however.
Yesterday the first clinical "Phase 1" trials began for a coronavirus vaccine.
— 65 days after obtaining the sequence, "which I believe is the record," says Dr. Fauci.

Who opposes vaccinating everyone from NY/NJ with this, just to see what happens on a large scale?
The hand sanitizer and toilet paper issues come down to a supply and demand balance thrown out whack by people who bought massive amounts to resell at considerable profit. The New York Times did a piece on a guy who went all over Kentucky buying out all the hand sanitizer at major and minor retaers. He has inventory of 17000 bottles, but can't sell it because of AMAZON policies against price gouging.
HAD an inventory...and the Tennessee Attorney General played a big role in shutting him down and effectively confiscating the stash.
UW is doing 2000 tests per day in Washington. Only 6.5% positive. Which means there is too much, not too little testing. Equivalent to TP hoarding.
Stats in Texas as of noon today had a total of about 1260 tested, with 64 positive/presumptive positive and only one death.

Meanwhile...15 deaths from pediatric flu.

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