
Interesting new dynamics going on.
My teenage son works at Best Buy and he said that due to the work from home push they quickly sold out of monitors, keyboards and mice. I imagine printers and scanners will go quickly as well.
We are seeing the biggest work from home experiment ever, and I suspect that when thing calm down a lot of companies will choose to stay with it. If so, that’s a big cost savings on office space, parking, commutes, etc.
I met with a new client this morning and we laughed about not shaking hands, maybe we will bump elbows next time. Hand shaking is actually a pretty bad idea anyway from a hygiene standpoint.

I just got back from Home Depot. It was packed like sardines. I had to fight for a parking spot and then fight for a cart. As crowded as Ive ever seen it.
Maybe everyone is building bunkers?
I saw Coronavirus porn A friend of mine told me that Coronavirus porn is a real thing. Girls were having sex on top of toilet paper and everything.
All the stores need to raise their prices 50%-100%. That will make sure people quit buying out whole stores. The hysteria just makes all of this more painful. If demand is this high the price should go up.
All the stores need to raise their prices 50%-100%. That will make sure people quit buying out whole stores. The hysteria just makes all of this more painful. If demand is this high the price should go up.
The best way to allocate scarce goods is price. If price is too low, the good is wasted (either directly by not using it wisely or indirectly by hoarding it).
Tell us more about the benefits of price gauging, Professor.
Just raise prices slowly, say 10% each day until equilibrium is reached. It doesn’t have to be gouging. We raised price of fish dinners (charity event) by $2 and the number of plates sold went from 1100 to 800 for a 2 hr period. The higher number wasn’t sustainable. Both quality and profit improved. Low prices isn’t necessarily good.
Is Economics no longer taught in school? Seriously, this is high school macro economics. Price adjust to an equilibrium so that supply meets demand.

Liberals have no concept of anything, maybe they do need communism so they can have a government control everything for them.

My ex-mother-in-law was a hard core communist. She joined the party in the USSR in order to secure a job and a better apartment for her family. For the communist in the USSR they were given these coupons and with them they would buy limited supply commodities like flour, corn, sugar, toilet paper etc. The more kids you had, the more coupons you got. In order to get more coupons families would loan out their kids to their neighbors.

She thought we Americans were a soft people who didn't know what adversity was. I think she was right. I miss her, I never met a tougher woman in my life, she was known back in Russia as Lenin in a skirt.

Yer kids?
Regardless of where you come down on the toilet paper price controls v. free market pricing debate, the fact that we're having to have such a debate is a monument to our collective stupidity. Even people in countries that are under the most onerous lock-down restrictions (like Italy) can very readily get toilet paper. There is absolutely no rational reason to fear that toilet paper accessibility will become an issue as a result of the virus or the attempts to quell the virus. If it does become an issue, it'll be because of idiots buying it all out, not the virus.
The hand sanitizer and toilet paper issues come down to a supply and demand balance thrown out whack by people who bought massive amounts to resell at considerable profit. The New York Times did a piece on a guy who went all over Kentucky buying out all the hand sanitizer at major and minor retaers. He has inventory of 17000 bottles, but can't sell it because of AMAZON policies against price gouging.

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