
An asian American White House reporter for CBS told Trump someone at the WH called it Kung Flu to her face. He asked her who. She did not answer.
Now KelleyAnne has called on her to name the person saying how wrong it was.
We will see if the reporter will name the person who said it. No reason not to. It is not like the reporter is protecting a source.

I think Kung Flu is funny.
AB? Who did we capture? I thought both the V2 guy and Von Braun came here willingly

Keep in mind that after Germany surrendered, it became a race to get to the German Scientist. Soviets took as many as they could get their hands on, and many fled to the Americans and Brits. We got Von Braun, and several others including the guy that invented the fuel for the V2 and the guy that was responsible for the HE 178, the first jet plane. We called it Operation Paperclip.

Soviets got several as well, as their weapons technology took a mighty leap forward after WWII.
Russian warmaking capabilities were growing and their soldiers' abilities and confidence were awe inspiring. Overwhelming Russia with tons of nukes would have been a hard sell for the allies, especially after they ripped the guts out of the German ground forces. We faced nothing like the tanks and artillery the Russians destroyed on their way to Berlin.

We wouldn't have just started nuking cities. We would have used them in the field of battle against those tanks. Combine that with a lack of food and supplies and the lost US support (which was substantial), and they would have folded. It wouldn't have happened overnight, but it would have happened.

And we just assume that the people in Eastern Europe and Western Soviet republics like Ukraine would have stayed loyal to Stalin. That's highly questionable. They mostly did against Hitler, but that was a life or death situation. Hitler was coming to colonize and to enslave or kill the existing populations. He wrote a book about it. They knew the consequences of losing to him. The United States truly liberated the countries it invaded in WWII. Big difference.

I do agree that the public wouldn't have gone along. That is true, but that's a political problem, not a military capability problem.
Speaking of that, our resident libertarians have been strangely silent through this crisis. I'm sure those voices will be back once the deadly contagion is safely brought under control.

Just three days ago, there were no libertarians to be found anywhere

But today they seem to be stepping back out of the shadows. Suddenly we have
-- a need to suspend occupational licensing restrictions
-- the need to stop all enforcement of victimless crimes, and
-- of course a need to legalize restaurants selling cocktails to-go for home delivery by Uber drivers
Total San Antonio Corona cases jumped up by 11 overnight. 14 yesterday and now 25 cases. Most from overseas travel or contact with people back from overseas travel, but 3 mystery cases, which is probably the start of "community spreading".
I’m happy you’re back. I haven’t seen you posting much since the unfortunate “It’s just a cold” posting.

Back for more?
Yes, I have been working my *** off to save jobs from the hysteria. It is a cold, but we have chosen to destroy the economy to save compromised people from this virus. The cure will be worse than the virus itself.
Adults wishing others would die are sick people. Trump is not Hitler. NOT. EVEN. CLOSE. It's sick to make the comparison. And yet they have deluded themselves so much (because they are sick people) that they believe they are fighting Nazi's. They're not. They are fighting against their inability to cope with reality and their narcissistic egomania. They think they want freedom; they don't. They want totalitarianism because an all powerful central government combined with communist style block captains (the virtue signaling fascists who actively look to destroy all those who are politically incorrect as THEY define it) is what makes their delusions real. They are the true enemy of this country.

That is why Trump must win.
It isn't just Wilson that needs a visit ftom karma. There are a number of Dems and haters wishing death on Trump Trump supporters and Republicans.
Dude, I'm basing it on the fact that the virus is spreading in places that are not cool at the present time - Miami is a good example. I thought the same thing before (back on probably page 7 or so) so I'm not being political about it.

Just ran across this article:

A Deadly Coronavirus Mix in Florida: An Aging Population and Lots of Young Visitors

"MIAMI — At the Florida community of The Villages, the retirement capital of America and the place with the nation’s highest concentration of older people, only 33 people have been tested for the coronavirus.

In the Florida Keys, swamped with young spring breakers and travelers from around the world, just 16 people had been tested by Monday night. Ten of Florida’s 67 counties have tested no one at all.

A disease that is deadly to the elderly and easily spread by the young has left Florida especially vulnerable.
Yes, I have been working my *** off to save jobs from the hysteria. It is a cold, but we have chosen to destroy the economy to save compromised people from this virus. The cure will be worse than the virus itself.
You must be terribly frustrated that your President is taking all these really retarded measures to sabotage the USA. All because some embarrassingly stupid people, who say they graduated college, deny all the available science and claim this virus is NOT the cold.
You must be terribly frustrated that your President is taking all these really retarded measures to sabotage the USA. All because some embarrassingly stupid people, who say they graduated college, deny all the available science and claim this virus is NOT the cold.

All of this is evidence that you are hopelessly political and mentally impaired. Seriously. It's not impressive at all. Nobody here is denying science.
It is not racist to call out the Chinese. And those LIBERALS who are attacking those who RIGHTFULLY call out behavior that is proven to be unhygienic and reckless are sick. They are so consumed with their virtue signaling that they would stand there and allow the Chinese to continue the same behavior because to challenge them is unholy. The anti-racism religion is a cult and has destroyed their minds. COMPLETELY.
I cannot understand how anyone allows their hatred of any President to overwhelm their concern for the well being of their fellow man in the face of an epidemic.

If you have a better solution, then get your *** to DC and implement it. We'll save your place on HornFans until you solve the problem and get back.

When Trump announced he was running, I was asked what I thought, and I replied, "He's a clown". Why is that clown our president? Because the Democrats were too stupid to groom and have ready a decent candidate. So all their whining and bitching falls at their own feet. Here we are four years later and they still have no qualified candidate.

Fix it or get out of the way since if you were qualified you would obviously be working at Johns Hopkins, John Sealy, or Parkland.
Update (1215ET): An FDA spokesperson has just contradicted the president's claim that the agency had approved a malaria medicine for the treatment of Covid-19. According to the spokesman, who was speaking to a reporter via phone, no approval has been given.

Why does the press do this? It’s obvious the FDA spokesman is out the loop, and for good reason. The administration has been burned multiple times because of dishonest leakers.

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